1000字范文 > 小学英语学习 primary English learning英语短句 例句大全

小学英语学习 primary English learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-10 07:41:43


小学英语学习 primary English learning英语短句 例句大全

小学英语学习,primary English learning

1)primary English learning小学英语学习

2)Primary School Students English Learning小学生英语学习



2.The Influence of Cooperative Group Learning on Elementary School Students Self-efficacy in Learning English;合作学习对小学生英语学习效能感的影响

3.A Study of the Influence of Extra-Curricular Class upon English Learning of Primary School Pupils英语课外辅导班对小学生英语学习影响的研究

4.Family Factors Effect on the Children s Habit of English Learning;家庭因素对小学生英语学习习惯的影响

5.Applying Games Teaching Approach to Improve Primary School Students Interest in English;运用游戏教学法提高小学生英语学习的兴趣

6.Applying Games Teaching Approach to Improve Primary School Students’ Interest in English;通过游戏教学激发小学生英语学习兴趣

7.A Study on Motivation, Learner Autonomy and Learning Achivement of Young English Learners小学生英语学习动机、学习自主性与学业成就相关性研究

8.A Study on Pupils English Learning Motivation in Primary Schools in Dingxi, Gansu;甘肃省定西市小学生英语学习的动机研究

9.A Study on Family-School Partnership to Enhance Primary School Students English Learning;论家校合作对促进小学生英语学习的作用

10.The Analysis on the Exterior Factors Affecting the English Study of Urban Primary Scholars;影响城市小学生英语学习成绩的外部因素分析

11.Valid acquisition of autonomous learning ability for primary English learners小学生英语自主学习能力的有效习得

12.A Study on English Learning Styles and Learning Strategies in the Classroom in the Primary School;小学生英语课堂学习风格和学习策略的研究

13.How Does Learning Framework Motivate Primary School Students’ Autonomic Learning of English;学习支架如何促进小学生自主学习英语

14.On the Impetus to the Pupils English Learning Regularly From the Acquisition theory;依习得理论推动中小学生英语的正规学习

15.to drills students in English grammar让学生练习英语语法

16.Teaching Strategies of Stimulating Pupils to Study English Actively and Initiatively;促进小学生积极主动学习英语的教学策略

17.Lead-in Art and Cultivation of Pupils Interest in English Learning;小学英语课堂导入艺术与学生学习兴趣的培养

18.The Relationship between English Teaching in Rural Primary Schools and Students’ Learning Motivation农村小学英语教育与学生学习动机的关系


Primary School Students English Learning小学生英语学习

3)English study英语学习

1.Misconceptions of primaryEnglish study and think;少儿英语学习存在的误区及思考

2.How to help students overcome the psychological barriers inEnglish study;如何帮助学生克服英语学习中的心理障碍

3.Present Conditions of English Study of Students and Teaching Reform Countermeasures in Agricultural Colleges;农林专科学校学生英语学习现状及教学改革对策


1.Studies on the Causes and the Educational Strategies of English-Learning Disability in Junior Middle Schools in Chongqing;重庆渝中区初中英语学习偏差学生的成因分析及教育对策研究

2.Probe into Way of Improving English-Learning Effectiveness of Students in Higher Vocational School提高高职学生英语学习有效性的途径探析

3.Based on the students specialty and their English level,it also probes into the possibility of cultivating and maintain ing theEnglish-learning interest.根据高职艺术生的特点,结合教学实践,对学生英语学习能力的现状,从教育学、心理学、语言学等不同角度作出深刻的分析,了解学生在学习过程中兴趣变化的特点,就如何从学生的实际水平和专业特点等实际出发,对学生英语学习兴趣的培养和维持进行了探讨。

5)english language learning英语学习

1.The article explores the relevance between the schema and idea token as well as the concept token, through comparison and induction, concluding that, as the cognitive psychology token for English language learning, both the idea and the concept can be looked upon as the schema tokens.认识这一问题,有助于英语学习及学习效率的提高。

2.Ever since the implementation of CET4 and 6, the English language learning has been increasingly taking the priority of China’s college student.自从国家实行大学英语四、六级统考以来,英语学习越来越成为全国大学生的重中之重。

3.This paper holds the view that the freshmen s misunderstanding of English language learning is reflected in vari-ous aspects: the nature of language, the requirements of linguistic ability, the value of learning or learners, and the nature and purposes of language testing.大学新生对英语学习存在着许多误解,主要体现在对语言的本质、语言能力的要求、学习者的价值、语言测试的实质和目的等方面的理解上。

6)learning English英语学习

1.In view of a general weakening of college students interest inlearning English, the present paper aims at investigating the causes of the problem from the perspective of teaching, learning, learners individual factors and environmental influences.本文针对普通高校非英语专业学生英语学习兴趣淡化的问题,从教与学、学习者的个体因素以及环境影响着眼,分析了导致学习兴趣淡化的原因,并结合教学实践提出了尝试性的应对措施。

2.Owing to the influence of the traditional cultuaral concept,the Shaanbei English learners have neither correct idea or enough motivation oflearning English,nor correct attitude towards the language.由于受传统文化观念的影响 ,陕北的英语学习者在学习中存在着对学习英语的重要性认识不清、动力不足、态度不端正等文化障碍现象。


