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自觉意识 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-29 12:55:22


自觉意识 consciousness英语短句 例句大全



1.Primitiveconsciousness that the rock painting reflects──Thinking again of the artistic origin;岩画体现的原始人类的自觉意识──艺术起源的再思考

2.It stimulates women sconsciousness,enhances women s self-awareness and improves wome.这种社会意义表现在依次递进的三个方面:激发女性的自觉意识、强化女性的自主意识和提升女性的主体意识,它们有效地提高了女性的自我意识,最终达到促进妇女价值和潜能实现的目的。


1.Confession consciousness is rooted in Christianism.忏悔意识,是人对自我价值的认识,是人的自觉意识。

2.An Inspection Of The Reason Caused self-awareness Of Scholars And Gentry Group to Be Formed in Eastern Han Dynasty;东汉士人群体自觉意识形成原因考察

3.On the Body Consciousness in Tie Ning′s Novels;正视与倾听——铁凝小说的身体自觉意识

4.Determining the Nature of “the War Along the Feishui River”from the Angle of Nationality Consciousness;从民族自觉意识看“淝水之战”性质问题

5.Morality education should lay stress ondeveloping students sense of consciousness;道德教育应注重学生自觉意识的培养

6.The Literary Self-Consciousness Reflected in the Book of Songs--Re-discussion on the Division of Origin of Literary Self-consciousness;《诗经》中折射出的文学自觉意识——再议文学自觉时代起讫划分

7.The conflict between the feminine consciousness and the masculine supremacy in British writing of drama "Women Laughing;英国戏剧作品《笑口女人》中女性自觉意识与男性至上意识的碰撞

8.A Study on the Primary School Students Self-awareness of Life Based on the School Life;基于学校生活的小学生生命自觉意识研究

9.source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉

10.One can"t say it is a true awaking of environmental awareness.谈不上是自然意识的真正觉醒。

11.endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness.被赋予感觉和自由的意识。

12.The Perception and Consciousness of the Meanings of Life in Ancient Poems 19;古诗十九首中生命意识的感知与自觉

13.A Research into the Developmental Characteristics of Self-concept of Hearing Impaired Children and the Corresponding Educational Strategies;听觉障碍儿童自我意识发展特点研究

14.Live for the Liberty──On the Female Subjectivity in The Awakening;为自由而生──评《觉醒》中的女性主体意识

15.Representing the Orientation of Advanced Culture" and Consciously Cultural Ideology;“代表先进文化方向”与自觉的文化意识

16.A Penetrating Analysis of Female Sex Self - consciousness in Female Literature;从女性文学透视女性性别意识的自觉

17.The Chinese Earlier Period Woman Writer Autobiography Writes and It Text Consciousness of Aware of Self;中国早期女作家自传写作及其文类意识的自觉

18.Suspension of consciousness in order to express subconscious ideas and feelings.自动主义暂时抑制有意识的思想活动,以表达下意识的思想和感觉



3)Awareness of Training自觉锻炼意识

1.Cultivation of College StudentsAwareness of Training Through Physical Education;大学生在体育教学中自觉锻炼意识的培养

4)human"s consciousness人的自觉意识

5)consciousness of feminine realization女性自觉意识

6)the self-awareness of life生命自觉意识


