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评价意识 evaluation consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 03:19:44


评价意识 evaluation consciousness英语短句 例句大全

评价意识,evaluation consciousness

1)evaluation consciousness评价意识

1.It mainly includes subject consciousness, goal consciousness, productive consciousness,evaluation consciousness, consciousness of resources development.课程意识是课程实施者对课程系统的基本认识,是对课程设计与实施的基本反映,它主要包括主体意识、目标意识、生成意识、评价意识、资源开发意识五个方面。


1.Promoting Teacher s Textbook Appraisal Consciousness:Guaranteeing Textbook Quality;提升教师教科书评价意识保障教科书质量

2.The Feasibility Research of Training Students Self-appraisal Standard in the Teaching Lessons of Table-tennis Skills;乒乓球教学课中培养学生自我评价意识的探讨

3." Judging others is often an unconscious habit.”评价别人经常是一个无意识的习惯。

4.Judging others is often an unconscious habit.评价别人经常是一个无意识的习惯。

5.The Measurement and Evaluation of Taxi Driver Safety Consciousness;出租车驾驶员安全意识的测量与评价

prehensive Evaluation Research on the Environmental Awareness of the College Students in Beijing;北京市大学生环境意识综合评价研究

7.On Awareness and Behavior of Energy Conservation for University Students in China;大学生节能意识及行为的调查与评价

8.Status Quo of Awareness of Private Enterprises on CSR and Comments;民营企业社会责任意识的现状与评价

9.Study on the Contrasting and Evaluating of the Public s Environmental Awareness of Six Southern Cities in China;南方六城市公众环境意识比较与评价

10.The synthetical evaluation and analysis of Chinese enterprisers environmental protection ideology;中国企业家环保意识综合评价及分析

11.Qualitative Evaluation of Peasants" Environmental Protection Consciousness in Suzhou High-tech Zone苏州市高新区农民环保意识定性评价

12.Idea recognition and evaluation support system in team creation;团队创新中主意识别及评价支持系统设计研究

13.Research on Basketball Consciousness Measurement Indexes of University Male Players;大学生男子运动员篮球意识评价指标的研究

14.Brief on Shortage of Consciousness of Appraisal Ability & its Solution to Chinese Language Teaching;语文教学中评价能力培养意识的缺失及对策

15.A Method for the Fuzzy Evaluation of Environmental Consciousness of Industrial Products;工业产品环境意识的一种模糊评价方法

16.Investigation,Analysis,Evaluation and Research about the Environmental Consciousness of the Urban Residents in Lishui;丽水市城区居民环境意识调查分析与评价研究

17.Influencing Factors of Yu Xins Sense of Chastity in His Later Years and Evaluation;庾信后期节操意识的影响因素及其评价

18.A Probe into P.E Valuation and Sense of Innovation in Institutes of Higher Learning;对普通高校体育课考核评价与创新意识的探讨


evaluation apprehersion被评价意识


4)consciousness of evaluation and appreciation评鉴意识

5)critical sense批评意识

1.In order to reach this goal,we have to strengthen reading comprehension and also make students have thecritical sense and critical ability as well.为了达到此目的,我们不仅要加强阅读教学,还要注重培养学生的批评意识和批评能力。

2.In the situation of literary absence today, A Rural Cultivator, A Study of He Xiang-yong constructs the healthy and normal literary criticism with an active attitude, to some extent, presents Sichuan critics goodcritical sense: objective sense of critical object, the sense of text analysis and the sense of cultural interpretation of a work.《乡村耕耘者:贺享雍研究》是在当今文艺批评缺席的现状下,对健康、正常的文艺批评的积极实践建构,在一定程度上表现着四川批评家较为良好的批评意识:对于批评对象的客观意识,对于作品的文本分析意识,以及对于作品的文化阐释意识。

6)critical consciousness批评意识

1.Said s theory of text andcritical consciousness, which, in fact, are the theoretic foundation of his orientalism, have not drawn enough attention among academia.赛义德的文本理论和批评意识一向很少被人注意 ,实际上这是他的东方主义批评的理论基础所在 ;同时他的批评理论对中国当代的文学批评和文化研究具有多方面的方法论启示。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
