1000字范文 > 显意识 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

显意识 consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-26 06:40:59


显意识 consciousness英语短句 例句大全




1.Our mind is divided in two parts; Conscious mind & subconscious mind.我们的意识划分为两部分:显意识及潜意识。

2.Powerful energy: Brain Tracy says that subconsciousness is over 30,000 times powerful than consciousness.能量巨大:博恩.崔西说:潜意识是显意识力量的3万倍以上.

3.Conscious mind is our awake mind, which is directly linked with our all sensory organs.显意识是我们觉醒的意识,它直接连接我们所有的感觉器官。

4.Changes of advertising communication types:From traditional conscious communication to update subconscious communication广告传播模式的变革:从显意识传播到潜意识传播

5.But it responds to the external stimuli through conscious mind only.但它只通过显意识对外在刺激作出反应。

6.Explicit consciousness-raising task model: The new perspective on grammar teaching;语法教学的新视角:外显意识增强式任务模式

7.A sense of urgency was palpable in Bali.紧迫意识在巴厘岛会议中十分明显。

8.Pragmatic Analysis on English Commercial Advertising-Salience;英语商业广告的语用分析—意识突显性

9.On the Construction of Complying Context and Protruding Consciousness;论顺应性语境构建与元语用意识凸显

10.From Latent Oppression to Visible Display--On the Ethical Attributive Consciousness of Lao She;由潜抑到彰显——论老舍的民族归属意识

11.Highlighting Mathematics Consciousness:Demanding of Kindergarten Mathematics Teaching;彰显数学意识:幼儿数学教学的诉求

12.The artistic expression of Consciousness ofSeeking Qing in Zhu Ziqing s proses;尚清意识在朱自清散文中的艺术显现

13.The idea of seeking for roots" is characterized by fictions by writers of Chinese Korean nationality in late20 th century.民族"寻根意识"是20世纪末中国朝鲜族小说最明显的意识倾向之一。

14.Hiding manifesting and essence pursuing of subjective consciousness--change in essence of ideology;主体意识的归隐 显现与本质寻求——意识形态的质性裂变

15.The human form was not originally designed to manifest unconsciously.人类形态最初没有被设计来显化无意识。

16.Such travesties are the unconscious patterns becoming physical.这些悲剧是无意识内模式显化成物质的结果。

17.These works were all innovative and had a great impact on audiences.都具有明显的创新意识和较大的冲击力。

18.Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare"s Perspective of Woman and Gender Issues;汤显祖和莎士比亚的女性观与性别意识



1.By analyzing and researching the connotation ofsalience of linguistic adaptation processes involved cognitive and social factors,this paper tries to explain its relation with the linguistic choice in translation,code-switching,irony,and discourse generation in linguistic communication.顺应过程意识突显是语言使用中表现出来的有一定语用功能特性的自反意识。

2.According to the Adaptation Theory,adaptability is a basic feature of human language,which involves the four aspects of investigation: contextual correlates of adaptability,structural objects of adaptability,and dynamics of adaptability andsalience of the adaptability process.顺应论认为顺应性是人类语言的重要特征之一,语言顺应性主要涉及语境关系顺应、结构客体顺应、顺应的动态性和顺应过程的意识突显四个方面。

3)subconscious and significant awareness潜意识和显意识


1.Pragmatic Analysis on English Commercial Advertising-Salience;英语商业广告的语用分析—意识突显性

2.Reconsideration on salience in Theory of Linguistic Adaptation适应论的意识突显性问题的再认识

3.By means of human“mind in society”, the making of linguistic choices and the mental processes of adaptation in communication may take place with different degrees of salience.由于“社会心智”的存在,交际中语言选择和顺应的心理过程中的意识突显性会有所不同。

5)exposure of subconsciousness潜意识显露

6)Protruding consciousness元语用意识凸显


