1000字范文 > 笔墨意境 writings artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

笔墨意境 writings artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-19 08:34:12


笔墨意境 writings artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

笔墨意境,writings artistic conception

1)writings artistic conception笔墨意境

1.Thewritings artistic conception of Chinese painting is worthy to excavate and study on the art fruits of free and vivid aesthetics ideology, abstract shape, composition of a picture and distinct color characteristics and so on.其中中国画的笔墨意境就是值得发掘和研究的,借鉴它在重视写意传神的美学思想、造型概括抽象、构图虚实相应、色彩特征鲜明等方面的艺术成果,对于提高我们的服装设计水平,形成适合本民族的服饰艺术有着积极的意义。


1.Application of Writings Artistic Conception of Chinese Painting in the Modern Fashion Design浅析笔墨意境在现代服装设计中的运用

2.He was good at using the dry brush and those strokes that utilize the side of the brush.他善用侧锋淡墨,干笔皴擦,作品笔墨精粹,意境幽远。

3.The Cultural Context of concept of “Brush and Ink”and Its Semantic Concept;“笔墨”的文化语境与“笔墨”概念的语义

4.Their brushstroke techniques and creative painting methods had a tremendous impact on painters of later times.他们的笔墨技巧和表现手法,以及对意境的创造,对后世有很大影响。

5.In the correspondence of the soul and painting, she has created artistic language with delicate fluctuation and farsighted artistic conception.在心灵与笔墨的对应中,创造出了变幻有致、意境高远的艺术语言。

6.Brief In Words′ Rich In Meaning--On the Technique Of Setting Description in Lu Xun′s Works;笔墨简练 意蕴丰富——浅谈鲁迅作品的环境描写技巧

7.The four great painters of the Yuan Dynasty were very careful with brush stroke techniques in order to show developed artistic ideas, and their works have great aesthetic values."元四家"的作品更注重笔墨技巧,更讲究意境神韵,使山水画的美学价值更加提高。

8.Ink Performance and the Sublimation of Freehard Brushwork in Landscape Painting;山水画创作中的笔墨表现与写意升华

9.Mr. Pan was quite overwhelmed. He took the writing brush and dipped it in the ink.潘先生觉得这当儿很有点意味,按了笔便在墨盆里蘸墨汁。

10.Transcendental Conciousness,Refined Drawing --On Xugu s Art of Flower-and-Brid Painting;超凡的意识 脱俗的笔墨——诌论虚谷花鸟画艺术

11.Freehand Brushwork Painting : Creative Brushes and Abstract Compositions写意画:创新型用笔理念与大笔墨的抽象组织形式

12.In his opinion,it"s essential for a Chinese painter to raise his consciousness of "paint and brush",without whivh one cannot understand Chinese painting.他认为一个中国画家 ,树立“笔墨”意识乃是他安身立命的根本 ,不懂“笔墨”就不懂中国绘画

13.the pen is mightier than the sword(saying)(谚)笔墨胜刀剑.

14.The Poetry and Artistic Conception Contained in the Lotus Image--Comment and Analysis of Xu Beihong s Chinese Painting;蕴藉在“荷花意象”里的诗意笔墨——徐若鸿中国画评析

15.Have a Restricted View on Chinese Garden Conception s Creation;意在笔先 融情入境——管窥中国园林意境的创造

16.From the "Five Kinds with the Writing Brush Method and Seven Kinds Use the Ink Technique" Theory Understand the Kind of Writing Brush-and-ink Art of Huang Binhong;从“五笔七墨”说看黄宾虹的笔墨艺术

17.Unity of Heaven and Humanity,Harmony between Brush and Ink on the Harmonious Realm of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting天人合一,笔墨圆融——试谈中国传统山水画的和谐境界

18.In character recognition, the inadvertent absence of ink within a character outline.在字符识别中,字符笔划内无意产生的缺乏墨水的空白点。


images of writing笔墨意象

3)poetry and artistic conceptio诗意笔墨

4)Interest ink笔墨意趣

1.This article through analyzes the domestic and foreign animation development present situation, obtains inherits and promotes to have our country characteristic China ink animation importance,Interest ink is Chinese ink painting the base element, is the China ink animation indispensable art spirit.文章从以下几个方面开始论述,首先,对中国画的笔墨涵义、笔墨形式、墨趣表现进行研究,反映出笔墨意趣从线条、色彩、构图布局、造型,意境营造、情感表达等方面的不同魅力;其次,运用比较法,从题材、内容、造型设计、绘画表现手法方面,把极具我国特色的水墨动画作品与美、日等国的优秀动画作品进行比较与分析,得出各国动画作品的具体特点,墨趣是如何在动画作品中体现;再次,通过实例具体分析,并结合自己绘制的动画短片《蜘蛛和甘露》,谈论墨趣的具体表现及运用;最后,总结水墨动画墨趣表现的优缺点,发扬优势、弥补不足,从而促进水墨动画不断发展。

5)Water ink ideal condition水墨意境

6)Brush and ink笔墨

1.His classic elegance and detached character pushes Chinese painting in the late Ming Dynasty to "brush and ink" and ever after.董其昌作为中国古代文人画的代表,在绘画实践上以推重笔墨形式之美而独树一帜,其“古雅娟秀、气韵超然”的艺术风格,影响了明末及以后的中国绘画朝笔墨形式发展。

2.Therefore, its "formulism" of brush and ink has been established.中国山水画历史悠久 ,山水画笔墨技法从产生到成熟 ,建构了独特的绘画符号。


