1000字范文 > 欧洲古典园林 European Classical Landscape Architecture英语短句 例句大全

欧洲古典园林 European Classical Landscape Architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-27 12:23:26


欧洲古典园林 European Classical Landscape Architecture英语短句 例句大全

欧洲古典园林,European Classical Landscape Architecture

1)European Classical Landscape Architecture欧洲古典园林

1.The Comparable Research of Chinese andEuropean Classical Landscape Architecture in 18th Century十八世纪中国古典园林与欧洲古典园林比照研究


1.The Comparable Research of Chinese and European Classical Landscape Architecture in 18th Century十八世纪中国古典园林与欧洲古典园林比照研究

2.The Relationship between Chinese Classic Garden and Chinese Traditional Poesy;中国古典园林与中国古典诗歌的关系

3.Relation of Classical Garden Art and Classical Literature in China;试议我国古典园林与古典文学的关系

4.The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Worlitz is an exceptional example of landscape design and planning of the Age of the Enlightenment, the18 th century.德绍-尔利茨宫廷花园是18世纪欧洲启蒙运动时期园林设计和规划的典范之作。

5.The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Worlitz is an exceptional example of landscape design and planning of the Age of the Enlightenment, the 18th century.德绍-沃尔利茨宫廷花园是18世纪欧洲启蒙运动时期园林设计和规划的典范之作。

6.Analysis the Design Idea about the Classic Park Pavements of 《Yuanye》;浅释《园冶》的古典园林铺装设计理念

7.Cao Xueqin and his garden masterpiece --Grand View Garden;曹雪芹及其古典园林艺术杰作——大观园

8.Promote classical garden culture, protrude Beijing s features as an ancient capital;弘扬古典园林文化突出北京古都特色

9.The Identities of Chinese Traditional Gardens:An Analysis of the Impact of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism on Chinese Traditional Gardens中国古典园林的个性——浅析儒、释、道对中国古典园林的影响

10.The Research of Inheritance and Development of Classical Gardens in Mordernity中国古典园林在现代园林设计中的继承与发展

11.Inheritance and Development between Chinese Classical and Modern Gardens中国古典园林与现代园林的继承与发展

12.Appreciation of the Classic Comedy Le Tartuffe;欧洲古典喜剧的经典作品——莫里哀的《达尔杜弗》

13.The Ecological Analysis of Plant Arrangement Relating to the Classical Gardens in the Southern China;江南古典园林植物配置的生态学分析

14.Culture and Artistic Conception of Classical Chinese Gardens;中国古典园林的文化内涵与意境营造

15.Study of the Impact of Municipal Culture on the Chinese Classic Gardens;城市文化对中国古典园林的影响研究

16."Harmony between Human Being and Nature" and Aesthetic Pursuit in China Classical Garden;“天人合一”与中国古典园林的审美追求

17.Preliminary Study on the Chinese Classical Gardens of Private Plant Landscape Evolution;初探中国古典私家园林植物造景流变

18.Discussion on Relation between Chinese Classical Gardens and Chinese Landscape Painting;论中国古典园林与中国山水画的关系


European gardens欧洲园林

1.During the Baroque period, pagodas inEuropean gardens symbolized the absolute power of the monarch; during the Rococo period, they conveyed the political ideal ofthe early philosophes; in the mid-18th century, they embodied the Europeans imagination of Asian political system.在巴洛克时期,欧洲园林中的宝塔是专制王权权力欲望的象征。

3)classical gardens古典园林

1.Preliminary study on culture of Chineseclassical gardens浅析中国古典园林的文化内涵

2.Renewable of Classical Gardens in the Contemporary Landscape Architecture——Su Zhou Museum古典园林在当代景观中的再生——苏州博物馆新馆

4)classical garden古典园林

1.Integration of Chineseclassical garden and modern West garden;浅谈中国古典园林与现代西方园林的融合

2."Painting" and "Garden":analysis of inspiration of Chineseclassical garden from traditional Chinese landscape painting;“画”与“园”——探析传统山水画对古典园林之启迪

3.Discussion on plant disposition in Suzhouclassical garden;浅谈苏州古典园林植物配置

5)classic garden古典园林

1.The Explore of Water Artistic Conception of China s Classic Gardens;中国古典园林理水意境探微

2.By analyzing development of Chinese landscape painting’s history comes to revel the basic making garden law and characteristic ofclassic gardens in southern china, to stimulate more ideas from others.本文试图通过对中国山水画发展历史的分析来揭示江南古典园林的基本造园规律与特点,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。

3.Chineseclassic garden is one kind of comprehensive art style of integrating architecture,horticulture,Calligraphy & Paintings,literature and music.中国古典园林是集建筑、园艺、书画、文学、音乐与一体的综合艺术形式,通过对音乐审美的本质,园林审美与音乐审美的关系,音乐在古典园林中的作用,古典园林中音乐审美的实践等分析,阐明了音乐在园林中不可或缺的重要地位。

6)traditional garden古典园林

1.From the perspective of urban sociology,the paper probes into the sociological implications of urban gardens:traditional gardens as the inheritance of collective memory,modern gardens as the new logo of urban development and new gardens as sharing space of social classes.以城市社会学的研究视角为基础,从城市古典园林对集体记忆的传承、现代园林作为城市发展新标识以及后现代园林自然生态都市化的发展趋势,探讨城市园林的社会学涵义,研究城市园林作为社会阶层共享空间的功能作用,在此基础上,结合城市园林发展中存在的诸多问题,提出了若干城市园林发展的对策建议。

2.The interpromotion of void and solid is an important principle in Chinese classic aesthetics and the essence of Chinesetraditional garden art.虚实相生是中国古典美学的重要原则,也是中国古典园林艺术的精髓。

3.A Traditional Garden of Special Historical and Cultural Features——The Kaifeng Style Garden of Zhaojia Village and Jiqin Courtyard;赵家堡园林在特定的历史条件,特定的文化内涵,特定的地理条件之下产生,利用自然地形,巧妙安排水面、山坡、丘岗等不同的地貌,相宜布置景区、景点,充分体现了我国古典园林造园艺术的高水平,是古园林遗产中的珍品之一。


