1000字范文 > 小学英语课堂 primary English classroom英语短句 例句大全

小学英语课堂 primary English classroom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-18 05:03:39


小学英语课堂 primary English classroom英语短句 例句大全

小学英语课堂,primary English classroom

1)primary English classroom小学英语课堂

1.While today, the writer found that most of questions in Chineseprimary English classroom belonged to the IRE questioning model which included three sequences: teacher\"s initiation, student\"s response and teacher\"s evaluation.笔者发现在当今的小学英语课堂上,老师的提问大多属于IRE提问模式。


1.Finding out New Teaching Method Suitable for English Course Standard in Primary School;探索符合新《课标》的小学英语课堂教学

2.The Aesthetic Features of Teachers Talk in the English Class of Elementary School;小学英语课堂中教学语言的审美特征

3.Discussion of Cooperative Learning in English Class at Primary School;论合作学习在小学英语课堂上的运用

4.Application of Multimedia Teaching in English Class of Primary School;多媒体教学在小学英语课堂中的应用

5.On Interested Learning Strategy of English Class in Rural Primary School;试论农村小学英语课堂情趣学习策略

6.Audio-visual Aids in Primary School English Classroom Teaching;运用音像资料,促进小学英语课堂教学

7.A Study on English Classroom Assessment of Primary School in New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下小学英语课堂教学评价研究

8.Develop and Use the Assisting Teaching Type of Courseware, Optimizethe English Classroom Teaching in Elementary Schools;开发使用助教型课件优化小学英语课堂教学

9.An Empirical Study on Teacher Talk of English Class in Primary Schools关于小学英语课堂教师话语的一项实证研究

10.The Application of Participatory Approach in English Classroom Teaching in Primary School;参与式教学法在小学英语课堂教学中的应用

11.Lead-in Art and Cultivation of Pupils Interest in English Learning;小学英语课堂导入艺术与学生学习兴趣的培养

12.Improving the Efficiency of English Teaching in Primary School by Using English Songs in Class;运用歌曲教学,提高小学英语课堂教学有效性

13.An Empirical Study of the Application of the Cooperative Learning Approach in Elementary EFL Class;合作学习模式在小学英语课堂中的实证研究

14.Co-construction of Utterance in the English Classroom Conversation;英语课堂学生小组对话中的话语共建

15.A Self-Regulated Model for English Teaching in Primary School;试论小学英语教学自律课堂教学模式

16.The Application of Small Group Discussion in Integrated English Teaching in University Classroom;小组讨论在大学综合英语课堂的使用

17.On Senior English Classroom Group Interaction;高中英语课堂教学中的小组互动研究

18.An Empirical Research on Group Work in English Class;大学生英语课堂小组活动的实况研究


Primary School English Classroom Teaching小学英语课堂教学

1.Audio-visual Aids inPrimary School English Classroom Teaching;运用音像资料,促进小学英语课堂教学

3)English class in rural primary school农村小学英语课堂

4)college English class大学英语课堂

1.Affective teaching to build a harmoniouscollege English class;渗透情感教学,构建和谐大学英语课堂

2.On the feasibility of English public speaking incollege English classroom;大学英语课堂嵌入英语演讲的有效性研究

3.A Research on Leaner Autonomy with Exploratory Practice in College English Class;对在大学英语课堂上应用探索实践理论来提高学生自主学习能力的研究

5)English class teaching英语课堂教学

1.This paper deals with justifications for innovatingEnglish class teaching paradigms in the English teaching field of China.本文阐述了目前我国英语课堂教学范式革新的理据。

2.This article mainly discusses theEnglish class teaching and cultivating the student potenti ality of thinking from the following five different aspects: situation thinking train, supervising thinking train, multiform thinking train, creative thinking train and thinking train under the situation.情景思维训练、督导性思维训练、多向性思维训练、创造性思维训练以及深入情景创制性思维五个方面论述了以教师为主导、学生为主体的英语课堂教学和如何对学生进行多方位的思维潜能的培养的措施及建议。

3.It is an effective way to discuss and communicate each other in theEnglish class teaching."讨论交流"是适应英语课堂教学的一种有效方式。

6)English teaching英语课堂教学

1.On establishing students′ subject inEnglish teaching;英语课堂教学中有效确立学生主体地位浅见

2.This essay, through the analysis on it and the status quo ofEnglish teaching in higher vocational colleges, puts forward the weak points inEnglish teaching and its correspondent strategies.本文对历年来国家精品课程评审指标体系的变化进行分析,结合高职高专院校英语课堂教学的现状,说明了现阶段高职高专英语课堂教学中存在的特点与问题。

3.When it is used appropriately inEnglish teaching according to respective characteristic,the students thought can be broadened,their enthusiasm of participation can be stimulated,and their communication potential can be excavated.根据它们各自的特点,在英语课堂教学中恰当运用话轮转换能拓宽学生的思维,调动其参与学习的积极性,从而挖掘学生交际潜能。


