1000字范文 > 失真 Distortion英语短句 例句大全

失真 Distortion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-08 12:14:08


失真 Distortion英语短句 例句大全



1.On the reason of accounting information distortion and treatment measures;会计信息失真的原因及对策探讨

2.Solutions to current transformer distortion in low voltage power distribution;电流互感器在低压配电中失真的解决措施

3.The danger and countermeasure of accounting information distortion;会计信息失真的危害及治理对策


1.peak clipping distortion峰端削波失真 峰端削波失真

2.center clipping distortion中心削波失真 中心削波失真

3.signal to noise and distortion ratio信号对噪声和失真比

4.SINAD (Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio)信号-噪声及失真比

5.channel distortion coefficient通路非线性失真系数

6.The picture isn"t somewhat true to the original.这张照片有点失真。

7.MUPO (Maximum Undistorted Power Output)最大不失真功率输出

8.non-linear harmonic distortion coefficient非线性谐波失真系数

9.television nonlinear distortion tester电视非线性失真测试仪

10.ochronous signal distortion tester等时信号失真测试器

11.telegraph distortion analyzer电报信号失真分析器

12.distortion factor of square-law demodulator平方律解调器失真因数

13.scanning distortion of video signal扫描引起的图像失真

14.waveform distortion of the luminance signal亮度信号的波形失真

15.Losing his job was rough .他失业了, 真倒霉.

16.Losing his job was rough(on him).他失业了,真倒霉.

17.That is a great disappointment.真是令人大失所望。

18.It was a great mistake.我们真大大地失算了。


lack fidelity失真

1.The accounting informationlack fidelity and the legal liability;论会计信息失真及其法律责任

2.The article puts forward the countermeasures to avoid thelack fidelity of statistical information on the basis of analyzing its reasons.统计信息失真 ,会严重影响各级党委和政府的科学决策。


1.Prevention ofFalse Accounting Information;浅谈会计信息失真的防止

2.The new accounting law and administration of false accounting information;新会计法与会计信息失真的治理

3.This thesis analyses the cause of the false statistic information, and puts forward a solution to prevent the false statistic information and to improve the quality of statistic information.统计信息是社会经济信息的主体,统计信息失真,危害极大,本文详细地剖析了统计信息失真的原因,并提出防止统计信息失真、提高统计信息质量的对策。


1.Based upon credit and supervision—analysis and treatment ofinfidelity of accounting information in state owned enterprises;国有企业会计信息失真的剖析及治理

2.The cause of theinfidelity of accounting information in construction enterprises and its countermeasures;建筑施工企业会计信息失真的成因与对策

3.Providing reliable and impartial accounting information is the basic objective of present-day accounting ,but the problem of accounting informationinfidelity at home and abroad has become the focus of social condemnation .提供可靠公允的会计信息是现代会计的基本目标,而目前国内外的会计信息失真问题已成为社会谴责的焦点,会计信息失真影响了投资者、债权人等会计信息使用者的微观决策及政府宏观经济决策,严重危害了国家、企业和社会公众的利益,因而有效解决会计信息失真问题具有重要的现实意义。


1.This paper reveals the present serious situation ofinaccurate accounting information in economic circles, and analyses the means and motivation of falsifying accounting information with a subsequent solution to it.本文披露当前存在于经济领域会计信息失真的严重情况,分析会计信息造假的手段和动机,提出治理对策,强调重点应该放在加强会计环境建设上面,设想了在完善会计法律法规建设、强化会计内外监督、提高会计人员的业务技能和职业道德等方面进行治理。

2.Theinaccurate accounting information released by listed companies results from incapabilities in audit and supervision by registered accountants and also from the undeveloped managing structures of the listed companies.我国上市公司会计信息披露失真的成因是注册会计师审计监督不力 ,上市公司的治理结构不完善 ;对策是改进上市公司治理结构 ,严格执法 ,规范民间审计和提高服务质量 ,以及完善继续教育制度 ,提高会计人员的综合素

3.The accountinginaccurate data is a serious realistic problem which influences the society and e-conomy greatly.会计信息失真是一个严重的现实问题,其带来的经济和社会影响巨大。

6)distortion and unreal失真失实


