1000字范文 > 德国统一 German reunification英语短句 例句大全

德国统一 German reunification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-16 18:37:57


德国统一 German reunification英语短句 例句大全

德国统一,German reunification

1)German reunification德国统一

1.It had poured spirit and belief forGerman reunification,and promoted European international relation still rela.两德关系的发展为德国统一注入了精神信念,并在客观上推动了欧洲国际关系的继续缓和,为统一提供了有利的外部条件。

2.Germany was reunified in the form that East Germany joined the Federal Rep ublic of Germany in the late1980s and early 1990s,Frances attitude toGerman reunification was very complicated and subtle.上个世纪80年代末、90年代初,以东德“加入”联邦德国的方式实现了德国统一。


1.On the Interflow Between the Two Germans After the Foundation Treaty Had Been Signed and German Reunification;基础条约前后的两德交流与德国统一

2.The German Customs Union and The Small Germany Road of German Unification;关税同盟与德国统一的“小德意志道路”

3.German Nationality Factor in the Unification of Germany德意志民族因素在德国统一中的作用

4.Zur internationalen Rechtslage Deutschlands und Berlins aus der Sicht des Einigungsprozesses von Deutschland从德国统一进程看德国及柏林的国际法律地位

5.Former GDR for Unification:1949-1955;论1949—1955年民主德国争取德国统一的努力

6.Tentatively on the Impact of the Unification of German Empire on Modern Urbanization in Germany;浅谈德国统一对德国近代城市化进程的影响

7.Reconsideration on the Unity Movement in Modern Germany--Trilogy about the Unity Process of Modern Germany;19世纪德国统一运动的再思考——近代德国统一进程三部曲

8.After German unification, Soviet troops stationed in Germany starting from 1991, withdrew in groups.德国统一后,原驻德苏军从1991年开始分批撤离。

9.The Grand Design: A European Solution to German Reunification大计划:欧洲解决德国统一的方案

10.in the 19th century Prussia led the economic and political unification of the German states.普鲁士在德国统一中起了重要作用。

11.after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany,就在柏林墙倒塌、德国统一后,

12.Gorbatschow und die deutsche Wiedervereinigung 1990;戈尔巴乔夫与1990年的德国统一

13.Germany was unified in 1871.德国于1871年统一了.

14.Germany unified officially in 1990; Will the two Koreas unify?德国在1990年正式统一了。

15.After Unification Germany"s European Identity and Choices of Germany"s European Policy统一后德国的欧洲认同与德国欧洲政策的选择

16.On Adhering to the Dialectic Unity of Managing State Affair by Law and by Rule of Virture;坚持以德治国与依法治国的辩证统一

17.Since the East and West Germanies were unified they are a polictical entity.德国东西方统一后就是一个统一的政治实体了。

18.The Franco-German war completed the unification of Germany.普法战争完成了德国的统一。


the unification of Germany德国的统一

1.Realistic politics of Bismarck andthe unification of Germany;俾斯麦的现实政治与德国的统一

3)Germany after reunion统一后德国

4)Social Unity Party of Germany德国统一社会党

5)After Unification Germany统一后的德国

6)Mitterrand and the Unification of Germany密特朗与德国统一


