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扭曲 distortion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-08 04:42:23


扭曲 distortion英语短句 例句大全



1.Information security incentive balance between error anddistortion;平衡误差和扭曲的信息安全激励

2.A Note on James s Distortion Theorem;James扭曲定理的一个注记


1.To turn or twist(wood, for example)out of shape.扭曲使(木头等)扭曲变形

2.The state of being twisted or bent out of shape.扭曲扭曲或变形的状态

3.To writhe or squirm, as in pain.扭曲因痛苦而扭曲或扭动身体

4.twist suddenly so as to sprain.突然的扭曲以致扭伤。

5.A contortion or distortion of the body, especially the face.扭曲身体,尤其是脸部的扭曲或歪曲

6.It means "yugami".它是“扭曲”之意。

7.The act or an instance of distorting.扭曲,变形,扭歪使扭歪的行为或例子

8.curl, wind, or twist together.卷曲,缠或扭曲在一起。

9.The condition of being twisted or turned.扭曲被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态

10.Twisted or strained out of shape.被扭曲的被扭转的或形状上被歪曲的

11.body image distortio身体意象扭曲 身体意像扭曲

12.It is bent and twisted into the shape of a skew curve.它被扭弯成一条扭曲的曲线。

13.Moebius Strip Twisted the Space and the Hope;《魔比斯环》扭曲了空间也扭曲了希望

14.his mad contorted smile; writhed lips; my writhen features- Walter scott.他病态的扭曲的微笑;被扭曲的嘴唇;我扭曲的性格-沃尔特.斯格特。

15.Using Green GDP to Change the Distorted Value Concept by Market;用绿色GDP扭转被市场扭曲的价值观

16.TN+film twisted nematic and retardation film扭曲液晶向列+延迟薄膜

17.STN Super Twisted Nematic超扭曲向列,无源矩阵

18.twised nematic扭曲排列的向列相畸变



1.Analysis and Solution on Crinkle and Twist of the Surface of High Voltage Bus Power Cable;上机高压电缆外皮起皱扭曲情况分析和解决办法

2.The screwy SH panels wastwisted about45°in space.为降低四角切圆燃烧锅炉水平烟道流速偏差,文中采用一种新型扭曲分隔屏的方法,分隔屏在空间扭曲角度为45°。

3.In the meantime,the dynamictwist appeared in the deflection of the compass is more improved.在一定分辨率的屏幕上 ,用常规画线函数生成的静态罗盘刻度线呈现出锯齿形失真 ,特别当罗盘作动态旋转时 ,刻度线扭曲、变形。


1.Twisted Building of Department of Physics and School of Information Science & Technology,East China Normal University,Shanghai;扭曲华东师范大学物理信息楼设计

2.Third-order B-spline method is used in the twisted blade design considering the inlet and outlet flow angles .叶型型线设计采用三次B样条控制成型、径向叠加的方法 ,按照进出口汽流角的变化规律进行径向扭曲 ,最终获得三维扭叶片 。

3.Theoretically,the efficient cooperation between supermarkets and suppliers is needed for a healthy supply chain building,but this paper\"s proved that actually the supplier build twisted supply chain relation.理论上来说,超市卖场和供应商之间的高效合作是建立健康供应链的需要,本文实证研究分析了一个供应商在其产品销售过程中建立的供应链关系实际上是扭曲的。


1.The author of the paper holds that the judicial independence in these two historical periods wasdistorted and therefore could not be truly realized.本文对清末及民国时期的司法独立状况进行了概括 ;分析了清末司法独立思想产生的原因 ;认为这两个时期的司法独立是被扭曲的司法独立 ,而非真正的独立 ,其深层原因是由于缺乏发达的商品经济、民主政治和与之相适应的价值理念。

2.This article seeks to explore into the repressed anddistorted souls, a focus of Browning s poetry work formed in 1842, through his Dramatic monologues My Last Duchess(1842), Porphyria s Lover(1936), In a Gondola(1842)and Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister(1842).本文从对诗人的《我的前公爵夫人》,《波菲利雅的情人》,《在贡多拉的船上》,《西班牙修道院里的独白》四首戏剧独白诗的研究中 ,探究其在 184 2年时已经形成的创作重点——研究压抑而扭曲的心


1.Characteristics and Diagnostic Value of Three-Dimensional Transparent Ultrasonography inTortuosity of Extracranial Vertebral Artery;颅外段椎动脉扭曲的三维透明成像特征及诊断价值

2.Ultrasonographic Appearance of theTortuosity of Extracranial Vertebral Artery;颅外段椎动脉扭曲的超声表现



