1000字范文 > 体罚 Corporal punishment英语短句 例句大全

体罚 Corporal punishment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 11:49:44


体罚 Corporal punishment英语短句 例句大全

体罚,Corporal punishment

1)Corporal punishment体罚

1.A few basic problems about the“corporal punishment ” as a special way in school education;“体罚”作为学校特殊教育方式的几个基本问题

2.It is clearly defined in many Chinese educational law and regulations that teachers corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguised form on the students are forbidden.我国颁布的多部教育法律法规都明确规定,禁止教师体罚和变相体罚学生,但在教育理论和实践中,对什么是体罚和变相体罚,一直存在模糊的认识,从而导致部分教师仍继续犯体罚学生的错误,而另一部分教师又不敢大胆地管学生,甚至放任学生,降低自己工作的责任心。


1.a flat board used to administer physical punishment.用来体罚的扁平木板。

2.What is your stance on corporal punishment?你对体罚持什麽态度?

3.flog learning into a boy以体罚使男孩子读书

4.Relationship Between Parents" Attitudes Toward and Applications of Corporal Punishment父母对体罚的态度与其体罚行为的关系

5.beat, carry out corporal punishment on or instigate other people to beat, carry out corporal punishment on other people under detention殴打、体罚或者指使他人殴打、体罚其他被监管人的

6.A flattened board used to administer physical punishment.扁板实行体罚时用的一块扁平的木板

7.The child"s father gave a rap on the knuckles as a physical punishment.小孩的父亲敲打他的指关节体罚他。

8.Refrain from physical punishment and learn ways of positive discipline.尽量减少体罚,学会正面的约束。

9.A: I want to sue the teachers for their physical punishments at school.我想起诉老师在学校对学生的体罚。

10.a female teacher of a famous school was accused of physically punishing her students.一所名校女教师因体罚学生被控。

11.Do you think it"s acceptable for parents to use corporal punishment你认为家长可以利用体罚,

12.flog laziness out of a boy以体罚矫正男孩子的懒惰习惯

13.He was subjected to the rod in all its rigor in this school他在这所学校里受尽了 杖体罚之苦

14.The Position of Fine in the Penal System;简论罚金刑在我国刑罚体系中的地位

15.never resorted to corporal punishment;决不诉诸肉体惩罚;

16.The Adaption of the Penalty Concerning the Offences on Corruption and Bribery and the Improvement of China"s Penal System贪污受贿罪的刑罚适用与我国刑罚体系的完善

17.A punishment, handicap, or loss of advantage imposed on a team or competitor for infraction of a rule.罚球,罚分,罚下场体育比赛中对犯规的赛队或运动员所施加的惩罚、障碍或不利条件

18.Construct the penalty system of unit s crime again--studying from the angle of the penalty regard as the unit itself;重构单位犯罪的刑罚体系——以对单位组织体本身的刑罚为研究视角


physical punishment体罚

1.It is self-evident that harmfulness ofphysical punishment,explicit or implicit,exists in many ways,especially physically.体罚的危害是多方面的,既有显性的,也有隐性的;体罚对于身体的伤害不言而喻,但人们对于它对学生心理、学习、师生关系的不利影响,对社会危害的认识还未达到应有的高度。

2.Therefore, only by changing such knowledge-centered trend, canphysical punishment be radically prohibited.所以,只有改变这种知识中心论倾向,才能从根本上杜绝体罚。

3.Mental andphysical punishments are two “ cancers" in behavior of teacher s education, which is the wrong behavior against humanizing education and seriously harms the mental and physical heaths of students.心罚与体罚,是教师教育行为的两个“毒瘤”,是反人性化的错误教育行为,严重地伤害着学生的身心健康。

3)reward and punishment system奖罚体系

4)punishment cubism处罚主体

1.When water administrative management departments at different levels made water administrative punishment, they easy failed because of indistinctpunishment cubism, illegal cubism and hydraulic engineering management scope.各级水行政主管部门依法对违反水法律法规行为的当事人作出处罚时 ,由于处罚主体不清、违法主体认定不清、水工程管理范围确定未清等造成败诉。

5)System of penalty刑罚体系

1.There are a large number of penalties of deprivation of qualification existing beyond system of penalty in our country.在我国刑罚体系外存在大量资格刑。

6)punishment system刑罚体系

1.Therefore,it is essential to improve thepunishment system of China in fighting against the crimes of bribery and corruption by taking the advantage of the Convention of United Nations against the Corruption agreed by China so as to examine the curre.因此,有必要以我国同意加入《联合国反腐败公约》为契机,以此为新的视角审视我国刑法规定,达到完善我国有关贪污贿赂犯罪刑罚体系之目的。

2.The introduction of Community Correction in our country is not only the reform in the execution ofpunishment system, but also on behalf of updating the modern idea of penalty, the basic trend of penalty development, the optimization of operating mechanism of the Penal Code.从社区矫正制度角度考察,我国刑罚体系存在重刑主义倾向明显、非监禁的轻缓刑种太少、惟一的限制自由刑——管制刑几乎处于名存实亡的状态。


