1000字范文 > 小学英语教育 primary English education英语短句 例句大全

小学英语教育 primary English education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-03 20:51:55


小学英语教育 primary English education英语短句 例句大全

小学英语教育,primary English education

1)primary English education小学英语教育

1.The pronunciation teaching is the foundation of theprimary English education,and the phonetic symbol is the key point of pronunciation teaching.语音教学是小学英语教育的基础,而音标是语音教学的关键。


1.Case Studies on English Pronunciation Teaching of Primary English Education Majors小学英语教育专业英语语音教学个案研究

2.The Problems and Solutions of English Teaching in Primary Schools;小学英语教育存在的若干问题及对策

3.On the teaching reform of primary English education specialty in Guangxi;小学英语教育专业教学改革目标和方向

4.Phonetic Symbol Teaching:A Problem Which Cannot Be Neglected in English Education in Primary School音标教学——小学英语教育不可忽视的问题

5.The Relationship between English Teaching in Rural Primary Schools and Students’ Learning Motivation农村小学英语教育与学生学习动机的关系

6.Are We Ready for "an Early Start in Foreign Language Learning"?--A Survey of Primary School English Education in Guangdong Province;从广东省小学英语教育现状看“外语要从小学起”的问题

7.Chinese and Foreign EFL Professors’ Cooperation on Improving t he Oral Skills of Education Majors for Chinese Primary School English Teaching;中外教师合作培养小学英语教育专业学生口语技能的研究

8.Briefly on the Primary English Teaching in Rural Area of Cangyuan;浅谈沧源佤族地区乡村中小学英语教育

9.A Survey and Analysis of Village-and-Town Primary English Education in Hengshui;衡水市乡镇小学英语教育现状调查与分析

10.A Questionnaire Report on Elementary English Education Course Set-up;小学英语教育专业课程设置问卷调查报告

11.Problems in Primary English Education in Weifang City and the Solution;我市小学英语教育存在的问题及其对策

12.On the Development and Realization of Joyful Education Awareness of Teachers of English in Elementary Schools论小学英语师资愉快教育理念的培养

13.College or University Major: Education [Pre-school Education, English Education, Primary Education, General, Education and Special Education].学院或大学专业:教育专业(包括学前教育、英语教育、小学教育、普通教育、特殊教育)。

14.Research on the Application of Edutainment in EFL Teaching in Primary School;教育游戏软件在小学英语教学中的应用研究

15.The Study of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching in Distance Education;远程教育英语教学中小组合作学习的研究

16.Superficial Discussion on the Application of Cognitive Approach in Adult English Teaching;小议认知法在成人教育大学英语教学中的应用

17.English New Courses Reform in Elementary Schools and New Education Procedures of English-majoring Courses in Our College;中小学英语新课改条件下我校英语教育专业教学改革的思路

18.Korean-Chinese Bilinguals Proficiency of English Education-?The Analysis of the Contest s Papers of Middle and Primary School;朝汉双语人的英语教育潜能所在——中小学英语竞赛试卷探析


the primary and secondary English education中小学英语教育

1.In addition,it points out the problems existing inthe primary and secondary English education,and stretches the author s opinions on its direction.本文从当代大学生的英语状况出发,来探讨中小学英语教育的存在问题,并就其发展方向提出个人的建议和看法。

3)primary English education specialty小学英语教育专业

4)primary school English teaching小学英语教学

1.Based on the characteristics ofprimary school English teaching,the present study analyses the definition and classification of multimedia-assisting teaching.针对小学英语教学的特点,本文分析了多种媒体教学的含义和分类,通过实际教学案例说明在小学英语教学中选择适当的媒体手段以实现优化教学环节、提高教学效率的目的。

2.The thesis, beginning with affect in primary school pupils English studies, and dealing with task-based teaching, approaches the problem of how to carry out affect teaching inprimary school English teaching.本文从小学生学习中的情感入手,结合研究型教育教学模式,对在小学英语教学中实施情感教学进行探讨。

3.However,primary school English teaching methods are still under exploration.然而,小学英语教学还处于酝酿和探索阶段,教学上缺少宏观指导,一个比较普遍的现象是:随着语言学习的升级,学生对学校英语课的兴趣逐步降低,对课堂活动的参与也越来越被动。

5)Primary School English Language Teaching Methodology小学英语教学法

6)primary English teaching小学英语教学

1.Children s Language Acquisition and Primary English Teaching;儿童语言习得与小学英语教学

2.It is proved that in the process ofprimary English teaching, the teaching mode with computer as tools, with activities as a load, with communication as the main clue may improve the students active learning intention, increase their ability of thinking in English, promote individual development, increase their comprehensive ability in language use, etc.信息技术与小学英语教学的整合,使小学英语教学的方法更加灵活有效。

3.As the importance ofprimary English teaching is gradually valued by the whole society in recent years, primary English, as compulsory course, is making itself into primary schools.近年来,随着小学英语教学日益为国家和社会所重视,在许多地方的小学,英语已经成为一门必修课,但是,不容乐观的是目前小学英语教学领域存在种种问题,例如,正规课时和自习时间严重不足,师资力量严重缺乏,教材与初中衔接,教学设施的落后,最令人担忧的是对小学英语教学方法的理论与实践缺乏系统的研究,针对这一问题,作者依据任务型教学的先进成果,结合小学英语教育因素,提出了任务型教学在中国小学英语教学中实现本土化改造的思路:真实任务教学。


