1000字范文 > 德国因素 German factor英语短句 例句大全

德国因素 German factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-21 04:54:05


德国因素 German factor英语短句 例句大全

德国因素,German factor

1)German factor德国因素

1.German factors to some extent promoted China\"s military weaponry and equipment,and the modernization of the structure and establishment of the Chinese military,and helped to cultivate some masters of modern military thought and technology,however it was impossible to fundamentally change China\"s military backwardness.德国因素在一定程度上促进了中国军队武器装备、体制编制的近代化,培养了一批掌握近代军事思想和技术的人才,但不可能从根本上改变中国军事的落后局面。


1.The Federal Republic of Germany and the Negotiation between the US and the Soviet Union in the Late Phase of the Second Berlin Crisis;第二次柏林危机后期美国对苏谈判中的联邦德国因素

2.German Nationality Factor in the Unification of Germany德意志民族因素在德国统一中的作用

3.The Function of Traditions in Promoting German Vocational Education;传统因素对德国职业教育的促进作用

4.The Morality Factor in the Rise of the English Novel in the Eighteenth Century;18世纪英国小说兴起中的道德因素

5.The Promotion of Policy Factors to German Vocational Education;政策因素对德国职业教育的促进作用

6.The Restrictions from the System Factors on German Vocational Education;制度因素对德国职业教育的制约作用

7.The Chinese Factor in Goethe"s Chine-sischrdeutsche Year and Times of the Day《中德四季晨昏杂咏》中的中国因素

8.Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions.圣诞老人民间传说的因素还来自于德国的传统。

9.On the Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union s Influence to It;论联邦德国的新东方政策及其中的苏联因素

10.Analyse der Entwicklungstendenz der deutschen Wirtschaft und wichtiger Einflussfaktoren;德国经济走势综述及重要影响因素分析

11.Analysis of Aggressive Behaviors in FIFA World Cup;德国世界杯运动员攻击性行为的相关因素

12.On Environmental Factors Influencing the Moral Cultivation of Policemen in China and Countermeasures;影响我国警察道德修养的环境因素及对策研究

13.The analysis on irrational factors of the moral disorder in transitional period of China;我国转型期道德失范的非理性因素分析

14.The Cultural Comparison between Germany and Japan Concerning the Differences of Instrospecting Responsibitlity for an offence;德日两国反省战争罪责差异的文化诸因素比较

15.The German Customs Union (or Zollverein) established in 1834 is one the most important factors for the progress of German industrialization.18 34年建立的德意志关税同盟是推进德国工业化的重要因素之一。

16.The Art Communication between Sassanian Persia and China--The element of Zoroastrianism in Chinese art;萨珊波斯与中国美术交流——中国美术中的琐罗亚斯德教因素

17.Successful Elements of Cooperation between School and Enterprise of Dual-system in Germany and Its Revelations to China;德国“双元制”校企合作的成功因素及其对我国的启示

18.Analysis the Effect of Affects Twice Superovulation & Embryo Transfer on the German Merino Ewe影响德国美利奴母羊两次超排移植效果因素分析


moral factors道德因素

1.A talk aboutmoral factors in college students success;大学生成才的道德因素探析

2.In the process of emergence, development and operation of social security, the role ofmoral factors is obvious.在社会保障产生、发展及运行的过程中,道德因素的作用显而易见,两者之间相互影响、相互制约,最后也产生了相互间的双重影响。

3)moral elements德育因素

1.It is of great significance to strengthen the construction of the teaching base for the theoretical course of ideology and politics and find out itsmoral elements to enhance the practical teaching in the colleges and universities in order to raise the teaching level and improve students\"quality of political thought and their ability of observing and analyzing social problems.加强高校思想政治理论课实践教学基地建设,挖掘其德育因素以强化实践教学,对于提升教学质量、提高学生思想政治素质和观察分析社会问题的能力,具有重要意义。


1.Sixty cases of residual stone after ESWL operation were treated with niaoshijing decoction, and 58 cases treated withUralyt were set up as the control.治疗组为ESWL术后口服尿石净汤60例,对照组为ESWL术后口服德国消石素58例。

5)international factors国际因素

1.There are some complex factors for the existence of ecological disharmony in China,and to construct the ecological harmony,we cannot shun ourselves away from theinternational factors.中国生态不和谐的产生有着复杂的国际因素,而生态和谐的构建也离不开国际因素,构建生态和谐必须加强国际合作。

2.It was thoseinternational factors that played an important role on CHEN Du-xiu\"s transformation from a radical bourgeois democrat into a Marxist.陈独秀由一个激进的资产阶级民主主义者转变为一个马克思主义者,国际因素在其中发挥了重要作用。

6)Chinese factors中国因素

1.And there are much moreChinese factors in it such as filial piety,a conception typically of Chinese ethics which has been carefully discussed.在《那先比丘经》中明显地存在着柏拉图式的追问和辨析理式这两种希腊因素,也存在着更多的中国因素。

2.<Abstrcat> With the research in China on "Eastern Studies Introduced to the West", theChinese factors on western philosophy are recognized to a certain extent.随着"东学西渐"研究在我国的逐渐展开,人们对西方哲学文化中的中国因素有了一定的了解。


德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of GermanyOeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。
