1000字范文 > 公司资本 corporate capital英语短句 例句大全

公司资本 corporate capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 17:47:10


公司资本 corporate capital英语短句 例句大全

公司资本,corporate capital

1)corporate capital公司资本

1.A Legal Analysis into the Corporate Capital Credit;公司资本信用之法律分析

2.This paper analyzes the operation effect of three principles ofcorporate capital in practice,and considers that the three principles of capital should be reformed properly.分析了公司资本三原则在现实中的运作效果,认为资本三原则应当适时地给予改革。

3.Obviously, it will be a key theme to reconstruct Chinesecorporate capital system.本文沿着这一价值路径,从效益、公平等不同维度对现存的公司资本制度进行价值考量和利益平衡,对公司资本制度进行了检讨和评判。


1.current value adjustments for the capital of a company公司资本现值的调整

2.A View on the Company Capital System in Our Country from the New Companies Law;从新《公司法》看我国公司资本制度

3.The Company Capital System and Protection of the Company s Creditors Interests;公司资本制度与公司债权人利益保护

4.The Constitution of Company Capital--On the Category of the Capital;公司资本的构成——关于资本范畴的探讨

5.The relationship between capital cost and capital structure in Chinese listed corporation;中国上市公司资本成本和资本结构实证分析

6.Research on Capital Asset Price Model in the China Security Market;中国上市公司资本资产定价问题研究

7.Unification concerning the Capital System of the Company between Domestic and Foreign Investment;关于内、外资公司资本制度的统一问题

8.investment in capital of affiliated concerns投资附属公司的资本

9.capitalize the company"s reserve funds将公司预备金移作资本

10.The authorized capital of the Company is US$500,000.公司授权资本为500,000美元。

11.Details of our company and our company representative are attached herewith.随附本公司的资料及本公司代表的资料。

12.The Company is an investment holding company.本公司乃一投资控股公司。

13.Discussion on Social Capital Management in Corporate Governance;浅议公司治理中的公司社会资本管理

14.Withdrawal of capital investment from a company or country.投资减缩从公司或国家撤回资本投资

15.Social Capital and Corporate Cost of Equity: A Theoretical and Empirical Study;社会资本与公司权益资本成本理论与实证研究

16.convert into capital, as of a company"s reserve funds.把公司的储存资金转变成资本。

17.Capital Market Imperfections, Uncertainty, and Corporate Investment;资本市场不完美、不确定性与公司投资

18.Market Timing and Capital Structure;市场时机、公司融资行为与资本结构


company capital公司资本

1.Analysis of thecompany capital structure;公司资本结构析论——兼论我国公司资本结构的现状与政策选择

2.Thecompany capital is very impotant for the company itself as well as for others.公司资本制度是公司法当中重要的制度之一,公司资本无论对公司自身或他人均具有重要的意义。

3.The legal protection system for the formation ofcompany capital has great significance to the interests of company, creditor and shareholders, on which China s legal system has made corresponding regulations.公司资本形成的法律保护制度对于公司、债权人以及股东的利益都具有重大意义,我国公司法律制度对此虽有规定,但存在疏漏,且缺乏可操作性。

3)corporation capital公司资本

1.By means of comparative research this paper discusses the legislation ofcorporation capital system and offers suggestions in view of the corporation s capital formation system, the lowest norm of registered capital, the constitution ofcorporation capital (way of offering capital), and the obligation for the false corporation registered capital.利用比较的方法,从公司资本形成制度;公司最低资本限额;公司资本的构成,即出资方式;出资不实的法律责任等方面对我国公司资本立法进行分析并提出完善的意见。

2.Corporation capital system is a core of the corporation law, and a foundation of perfecting other systems of the corporation law.公司资本制度是公司法的重要制度,是完善公司法其他制度的基础,从现今国际社会看,公司资本制度存在法定资本制、授权资本制和折衷资本制三种模式。

4)corporation capital system公司资本制

1.Through analyzing the three sorts ofcorporation capital systems , the author considers that the strict legal capital system has its own limitation and should be reformed .本文通过对三种公司资本制度的分析 ,认为我国现阶段实行的严格的法定资本制有其局限性 ,有必要改革。

5)corporate capitalization公司资本化

6)company capital investment公司资本投资


公司资本公司资本 :指经政府批准的公司章程所确定的由股东认购股份出资所构成的公司财产总额。
