1000字范文 > 诗意境 Poetic artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

诗意境 Poetic artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 07:09:44


诗意境 Poetic artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

诗意境,Poetic artistic conception

1)Poetic artistic conception诗意境


1.Appreciation of the Ancient Poem Mood and Formation of Ancient Chinese Mood Theory;中国古代意境理论的生成及古诗意境赏析

2.On the English Translation of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry: From the Fuzzy Aesthetics Perspective;从模糊美学的角度论古诗意境的英译

3.The Formation,Evolution and Disintegration of Poetry with Artistic Conception -- With Argument that New Poetry Is Not Poetry with Artistic Conception;意境诗的形成、演变和解体——兼论新诗不是意境诗

4.Living in the Poetic Environment--A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei s Landscape Poetry;栖居在诗意中——论王维山水诗的意境美

5."Liaozhai" Artistic Conception: the Expansion and Sublimation of Poetry Moods;《聊斋》意境:诗歌意境的拓展与升华

6.Classical Poetry Teaching of Middle School;中学古典诗词教学——诗词的意境鉴赏

7.A Comparison Between Chinese Poem and Japanese Poem;中国诗歌“意境”与日本诗歌“姿”的比较

8.Existence and Poetic State:Explorations in the Possibilty of Poetic and Tranquil Life;存在与诗境——诗意地安居如何可能

9.The Contemporary Poetry Context Derived fromZong Baihua’s Artistic Conception Theory;宗白华意境理论生成的现代诗学语境

10.The Pome-like Mood in the Chinese Oil Painting--Opinions on the Image Oil Painting中国油画的诗画意境——意象油画之我见

11.Imagery,Conception and Illustrating Pictures of Chinese Traditional Poetry Translation“意象”、“意境”与汉诗英译之配图

12.Exploration of Building Performance of Chinese Ancient Poems Imaginative Space;山水诗词空间意境特征的建筑空间意境初探

13.A Slight Discussionon the Development of the Artistic Conception Theory--And Discussion on the Features of Artistic Conception Aesthetics of the Poem of Twenty-Four Poetry Style;略论意境理论的发展过程——兼论《二十四诗品》诗歌意境美学特征

14.The End of Chinese Classical Poetry Theory "Artistic Conception " in Chinese Native Land:Analysis of Poetry Theory "Artistic Conception " in Jiangzhai Poetry Talks;中国古典诗歌意境论的本土性终结——析《姜斋诗话》中的意境理论

15.Conception of Poetry,Music and Art:An Approach to Yang Liqin s Four Tang Poems for Soprano,Percussion and Piano;诗境 乐境 意境——杨立青《唐诗四首——为女高音、打击乐与钢琴》初探

16.Reflection on Enjoying in Beauty and Good and Poetic Experience:A Research on Confucian Poetic Atmosphere;美善相乐的心灵感悟与诗意体验:理学诗境探论

17.Poetry Origination VS Law Principle--Analysis of The Book of Songs Situation Creation;诗学之正源 法度之准则——《诗经》意境创设透析

18.The Mood of the Classical Cipoems and the Appreeiation of them;意境:诗词鉴赏的聚焦点——古典诗词赏论之二


poem-like mood诗化意境

1.By employing superb artistic skill,Cao Xueqin,the author,created apoem-like mood with strong poetic charm and flavor,enabling his work to reach the acme of perfection artistically.曹雪芹运用高超的艺术手段,创造出了具有浓郁诗情诗味的诗化意境,使作品达到极高的艺术境界。

3)Poetry mood诗词意境

1.There are many similarities between montage,a special technigue of expression in film art, and poetry mood .作为电影艺术特有表现手段的蒙太奇与中国古典诗词意境的营造有许多相似性 :都要创造具有鲜明的感官性、再现性、此岸性的“象”(镜头或意象 ) ;都要通过“象”与“象”的联接组合以传达出原来单个的“象”所没有的新意—“象”外之象 ;都要通过“象”与“象”的联接组合手段等等。

4)poetic environment诗意环境

5)tendency of poetry诗性意境

6)mood of old poem古诗意境

1.The effective way to salvage the “soul of contemporary poetry” is the reconstruction ofmood of old poem in light of the consistency of Chinese language tradition in poetry.诗魂是当下诗歌的根本缺失,因汉语诗歌传统的必然延续性,古诗意境成为拯救当下诗魂的有效途径。


