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身体性 corporality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-20 16:43:25


身体性 corporality英语短句 例句大全



1.Spatiality and Corporality: The difference between Heidegger s and Merleau-Ponty s Existential Interpretation on Spatiality;空间性与身体性——海德格尔与梅洛庞蒂在对“空间性”的生存论解说上的分歧

2.It is principally because of their different understandings of the concept ofcorporality that made Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty differ from each other on the issue of spatiality.海德格尔与梅洛-庞蒂在空间性问题上之所以会形成不同的看法,一个重要的原因在于他们对"身体性"概念的理解不同。


1.The Physical Origin of Arts:Analysis on Nietzsche s Aesthetic Ideas from the Bodily Perspective;艺术的身体性本源——从身体出发解读尼采美学

2.The Relation through Body--On the Phenomenon of Female Writing through Body;身体的诉说——论女性作家的“身体写作”

3.wasting of the body during a chronic disease.慢性病引起的身体萎缩。

4.Another attribute is sensation.身体的另一属性是感觉。

5.using you own body as a sexual object.把自己身体作为性对象。

6.She gave a sexy wiggle.她性感地扭动身体。

7.light exercise designed to promote general fitness.增加身体柔韧性的练习。

8.Body Marks--Contemporary Females Tattoos in the West;身体的印记——西方当代女性文身现象

9.Writing On Body Under Double Context of Feminism and Physical Aestheticism;女性主义与身体美学化双重语境下的身体写作

10.The Feminine Body;女性化的身体——古典浪漫芭蕾身体美学研究之二

11.On attributes of body-building,competition,and interest of sports;论体育运动健身性、竞技性和趣味性

12.The Originality of Body Subjectivity and Aesthetical Occurrence--One of Subjectivity Body Aesthetics Outline身体主体性的起源与审美发生论——主体论身体美学论纲之一

13.assault with corrosive fluid用腐蚀性液体侵害他人身体

14.Female, good health, non-smoker ? must pass a medical check.女性,身体健康,不吸烟?须通过体检。

15.Bodies in Fiction: A Special Vision of Chinese Modern Experience;小说身体:中国现代性体验的特殊视角

16.Intersubjectivity and Construction of "Sound SomaesthetIcs";主体间性与“健全的身体美学”之建构

17.Body,Sensibility and Freedom--New Annotation of Sport Essence;身体·感性·自由——体育本质新诠释

18.The Female Writing Strategy of Body Return and Heart Experience;回归身体与心灵体验的女性书写策略


female body女性身体

1.Hefemale body in the discourse of revolutionary rationality——The interpretation of Jiang Guangci s,Ding Ling s, and Mao Dun s novels;革命理性话语中的女性身体——蒋光慈、丁玲、茅盾小说解读

2.It is undeniable that thefemale body writing has become a grand cultural phenomenon in the arena of Chinese ideology and culture.女性身体写作成为中国思想文化土壤上重要的蔚为壮观的文化事象,这已是一个不争的事实。

3.To clear about the rise and development process of them,not only make sure the process of female get in public space,but also,it very important that thefemale body show in public space is more and more popular.通过对少女歌舞团兴起过程的爬梳,不仅可以看出当时女性步入都市大众娱乐空间的一般过程,更为重要的是,伴随着歌舞团的兴起,女性身体在公共空间中的展露越发突出。


4)Sex and body性-身体

5)mertia of the body身体惰性

6)male body男性身体

1.At present, the mass media and consumerism work together to put themale body into the consumer system, creating new meaning to market constantly.在当下,大众传媒与消费主义共谋,把男性身体纳入消费系统,不断制造新的意义空间。


身体依赖性分子式:CAS号:性质: 又称生理依赖性。这两个术语已取代过去所称的药物成瘾性。这是由于反复用药造成的身体适应状态,一旦停用,机体出现周身不适,流涎、流泪、思睡、腹痛吐泻,重者惊厥或休克,这些症状称为戒断症状或称机体对药物产生了身体依赖性。严重的戒断症状是身体依赖性的主要特征。吗啡、海洛因、哌替啶等麻醉性镇痛药,均可引起身体依赖性和精神依赖性。对此类药物必须控制使用和慎用。
