1000字范文 > 价格扭曲 Price distortion英语短句 例句大全

价格扭曲 Price distortion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-18 16:09:09


价格扭曲 Price distortion英语短句 例句大全

价格扭曲,Price distortion

1)Price distortion价格扭曲

1.The Measurement of Energy Price Distortions and Factor Substitution in Chinese Industry中国工业部门的能源价格扭曲与要素替代研究

2.Using the industrial data of China from 2001 to ,this paper empirically studies the price distortion for both capital and labor force.运用2001—全国工业行业数据,本文分所有制形式对中国资本和劳动力两要素的价格扭曲问题进行了实证分析。

3.There are two kinds of phenomenon could be economically analyzed, price distortion and intervention failure, which could give new thoughts for the policy study.文章将诊疗关系中的医患双方视作自由选择的契约主体,运用经济分析的方法解释诊疗服务收费存在的价格扭曲和干预失效两种现象,对诊疗收费改革作政策研究。


1.The Measurement of Energy Price Distortions and Factor Substitution in Chinese Industry中国工业部门的能源价格扭曲与要素替代研究

2.International Division of Labor,Factors Price Distortions and Chinese Regional Disparity国际分工、要素价格扭曲与中国地区差距

3.Restrictions of Ownership and Factors Price Distortion:An Empirical Study Using the Industrial Data of China;所有制约束与要素价格扭曲——基于中国工业行业数据的实证分析

4.From "Waves of Peasant-laborers" to "Shortage of Peasant-laborers"──An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor;从“民工潮”到“民工荒”──农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

5.Add these twists and turns to your toolbox and apply them to your next trade.将这些价格扭曲和反转放在你的工具箱中,并在下次趋势中使用他们。

6.Distorted Human Nature and Its Resuscitation;人性的扭曲与复苏——格里森姆《遗嘱》艺术价值解析

7.his mad contorted smile; writhed lips; my writhen features- Walter scott.他病态的扭曲的微笑;被扭曲的嘴唇;我扭曲的性格-沃尔特.斯格特。

8.Using Green GDP to Change the Distorted Value Concept by Market;用绿色GDP扭转被市场扭曲的价值观

9.What price the Wagnerian wind that rustled Hitler"s twisted leaves?瓦格纳的风拂过希特勒扭曲的叶子的价值是什么?

10.On Distorted Investment Behavior by Price Regulation on the Network Industries and the Remedial Schemes;网络产业价格规制对投资行为的扭曲及改进方案

11.With meat shortages, distortions in other sectors, evasions, and rising prices, the control program was in a sorry state.由于肉类短缺,其他行业出现的物价扭曲、避与上涨,价格控制计划惨遭失败。

12.Years of imprisonment warped his disposition.长年的囚禁生活把他的性格扭曲了。

13.Hard life warped his whole character.艰苦的生活使他整个人格扭曲变形。

14.However, the dishonesty of Mr. Calier corrupts the value of loyalty.但是,卡里亚的欺骗扭曲了忠诚的价值。

15.Defects in the medical system and distortion in drug pricing;医疗体制弊端与药品定价扭曲(英文)

16.To turn or twist(wood, for example)out of shape.扭曲使(木头等)扭曲变形

17.The state of being twisted or bent out of shape.扭曲扭曲或变形的状态

18.Levels of Style Distortion in Fictional Translation and Potential Causes;小说翻译中文体风格扭曲的层面及成因


distortionary price扭曲价格

3)the distorted labor force price劳动力价格扭曲

4)factors price distortions要素价格扭曲

1.The feasible policy to narrow the gap between regions is: on the one hand,should make great efforts to build and extend the domestic value chain,achieve the eastern region and the mid-west region positive interaction;on the other hand,improve relevant laws and regulations,the maximum reduction in the level offactors price distortions.中国地区差距的形成、持续存在及其扩大的重要原因之一,与不同区域参与国际分工的深度和广度以及要素价格扭曲有着密切关系。

5)The twisting of coal price煤炭产品价格扭曲

6)distorted mesh扭曲网格


