1000字范文 > 主体自觉 subject consciousness英语短句 例句大全

主体自觉 subject consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-17 05:30:08


主体自觉 subject consciousness英语短句 例句大全

主体自觉,subject consciousness

1)subject consciousness主体自觉

1.And which mainly means the forming period ofsubject consciousness.同时,这也意味着汉末作家的主体自觉意识最终走向成熟。

2.The spirit of "subject consciousness" was the soul of Zhedong Culture in the dynasties of Ming and Qing.主体自觉是明清时期浙东文化的灵魂,不仅表现于对人的身心解放的领悟上,也体现在对人生自我价值的追求上,浙东文化各个历史阶段代表人物对这种主体意识的把握,不仅使其在文化载体上显示出时代特征,而且以之为核心的文化意蕴成了流传不衰、极为宝贵的人文精神,值得我们去探索与研究。


1.The Modern Merit of Confucian Subjectivity Moral Thought of Consciousness in Moral Education;儒家道德主体自觉论思想的德育价值

2.Examining Subjective Consciousness of Chinese Culture from the Perspective of Global Culture Integration从全球文化融合看中华文化的主体自觉

3.From Dependence to the Enlightenment of Autonomy --How Does the Studies for Chinese Philosophy Return to Itself?;从“依傍”走向主体自觉——中国哲学史研究何以回归其自身

4.Enhance the Spirit of Patriotism, Collectivism, and Socialism;自觉弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想

5.A Study on the Communication Subject"s Creative Consciousness with Verbal Language;有声语言传播主体创作自觉问题研究

6.Rational consciousness of female subject in women s liberation;妇女解放进程中女性主体的理性自觉

7.Live for the Liberty──On the Female Subjectivity in The Awakening;为自由而生──评《觉醒》中的女性主体意识

8.The practice of reproducing subjects as precisely as possible in the visual arts.自然视觉主义在视觉艺术中尽可能准确地复制物体的实践

9.Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed.只有纳税主体的自觉配合才能使税收制度成功。

10.Environment Recognition of Autonomous Navigation Vehicles Based on Binocular Stereo Vision;基于双目立体视觉的自主导航车运行环境识别

11.On the Administration by law;行政主体在行政管理中必须自觉坚持依法行政

12.A Study on the Cultural Consciousness and the Construction of Core Value System;论文化自觉与社会主义核心价值体系的构建

13.Strengthening the Main Body of Running a College Should Become a Voluntary Starting Point of Campus Culture;增强办学主体性应成为校园文化自觉的出发点

14.On Cao Pei s "Wenqishuo;作家主体精神的自觉与发扬——论曹丕的“文气说”

15.On Constructing Socialist Central Merit System with Culture-awareness以文化自觉推进社会主义核心价值体系的建设

16.Evolution of Cultural Self-Organization Mechanism and Generation Development of Free Conscious Subject文化自组织机制的演化与自由自觉主体的生成发展

17.From Dependence to Independence :the historical track of modern Chinese women s awakening of the principal consciousness;从依附走向自主:近代中国女性主体意识觉醒的历史轨迹

18.Teachers Self-consciousness and Self-advancement in Education Project;教师作为教育行动研究主体的意识自觉与自我发展


human subjects with consciousness自觉主体

1.This article, based on the investigation of different subject development stages, such as subjects originally in the universe, subjects in the form of lives andhuman subjects with consciousness, subjects development mechanism and subject development momentum, reveals that in the evolution process of both biology and culture, how to get rid of communication barrier and trus.文章通过对天体自发主体、生命自为主体和人类自觉主体等不同主体发展阶段,发生机制和发展动力的考察,揭示了无论在生物进化还是在文化进化中,如何克服沟通障碍和信任障碍始终是非零和动力所面临的两大问题。

3)subject conscious主体性自觉

4)the subjective consciousness of the Chinese culture文化主体自觉

5)subjectivity moral thought of consciousness道德主体自觉

1.They regard individual morality as the social bass,and thye believe the moral level of individual was decided by the moral consciousness of individuals,which formed the characteristic Confuciansubjectivity moral thought of consciousness.儒家一贯重视道德主体的个人,将个人的道德状况视为社会的根本,并认为个人的道德水准取决于道德主体的自觉程度,形成了颇具特色的道德主体自觉论思想。

6)conscious historical subject自觉历史主体

1.Socialist market economic system necessitatesconscious historical subjects with humanistic spirit,yet the abuse of Company Law personality is a transmutation of theconscious historical subjects.社会主义市场经济体制需要具有人文精神的自觉历史主体 ,而公司法人格滥用是这种自觉历史主体的嬗变 ,所以 ,必须建立相应的法律措施和道德人格屏


