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意识 Consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 00:21:33


意识 Consciousness英语短句 例句大全



1.A Tentative Analysis to the Ancient Chinese GreeningConsciousness on Mount Taishan;略论古人的泰山绿化意识

2.Analysis on the Relation between theConsciousness Recovery and Physical Security for Abortion Patients after Anesthesia with Propofol and Fentanyl;麻醉镇痛人工流产术后意识恢复与人身安全关系的分析


1.Individual Unconsciousness,Collective Unconsciousness and Social Unconsciousness个体无意识·集体无意识·社会无意识

2.An excellent literary supplement editor should possess such consciousness as scheming consciousness、 creative consciousness、 polity consciousness、 aesthetic consciousness and devoted consciousness.优秀的文艺副刊编辑应具各策划意识、新意识、品意识、美意识、梯意识。

3.The four ingredients of consciousness are awareness of consciousness,content of consciousness,intentionality of consciousness,and affection of consciousness.意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。

4.unconscious intentionality无意识意向性 潜意识意向性

5.Full consciousness or conscious dreaming and intent are synonymous.“全意识”、有意识地梦想”和“意想”是同义的。

6.Our mind is divided in two parts; Conscious mind & subconscious mind.我们的意识划分为两部分:显意识及潜意识。

7.Marx’s philosophical,scientific and historical consciousness;马克思的哲学意识、科学意识及历史意识

8.(followed by `to" or `of") aware of.(后跟‘to’或‘of’)意识到的。

9.1. Enhancing the sense of creativeness.一、增强开拓意识。

10.useful consciousness time有效意识时间 有效意识时间

11.At times this kind of generation consciousness is even sharper than class consciousness.有时,这种年辈意识比阶级意识更鲜明。

12.unconscious sense of guilt潜意识罪恶感 潜意识罪恶感

13.(physiology) without volition or conscious control.(生理学)不是有意识或有意识的控制。

14.Four Characteristics of the Trade-off Phenomenon Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness意识和无意识权衡现象的四个特征

15.focus of action awareness动作意识焦点 动作意识焦点

16.Relating to or located at the fringe of consciousness.与意识边缘有关的,或在意识边缘的

17.Of or relating to ideology.意识形态的或与意识形态有关的

18.To strengthen law-abiding and social ethics awareness社会守法意识、公德意识有待增强



1.Further Enhancement ofAwareness of Preserving the Biological Evidence;进一步加强生物物证检材保全的意识

2.The investigation of children awareness of eye disease in Changji prefecture in Xinjiang.;新疆昌吉地区儿童眼病意识调查分析

3.On theAwareness of Landscape Architecture and Architectural Landscapes;试论建筑的景观意识与景观的建筑意识


1.Discussion on the five kinds ofsenses of the assistant manager in nursing department;护理部助理员应具备的5种意识

2.Developing education and establishment of fivesenses for police;养成教育与牢固树立公安民警的五种意识


1.The core value system of socialism is an integral part of socialismideology.社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的一部分,从意识对物质的依赖性上看,其作为一种客观意识必然对社会主义物质生活条件有很强的依赖性,社会主义物质实践是它存在和发展的基础与动力。

2.In the new era,in order to keep advancement for the members of the Communist Party,we must inherit and develop the Long March Spirit,stick to our ideal and faith,stick to our principle and massideology,stick to theideology of hard-working,sacrifice as well as consolidation and discipline.在新时期,保持党员的先进性,必须继承和发扬长征精神,坚定理想信念,坚定宗旨意识和群众意识,坚定艰苦奋斗意识和奉献意识,坚定团结意识和纪律意识。

3.In 1930 s China s left wing film puts emphasis onideology,seeks social integration and analysis and explores national styles.20世纪30年代中国左翼电影以对思想意识性的注重、对社会整体性和社会分析性的追求、对质朴的民族化风格的探究,形成了其基本美学特征,创构了自己独特的现实———理性景观。


1.The Effect of Unconscious Retrieval in Sentences Context;句子语境信息下无意识贡献的作用机制

2.The follow five aspects,which include improving quality,strengthening twoconscious,grasping three taches,consolidating four measures and doing five things industrious,can give useful guidance to actual supervision.只有从抓住一个中心、增强两大意识、把握三个环节、强化四个手段、做到五个勤字这五个方面入手,才能做好监理工作。

6)IT consciousnessIT意识


