1000字范文 > 意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 08:04:10


意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

意境,artistic conception

1)artistic conception意境

1.Spatial and Artistic Conception Expansion--Imaging the Big from the Small in Chinese Classical Garden;空间与意境的扩张——中国古典园林中的以小见大


1.Aesthetics of Environmental Art:Pursuing Picturesque Environment or keeping Harmony Between Man and Nature or Integrating Natural and Cultural Factors;环境艺术之美——画境意境 化境

2.The Artistic Conception in the Research of Artistic Conception: Comments on the Book The Artistic Conceptionand also Review of the Modern Transformation Issue in the Theory of the Artistic Conception;意境研究的意境——评《意境》兼谈意境理论的现代转换问题

3."Liaozhai" Artistic Conception: the Expansion and Sublimation of Poetry Moods;《聊斋》意境:诗歌意境的拓展与升华

4.Differentiating and Analyzing "Artistic Conception","Condition" and "Image" in Chinese Classic Literary Theory;中国古代文论中的“意境”、“境界”、“意象”辨析

5.Making Paintings Magnificently Conceived by Putting Affections on the Objects --My outlok on Artistic conceptions;缘物寄情 寓意于境——我的山水画意境观

6.I like the idea of the garden and the clouds.我喜欢花园和云的意境。

7.Exploration of Building Performance of Chinese Ancient Poems Imaginative Space;山水诗词空间意境特征的建筑空间意境初探

8.Have a Restricted View on Chinese Garden Conception s Creation;意在笔先 融情入境——管窥中国园林意境的创造

9.The Three Ways of Integrating "Image" with "Mindmosphere" in Wang Guowei s "Artistic Conception";王国维“意境说”中“意”与“境”融合的三种方式

10.Appreciation of the Ancient Poem Mood and Formation of Ancient Chinese Mood Theory;中国古代意境理论的生成及古诗意境赏析

11.The Formation,Evolution and Disintegration of Poetry with Artistic Conception -- With Argument that New Poetry Is Not Poetry with Artistic Conception;意境诗的形成、演变和解体——兼论新诗不是意境诗

12.Deep Artistic Conception and the Surface One: An Analysis of the Jian Jia s Aesthetic Structure;深层意境与表层意境:《蒹葭》的审美结构层次分析

13.Invisible Elegance:the Embryo of the Artistic Conception of Literature--About begetting of the literary conception;隐秀:文学意境的雏形——兼论文学意境的产生

14.Differences of Aesthetic Appreciation between the Two Art Forms:Mood and Images;意境与意象两种至境艺术形象的审美差异

15.Artistic Conception Coming from Outside the Image--the Primary Characteristics of Formation of Artistic Conception;“境生象外”:意境生成的首要特征

16.The Artistic Conception of Blankness;有无之境——“空”的艺术设计审美意境

17.Theoretical Nutrition for Affective Education Given by "Artistic Conception Theory";“意境说”给予情境教育的理论滋养

18.a congenial climate, environment, hobby适意的气候、 环境、 消遣



1.Space of Chinese Ancient Gardens andMood of Poetry;中国古典园林空间与诗词意境

2.The Oriental CulturalMood in Kan Tai- keung’s Works;靳埭强作品的东方文化意境


1.ON Translating the Beauty ofYijing in Chinese Classical Poetry from the View of " Three Beauty";从“三美论”看古诗意境美的英译

2.A Comparison Between Ethel s Reception Aesthetics and China s YIJING Theory;论伊塞尔的接受美学与中国意境学说之比较


1.On the English Translation of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry: From the Fuzzy Aesthetics Perspective;从模糊美学的角度论古诗意境的英译

2.On the Unique Imagery Construction of Watercolor Landscape Painting;试论水彩风景画独特的意境营造

5)artistic mood意境

1.Open Up an All-time Wonderland in Autumn Night——On lyricartistic mood of Cao Pi s poem, ″ Yan Ge Xing ″;秋夜思怀,开千古妙境——曹丕《燕歌行》抒情意境论

2.Leaving blank space in design has such values as the creation ofartistic mood,imaginati.具有创造作品的意境、提供想象的空间、获得视觉上的轻松、体现设计以少胜多的多价值性。

3.Based on a thorough analysis of the use of imagery andartistic mood,this paper has pointed out that the poet has showed us her profound understanding of the integration of human being and nature,individual and human race and her impressive art of pouring her inspiration into her poems.本文重点分析了刘永馨诗歌创作新探索中意象的运用和意境的创造,指出诗人对人和自然有高度的把握,在人与自然相统一,个体与人类整体相统一的自由感中,使心灵、生命与自然结为一体。

6)Ideal condition意境

1.The image and the ideal condition are in the poetry connoisseurship two important concepts,the composed word\"s image has particular characteristic,extremely riching in artistic expressive force.意象与意境是诗歌鉴赏中的两个重要概念,婉约词的意象更是别具特色,极富艺术表现力。


