1000字范文 > 法官角色 the role of judge英语短句 例句大全

法官角色 the role of judge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-15 03:01:53


法官角色 the role of judge英语短句 例句大全

法官角色,the role of judge

1)the role of judge法官角色

1.This paper researchesthe role of judge in Chinese judicial mediation, including five parts.本文研究我国法院调解制度中的法官角色。


1.Rule by Law" in the Modern Definition and the Role of Judge;现代“法治”与法官角色的法理学思考

2.Realization of Judges" Role in Court: From the Perspective of Discourse Information Processing从语篇信息处理角度看庭审中法官角色的实现

3.Judicial Authority,Judge Discipline,Mechanism Net: A Sociological Study of Judge s Role;司法权威·法官规训·制度网络——对法官角色的一种法社会学分析

4.On the Role of Judge in Hard Cases--to Discuss the Uncertainty of Law;论疑难案件中的法官角色——兼谈法律的不确定性

5.Intercede Program and Role of Judge in Contemporary Civil Action;现行民事诉讼中的调解程序与法官角色

6.Reformation of the Judicial Systerm in Our Country and Psychology change of the Judges Role;论我国审判制度的改革与法官角色的心理转换

7.Rule of Evidence and Transition of the Judges"Role:Present Situation and Development Trend证据规则与中国法官角色的重塑:现状及其趋势

8.The Judicial Rationality from the Perspective of Current Judge"s Role:Based on the Analysis of the Outstanding Deeds of the Chinese Top Ten Judges in 法官角色视野下的裁判理性——以“中国法官十杰”先进事迹介绍为分析范本

9.The Roles of Procurators--Ananlysis from Angles of the Organization Law and the Procedural Law;检察官的角色——从组织法和诉讼法角度分析

10.They need to be coaches, not judges.他们应扮演教练员,而非法官的角色。

11.The judge served as an arbitrator in the dispute.法官在纠纷中担当了仲裁人的角色。

12.On the Role and Function in the Judicial Judgment of Female Judge;论女性法官在司法审判中的角色和功能

13.On the Judge s Role in the Usage of Evidence Under the Model of Adversary Trial;论对抗式庭审模式下法官在证据运用中的角色

14.The Dealing Style and Role Consciousnessof Ancient Chinese Judicial Officers;古代中国司法官的处事风格与角色意识

15.Among Politics, Law and Society-- Analyses of a Judge s Role by Classics;在政治、法律与社会之间——经典作家论法官的角色定位

16.The judging individual is not acting “ on his own”, but qua judge.审判中的个人并非体现自我,而是体现法官这个角色。

17.Right to Explain in a Civil Trial & Judge s Position and Role;民事审判中的释明权与法官在诉讼中的角色定位

18.The saturnine faces of the judges.法官们那阴沉的脸色


role of the judge法官的角色

3)judge"s role adjustment法官角色调整

4)The alteration of Judge"s roles法官角色转换

5)the role of officials官方角色

6)Discussion on the Social of Judge论法官的社会角色


