1000字范文 > 和平统一 peaceful reunification英语短句 例句大全

和平统一 peaceful reunification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-19 22:20:06


和平统一 peaceful reunification英语短句 例句大全

和平统一,peaceful reunification

1)peaceful reunification和平统一

1.The Cross-Straits Relations:Peaceful Development and Peaceful Reunification两岸关系:和平发展与和平统一

2.Cultural identity is the basic premise of national identity and ethnic identity,nationaland ethnic identity is maintained and the basis for the realization of national reunification,and ultimately,national cultural identity has become an important foundation for thepeaceful reunification.文化认同是国家、民族认同的基本前提,国家、民族认同则是维系和实现国家统一的基础,最终来说文化认同则成为国家和平统一的重要基础。

3.Law of Anti-Division of Country is a law ofpeaceful reunification, which aims at preventing the division of country and promoting and safeguarding Chinese reunification in peaceful way.《反分裂国家法》是一部“和平统一法”,从立法目的、基本内容及其产生作用等方面来看,它是为了反对分裂国家,促进和保证国家以和平方式实现统一,而不是一部战争法,不是要以非和平方式实现统一。


1.Moreover, peaceful reunification is entirely an internal affair of China.再者,和平统一纯属内政。

mittee for the Peaceful Unification of the Fatherland祖国和平统一委员会

3.Three Principles for the Independent and Peaceful Reunificatio自主和平统一三原则

4.Deng Xiaoping s Composition of "One Country,Two System"and the Country s Peaceful Unity;邓小平“一国两制”构想与祖国和平统一


6.Of course, it takes time to bring about peaceful reunification.当然,实现和平统一需要一定时间。

7."Of course, it takes time to realize peaceful reunification."当然,实现和平统一需要一定的时间。

8.Basic Contents of "peaceful reunification; one country, two systems".“和平统一、一国两制”的基本点。

9.Peaceful reunification; one country, two systems -- how has this position been formulated?“和平统一、一国两制”方针的形成。

10.II. The One-China Principle--the Basis and Prerequisite for Achieving Peaceful Reunification二、一个中国原则是实现和平统一的基础和前提

11.Applause for the Cross-Strait Peaceful Reunification为两岸和平统一带头鼓掌

12.Special Foreign Policy Statement on Peace and Unification和平统一外交政策的特别宣言

13.Special Statement Regarding Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification关于和平统一外交政策的特别宣言

14."Since Chinese should not attack Chinese, we must strive for the peaceful reunification of the motherland"努力实现和平统一,中国人不打中国人。

15.Peaceful reunification is a set policy of the Chinese Government.和平统一是中国政府既定的方针。

16.Joint Statement on Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification和平统一外交政策联合声明

17.Peaceful reunification has become the common aim of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.和平统一已成为国共两党的共同语言。

18.The peaceful reunification of the motherland will be a great achievement to go down in history.祖国和平统一,乃千秋功业。


peaceful unification和平统一

1.The idea ofpeaceful unification emerged in the early Song Dynasty on the basis of constructing the new country and taking back the military power peacefully.在和平建国及收兵权的基础上,宋初统一战略中,和平统一的设想前所未有地突显出来,在战略中广泛实施,并在一些地方大获成功。

2.Chang s viewpoint ofpeaceful unification is "ending civil war and resisting foreign aggression".张学良和平统一观的基本内涵是“息内争、御外侮”。

3.The first generation established the guidelines for the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan problem,the second generation advanced the policy of "peaceful unification and one country,two systems",the third generation furthered the policy ofpeaceful unification and put forward eight proposals,and the fourth generation advanced four poin.第一代领导集体确立了和平解决台湾问题的基本原则;第二代提出了“和平统一,一国两制”的基本方针;第三代进一步完善和平统一方针,提出推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张;第四代在新形势下就发展两岸关系提出了四点意见。

3)peace and unification和平统一

1.Fundamental Policy of "Peace and Unification,One Country Two Systems" and Constructing Socialist Harmonious Society;“和平统一、一国两制”基本方针与构建社会主义和谐社会

2.One China principle is the basis and prerequisite for the realization ofpeace and unification between the Straits.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分 ,这具有不可动摇的历史事实和法理基础 ,一个中国的原则是两岸实现和平统一的基础和前提。

4)peaceful unity和平统一

1.All these advantageous factors supply the important turn point for thepeaceful unity in the new century.这些有利因素都为新世纪海峡两岸的和平统一提供了重要的契机充分利用这些历史机遇,未来十年,海峡两岸和平统一的可能性将大大增强。

2.It is fundamental base and premise of solving Taiwan problem and realizing thepeaceful unity of our country to stick to the principle.坚持这一原则是解决台湾问题、实现祖国和平统一的根本基础和前提。

5)view on China"s peaceful unification和平统一观

6)peaceful unification of Taiwan和平统一台湾

1.He elaborated the future, the significance, the basic principle and the form ofpeaceful unification of Taiwan, the third cooperation of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang, and the full unification of China.周恩来一生致力于国共合作,他阐述了和平统一台湾、第三次国共合作和祖国完全统一的前景、意义、基本原则与形式,并做了大量具体工作,为邓小平提出“一国两制”构想和江泽民在十五大提出“推进祖国和平统一”奠定了思想理论基础,对今后解决台湾问题,仍具有指导意义。


