1000字范文 > 公司犯罪 corporate crime英语短句 例句大全

公司犯罪 corporate crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-13 08:21:27


公司犯罪 corporate crime英语短句 例句大全

公司犯罪,corporate crime

1)corporate crime公司犯罪

1.Poor corporate governance may causecorporate crimes.公司治理不善可能导致公司犯罪的发生,为调动公司利益共同体各成员有效参与公司治理以预防公司犯罪,必须对公司犯罪实行双罚制。

2.However,it makes no difference to the classification of crimes committed by One-person Limited Liability Company ascorporate crime,i.我国1月1日起施行的新《公司法》增加了“一人有限责任公司的特别规定”一节,明确将一个自然人或者一个法人可以设立具有法人资格的一人有限责任公司,但并不影响一人有限责任公司犯罪仍然属于公司犯罪,也即属于我国《刑法》中规定的单位犯罪。


pany crime s punishment handling under the vision of cooperate governance;公司治理视野下公司犯罪的刑罚应对

2.Corporate Crimes in America from 1970s to 1980s;1970—1980年代的美国公司犯罪

3.The Dual Punishment System for Corporation Crime and Its Legislative Perfection论公司犯罪双罚制原则及其立法完善

4.The Civil Liability of the Corporate Dicision-Maker in Corporate Crime;论公司决策者在公司犯罪中的民事赔偿责任

5.One-member Company Crime in the view of the Disregarding of Corporate Personality;公司法人人格否认视野下的一人公司犯罪分析

6.Corporate crime-committed by businesses-should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.公司犯罪不应与白领犯罪混淆,后者指的是犯罪者的职业,其罪行可能是针对企业的。

7.Since the unraveling of corporate crimes at Enron and other high profile U.S corporations.自从安然公司和美国其他大公司的公司犯罪行为暴露之后.

8.The company refused to bond a former criminal.这家公司拒绝为一个前科罪犯作保。

9.My company is a front for an international crime syndicate.我的公司是国际犯罪集团的掩护者。

10.Decision on Cracking Down on the Crime of Violating the Company Law关于惩治违反公司法的犯罪的决定

11.Seminar on the Alleged Transnational Criminal指称的跨国公司罪犯问题讨论会

12.International Convention on Cooperation for the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice国际预防犯罪和刑事司法合作公约

13.High-tech and "smart firms" become culprits.高科技及〈智慧公司〉变成犯罪者。

14.Study on Fraudulent Information Disclosure Crime of the Listed Company;上市公司虚假信息披露犯罪问题研究

15.Study on the Act of Corporation Director Committing No Crime from Criminal Law;公司董事行为非犯罪化的刑法学研究

16.To Probe the "Insider Crime" in Companies or Enterprises;公司、企业“内部人犯罪”问题初探

17.Public security and judicial organs crack down on crimes according to law, and protect citizens" legitimate rights and interests from being infringed.公安、司法机关依法打击犯罪,保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯。

18.Outright seizures of firms by criminal raiders, usually in cahoots with security or justice officers, are frequent.犯罪分子经常伙同公共安全或司法官员公开地夺取一些公司。


Company crime公司犯罪

1.Company crime is a crime acted out by a company as the subject.公司犯罪是公司作为主体实施的犯罪。

2.Criminology classification of company crime i ncludes economic crime and noneconomic crime.本文认为 ,公司犯罪从犯罪学角度分为经济犯罪和超经济犯罪两类。

3.In this essay, we insist that only the Law regulate the crime, emphasize on how to protect the Corporation System and limit the intention and extension of the corporation system and company crime.公司制度作为法益,一方面是公司犯罪侵害的对象,另一方面也是公司法规范和刑法规范保护的对象。

3)Internationalization of Corporate Crime公司犯罪国际化

4)crime on corporate capital公司资本犯罪

5)crime of state-owned assets公司背信犯罪

6)Crime on Corporate Bankruptcy公司破产犯罪


