1000字范文 > 公司层面 Corporate fundament英语短句 例句大全

公司层面 Corporate fundament英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 16:09:30


公司层面 Corporate fundament英语短句 例句大全

公司层面,Corporate fundament

1)Corporate fundament公司层面


1.Research on the Comprehensive Budget Management of the Branch of the Life Insurance Corporation寿险公司省级分公司层面的全面预算管理浅析

2.Research of Financial Centralization Management on Provincial Level of CMCC, Sichuan Branch中国移动四川公司省公司层面财务集中管理研究

anization of Logistic Network on Firm Level--A Case Study of the South Logistics Enterprises Group基于公司层面的物流网络组织——以南方物流公司为例

4.In corporate terms, the focus of the aluminium market is also shifting eastwards.在公司层面,铝市场的焦点也在向东方转移。

5.New "Government-Enterprise Marriage" in State-owned Assets Management Companies of China;论我国国有资产经营公司层面上的新“政企不分”

6.The technology foresight and the technology roadmap have the same function main body on the corporation level, industry level and nation level.技术预见与技术路线图在公司层面、行业层面和国家层面上有相同的活动主体;

7.Research on the System of Evaluation Index for the Scientific Development in Insurance Industry of China--An Analysis Based on the Layer of Companies中国保险业科学发展评价指标体系研究——基于公司层面的分析

8.On the Quality of Accounting Information Under Company Governance;公司治理层面下的会计信息质量研究

9.The influence factors of public company are extensive and all around.上市公司的影响因素是多方面的,多层次的。

ments on Financial Holding Companies in View of Microcosmic Aspect;关于金融控股公司微观层面的文献综述

11.Literature Comment on Financial Holding Company in View of Supervisory Management;基于金融控股公司监管层面的文献综述

12.The Evolvement of Accounting Information Quality in China s Listed Companies: A Technical Perspective;从技术层面看上市公司会计信息质量的演进

13.On Motive and Restriction of the Alteration of Corporation s Regulations;公司章程变更法律探析——从动因和规制层面

14.And where corporate applications use the public Internet, they are vulnerable at the ISP level.在利用公共因特网的公司应用中,它们在ISP层面上也易受攻击。

15.Then he will meet the company"s management to affirm his deductions, to understand the business and to learn of any new development of the company and the industry.分析员也会与公司的管理层会面,了解它的业务以及有 关公司和行业的最新发展。

16.Then he will meet the company"s management to learn of the business and any new development of the company and the industry.分析员也会与公司的管理层会面,了解它的业务以及有关公司和行业的最新发展。

17.On a microscopic level, a test of how serious a company takes its renewed responsibility is how it handles the difficulties of downsizing.在微观层面,一个公司对待新的责任的态度可以从它处理公司裁员这件事中判断出来。

18.Now, the Templeton Company has formally signed a contract, and bought the floor area of the entire 18th floor of the Securities Building.现在邓普顿公司已正式签约,买下了证券大厦整个十八层楼面。


Firm-level Information公司层面信息

3)Highlevel Personnel公司高层

1.CorporationHighlevel Personnel Behavior Choice and Optimal Degree of Shareholding Separation;公司高层人员行为选择和最佳股权分散度

4)corporate hierarchy公司层级

1.As a factor to influence pyramid ownership,the degree of market development does not play a stand-alone role while it has an impact oncorporate hierarchy through the nature of ownership.市场失灵是"金字塔"式股权结构形成的重要因素之一,市场化程度尽管是影响"金字塔"式股权结构的因素,但并不是独立发生作用的,而是通过控制权性质对公司层级特征产生影响;国有上市公司"金字塔"型股权控制结构的控制层级与市场化程度呈正相关关系;非国有上市公司"金字塔"式股权结构的控制层级与市场化程度呈负相关关系;市场化程度对企业控制权与现金流权的分离度有显著的负向影响,非国有企业的两权分离度要高于国有企业。

5)veil piercing公司面纱

1.One of the highlights is its formal establishment of the concept of "veil piercing".于1月1日起开始施行的中华人民共和国公司法对中国的公司法律体系进行了系统的梳理,“揭破公司面纱”原则的正式确立是其中一大亮点。

6)corporate-level strategy公司层战略

1.The research subject ofcorporate-level strategy is the whole organization.公司层战略的对象是整个组织,主要说明公司存在的逻辑及其发展方向,其目的是使公司整体力量大于每个业务单位力量的简单之和。


