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自由自觉 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-15 18:03:19


自由自觉 consciousness英语短句 例句大全



1.From spontaneity toconsciousness——On the transformation of teachers way of life in China;从自在自发到自由自觉——我国教师生存方式的转型


1.From spontaneity to consciousness--On the transformation of teachers way of life in China;从自在自发到自由自觉——我国教师生存方式的转型

2.Evolution of Cultural Self-Organization Mechanism and Generation Development of Free Conscious Subject文化自组织机制的演化与自由自觉主体的生成发展

3.Fly Dreams in the Mire: Freedom; Consciousness; Inferiority; Self-destruction;梦想在泥泞中放飞:自由·自觉·自卑·自毁


5.Now that I"ve got my divorce I feel as free as a bird.由于我已经离婚,我觉得自由自在了。

6.Now that I"ve got my divorce, I feel as free as a bird.由于我已经离婚, 我觉得自由自在了。

7.liberty of thought and feeling;思想和感觉的自由;

8.source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉

9.He felt himself at last absolutely free.他终于觉得自己完全自由了。

10.They live in a free country, but they do not feel free.他们生活在自由的国家,但却感觉不到自由。

11.She lives in a free country, but she does not feel free.她生活在自由的国家,但却感觉不到自由。

12.Zhou Ming: I have a sense of free, and limitlessness, and I can say what I want to say.周明:感觉自由自在的,没有任何约束,畅所欲言。

13.Free Competition and Self-Control in Job Allocation for College Graduates;高校毕业生职业配置中的自由竞争与自觉调控

14." Being underwater you get a sense of freedom.“在水下你会有一种自由的感觉。

15.Love of liberty is the predominant feeling of many people.爱好自由是多数人最深切的感觉。

16.kick up one"s heels; excited(因自由行动、奔跑而)觉高兴、兴奋

17.Col.Lei felt more at home on these subjects and threw his reserve to the winds.现在,雷参谋觉得发言很自由了。

18.endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness.被赋予感觉和自由的意识。


freedom and consciousness自由自觉性

3)free and conscious activities自由自觉活动

4)value of freedom and consciousness自觉自由价值

1.This article defines human values as following three types: metaphysics value, practice value,value of freedom and consciousness.文章还从这一根据出发 ,把人的价值分为人的形上价值、实践价值和自觉自由价值。


1.The long prevailing statement of "theself-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature" is theoretically based on such notions as "pure literature," "the awakening of humans," and "aestheticism," which are all the products from the western modernity.文学史上流行已久的"魏晋文学自觉论",其理论支撑不外乎"纯文学"、"人的觉醒"以及"审美"等概念,而这些概念无一例外都是西方现代性的产物。

2.In the activity of history creation,there are two forms: spontaneity andself-consciousness.人们创造历史的活动有两种形式:自发和自觉。


1.The Strategy of the Activating theSelf-conscious an Independence of the Student s English Study;激活学生外语学习自觉性与自主感的策略


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
