1000字范文 > 山水意境 Landscape artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

山水意境 Landscape artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-18 09:56:22


山水意境 Landscape artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

山水意境,Landscape artistic conception

1)Landscape artistic conception山水意境

1.Cultural inheritance and landscape artistic conception of campus planning校园规划的文化传承与山水意境

2)Artistic conception of Natural scenery poetry山水诗意境


1.Taking the Poets Tao Xie and Wang Meng s Poetry as a Model to See the Influence of Beauty Admiration over the Formation of Mood in Poems of Mountains and Waters;从陶谢王孟看审美情志对山水诗意境的影响

2.About the Different Moods of the Landscape Poems of Wangwei and Meng Haoran;静幽有禅趣之境 冲淡有壮逸之气——论王维、孟浩然山水诗意境之不同

3.Significance of "Instant Aesthetic Invigoration" in the Formation of Poetic Image in Mountain-water Poetry;从“有句无篇”到“兴象玲珑”——“当下”的审美感兴对山水诗意境创构的意义

4.Living in the Poetic Environment--A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei s Landscape Poetry;栖居在诗意中——论王维山水诗的意境美

5.Exploration of Building Performance of Chinese Ancient Poems Imaginative Space;山水诗词空间意境特征的建筑空间意境初探

6.The Poetic Imaginery of Selflessness in the Scenic Poems by WANG Wei;浅析王维山水诗中的“无我”之意境

7.The Space Impression of Classical Chinese Scenery Poems;论中国古代山水诗审美意境的空间感

8.Field of Vision ·Image · Artistic Conception--Artistic feature of Li Bai s poems on mountain and water;视野·形象·意境——李白山水诗艺术特征论

9.A Comparison of The Mood in Poetry Between Xie Lingyun s Mountains andWater Poetry and Liu Zongyuan s;谢灵运与柳宗元山水诗歌意境之比较

10.On Aesthetic Images in Du Fu’s Landscape Poems:Being High,Huge, Profound, Marvellous and Magical;高·大·深·奇·神——杜甫山水诗审美意境探微

11.The Integration of Man and Nature:the Best Mental State of Scenic Poetry--On the Image of Scenic Poetry of The Wei and Jin Dynasties;天人合一:山水诗歌的最佳心灵境界——魏晋诗歌山水意象论

12.Scenic Poems:Reflections of Natural Landscapes in a Poet s Mind;山水诗:自然山水在诗人心灵中的造境

13.Discussion on the Features of Wang Wei s Water and Mountain Poems;动静相谐 意境清幽——浅析王维山水诗的艺术特色

14.Being Clear,Melodic and Poetic--The Contemporary Significance of Dong Qichang s Landscape Paintings;空明澄澈 诗意境象——论董其昌山水画艺术及其当代意义

15.On the Spatial Consciousness of Chinese Landscape Poetry and Landscape Paintings;略论中国山水诗与山水画之空间意识

16.A Wild World: Image of Chinese Ancient Landscape Poetry荒山野水:中国古代山水诗的意象世界

17.Breaking Temporal and Spatial Limits,Expressing Emotion and Creating Artistic Conception--Two Main Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Landscape Poetry and Paintings;打破时空界限与抒胸怀创意境——论中国古代山水诗画的两大特征

18.Seeking Immortals in High mounts withour Feur of Long Distance Daoist culture connotation of the liberal spirit and universd horizon of Li Bai s scenery poems;五岳寻仙不辞远——李白山水诗的自由精神和宇宙境界的道文化意蕴


Artistic conception of Natural scenery poetry山水诗意境

3)the artistic conception of Chinese drawing中国山水画意境

4)On the Meaning of the Scenic Painting山水画意境浅说

5)On the Artistic Conception of Chinese Landscape paintings浅析山水画之意境

6)the image of mountains and rivers山水意象


