1000字范文 > 大学意识 university consciousness英语短句 例句大全

大学意识 university consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-06 21:25:25


大学意识 university consciousness英语短句 例句大全

大学意识,university consciousness

1)university consciousness大学意识

1.Whether university students establishuniversity consciousness as soon as possible and whether theuniversity consciousness is strong have a direct bearing on whether the university students become accomplished persons as soon as possible.大学生能否尽快树立大学意识 ,大学意识强不强 ,直接关系到大学生能否尽快成才。

2)university student"s environmental consciousness大学生环境意识


1.A Research on Relationship between University Students Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior;大学生环境意识与环境行为关系研究

2.Establishing Direction of Public Course of Environmental Protection According to Environmental Consciousness of College Students;从大学生环境意识看大学环保公共课程的方向

prehensive Evaluation Research on the Environmental Awareness of the College Students in Beijing;北京市大学生环境意识综合评价研究

4.Survey and Study on Environmental Awareness of Students in Xinjiang Normal University新疆师范大学大学生环境意识调查与初步研究

5.The Effects of the Student Environmental Protection League in Culturing Students Environmental Consciousness;大学生环保社团在培养大学生环境意识中的作用

6.Study on the of Improving Contemporary University Students Environmental Consciousness;提升当前大学生环境意识水平的对策研究

7.A Survey on Environmental Awareness of Students of Non-environmental Specialty in Colleges--Taking Nantong as an Example非环境专业在校大学生环境意识调查分析研究——以南通市为例

8.Reflections on the Environmental Awareness of University Students Revealed in Results of a Survey Conducted in Four Universities of Yunnan Province;对云南四所高校大学生环境意识的调查引起的思考

9.Environment-protect-sense Education of College Students;加强大学生环境保护意识教育之我见

10.On the Cultivation of College Students self-discipline consciousness in the Internet Environment;论网络环境下大学生自律意识的培养

11.Improving Environmental Consciousness of Non-environmental Specialty University Students through Environment Science and Civilization Course;通过“环境科学与人类文明”课程提高非环境专业大学生的环境意识

prehensively Implement the Scientific Developing Concept,Academic and Practical Research on College Students Environmental Consciousness;落实科学发展观,培养大学生的环境意识

13.On Cultivation of College Students Sense of Law under the Network Circumstance;网络环境下大学生法律意识培养的思考

14.Optimization of Culture Environments and Cultivation of Culture Consciousness for University Students大学生文化环境的优化与自觉意识的培养

15.Questionnaire and Analysis of Students Environmental Legal Knowledge and Awareness--A Case Study on Guangzhou University;大学生环境法律知识与意识调查及分析——以广州大学为例

16.Using Chemical Teaching to Train Students’ Environment Protection Awareness;利用化学教学培养学生环境保护意识

17.Research on the Cultivation of Environmental Consciousness in the Biology Teaching of Senior Schools;高中生物教学中环境意识的培养研究

18.A Study on Environmental Awareness of College Students in Nanjing;南京高校学生环境意识的调查与分析


university student"s environmental consciousness大学生环境意识

3)creative consciousness of college students大学生创新意识

1.Fostering of dynamic thecreative consciousness of college students and the associated cultivation mechanism;大学生创新意识的动力及培养机制探析

4)College consciousness in higher vocational schools高职大学意识

5)Creation of the college consciousness大学意识营造

6)college students law awareness大学生法律意识

1.In this process, the enhancement ofcollege students law awareness is particularly important.在这种转变过程中,大学生法律意识 的培养显得尤为重要。


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