1000字范文 > 父亲角色 the role of father英语短句 例句大全

父亲角色 the role of father英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 18:11:57


父亲角色 the role of father英语短句 例句大全

父亲角色,the role of father

1)the role of father父亲角色

1.Now people have realized the importance ofthe role of father in child’s development,but people still don’t put it in their behavior.虽然现在人们对父亲角色的重要性有所体验和了解,但仍没有付之于行动。


1.Father"s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure.现在,父亲节已成为人们向父亲和其他任何扮演父亲角色的男人表达敬意的节日。

2.Her father led the way, a corner of the bedding roll in his discoloured hands.父亲走在前面,变了颜色的手抓着行李的角角。

3.Analysis on the Fathers" Impact on the Sex Role of Children浅析父亲在儿童性别角色化过程中的影响

4.On the Performance,Emotional Experience of Left-behind Children in the Absence of Fathers and the Role of Fatherhood in Rural Areas父亲缺失下留守儿童的学绩、情感体验及其农村父职角色

5.His role had been too minor and his father"s position was too honoured for him to suffer reprisal.他的角色微不足道,而且他父亲地位显赫,这使他免受囹圄之苦。

6.Urban Fathers Involvement in Children-Parenting and its Relationship with Gender Roles;城市父亲参与儿童教养的特点及其与性别角色的关系

7.play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults.游戏中孩子扮演父亲或母亲或孩子的角色并假装象大人一样相互影响。

8.However, they are also very important in terms of communicating what women"s roles should be.不过,父亲在女人应扮演什么样角色的想法对女儿的影响也是很重要的。

9.I could never replace Meg, I knew that. But I could, perhaps, fill a void in Dad"s life.我知道梅格的角色我是无法取代的,可是我或许能为父亲填补他生活中的这一缺憾。

10.He has a more angular figure than his father.他的体型比他的父亲更显得有棱角。

11.A multidimensional observation of the series of addressing forms of father in Chinese;对汉语中父亲称谓系列的多角度考察

12.Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all be honored on Father"s Day.继父、叔父、伯父、祖父、外祖父以及所有的成年男性朋友们都是父亲节的主角。

13.Eugenie had it, looked at her father calmly in the face.欧也娓声色不动地打量着父亲。

14.His fame was obscured by that of his great father.他父亲的名气使他黯然失色。

15.Father"s eyes sparkled with joy.父亲的眼中闪烁出喜悦之色。

16.paternal affection, authority父爱、 父亲的威信

17.Then he led her into his father"s corner room office.然后,他领她到他父亲的楼角大房间办公室去了。

18.On Rogin"s Pressure and Suffering in A Father-to-Be from a Perspective of Psychoanalysis从精神分析的视角看《来日的父亲》中罗金的痛苦


father"s cultural role"父亲"文化角色

3)the role of parents父母角色

1.Family education,especiallythe role of parents contributes a lot to the formation and development of a child s personality.从阿德勒个体心理学视野看家庭教育中的父母角色,对当下幼儿家庭教育具有一定的借鉴意义。

4)role of fatherhood父职角色

5)role of mother母亲角色

1.Study on primipara playing therole of mother初产妇母亲角色适应状况调查研究

6)art of parent-child balance亲子角色


父亲角色父亲角色father role父亲角色(father role少成年男性有了子女之后而具有的相应身份或行为模式。传统把抚养孩犷看作是母亲的职责,父亲很少参与喂养后代,至多只是孩子的玩伴。现代社会的发展,父亲抚养子女的职能正在得到强化,父亲开始越来越多地参与对子女的照料和教育。许多研究表明,父亲的抚养会对孩子产生有利的影响。特别是男孩接受父亲的抚养,有利于他们的性别角色社会化的过程,传统上认为男性是从L作中获得乐趣和满足,而女性才一从家庭中获得乐趣和满足。实际土,天伦之乐也同样为男性所向往,父亲的身份确有很大的魅力。(陈若莉撰蕊香嘉高玉样审)
