1000字范文 > 觉悟 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

觉悟 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-28 10:23:10


觉悟 consciousness英语短句 例句大全



1.It s familiar to each one who works on ideology and politics ofconsciousness.“觉悟”一词对每一个从事思想政治工作的人来说并不陌生 ,但深究“觉悟”本质涵义的人却寥寥无几 ,在现实中 ,人们常常以“口头禅”的的形式对“觉悟”一词加以引用。


1.At last he saw the light.他终于觉悟过来了。

2.Apart from our own political consciousness, the political consciousness of the vanguard of the proletariat, there is the question of the political consciousness of the masses of the people.除了我们的觉悟,无产阶级先锋队的觉悟问题以外,还有一个人民群众的觉悟问题。

3.Without the people"s awareness, family planning can hardly be practised.没有人民的觉悟,计划生育很难实施。

4.Today the level of political consciousness in our Party is very much higher.现在党的觉悟程度已经大大地提高了。

5.What we are doing now is persuading them to wake up.我们现在就是劝他们觉悟过来。

6.We are willing to wait till they come to reason.我们愿意等到他们觉悟过来。

7.It is time for these people to wake up.现在这些人应该觉悟过来了。

8.They grew rapidly in political understanding.他们的政治觉悟有了迅速的提高。

9.Third, the people of the whole country have heightened their political awareness.第三,提高了全国人民的政治觉悟。

10.trying to make the workers more politically conscious努力提高工人的政治觉悟

11.We hope he"ll come to his senses and correct his mistakes.我们希望他能觉悟,改正错误。

12.We hope he "ll come to his sense and correct his mistake我们希望他能觉悟,改正错误

13.We hope she"ll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.我们希望她能觉悟过来, 改正错误。

14.We should understand this and bear it in mind.我们要有这个觉悟,要有这个认识。

15.They must awake to the fact that failure means disgrace.他们必须觉悟到失败即是耻辱的事实。

16.The Supplement Juewu and the Dissemination of Marxism in China;《觉悟》副刊与马克思主义在中国的传播

17.LI Ru-zhen Allegory and Consciousness:Redefinition of Jing Hua Yan;李汝珍的自寓与觉悟——《镜花缘》新论

18.On that momentous night when Buddha attained enlightenment, it is said that he went through several different stages of awakening.在佛陀证悟之夜,据说他历经了好几个不同的觉悟阶段。


consciousness of sth;awareness觉察;觉悟

3)teachers" awareness教师觉悟

4)intuitive and sudden understanding直觉顿悟

5)political awareness政治觉悟

1.The Independent War also offered women good chances for better education, and awakening theirpolitical awareness, which help people further understand the maternal value.独立战争还给妇女们提供了接受良好教育的机会,唤醒了她们的政治觉悟,使人们对母性的价值有了进一步的认识,人们开始强调妇女的母德。


1.This article is concerned with some investigation and research on the psychological factors,mental perception and memory,thought and imagination,aesthetic experience,intuition,willpower to practice,etc.影响和支配音乐创作主体的心理因素有感知记忆、思维想像、审美体验、直觉感悟、实践意志等。


