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教师角色期望 teachers role expectation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-08 02:46:50


教师角色期望 teachers role expectation英语短句 例句大全

教师角色期望,teachers" role expectation

1)teachers" role expectation教师角色期望


1.An Investigation of Role Expectation and Role Performance Perceived by Resource Room Teachers资源教师角色期望与角色实践调查研究

2.A Comparative Research between Teachers Self-Cognition of Their Roles and Expectation of the Community Concerned to Teachers;教师角色的自我认知与相关群体对教师角色期望的比较研究

3.The Comparison on Middle School Teacher s Role Expectation of Four Groups among Three Areas in Jiangsu Province;江苏省三地四群体教师角色期望的比较研究

4.Status,Characteristics and Causes of Teachers" Role Expectation of Colonies Concerned with Education--Based on a Survey in Changsha,Hunan教育相关群体教师角色期望状况及其特点和成因分析——以来自湖南长沙的调查为基础

5.Research on Role Expectation of College Students for Sports Teachers in the New Period;新时期大学生对体育教师的角色期望

6.The Comparison on Role-Expectation of Middle School Teachers between Educational Relative Groups;教育相关群体对中学教师的角色期望之比较

7.University Students Expectation for the Role of P.E.Teachers under New Curriculum Criteria;新课标下大学生对体育教师的角色期望

8.Role expcetation to PE teachers in primary and middle schools of Guangdong;广东省中小学学生对体育教师的角色期望

9.On Part Expectation of Mathematics Teachers to the Dynamic Features of Mathematics Course;论数学课程活动性对数学教师的角色期望

10.An Investigation into Gender Role Expectation of Middle School Teachers, Parents and Students性别角色期望:对中学教师、家长和学生的调查研究

11.Study on the expected roles of PE teachers of students in higher vocational college under the basic curriculum reform基础课程改革下职专生对体育教师的角色期望研究

12.Teacher s Role Expectation and Its Effect on Teachers Growing;教师角色期待及其对教师成长的影响

13.Case Teaching and the Teacher Multiple-role;案例教学与教师角色丛——兼议教改对教师角色嬗变的期待

14.Reflection of the Teachers Roles Position in Distance Education;论新时期远程教育中的教师角色定位

15.By New Time Middle School Political Lesson Teacher s Role Localization;论新时期中学政治课教师的角色定位

16.The Research on How to Change the Role of Faculty in the New Period;新时期我国大学教师角色转换的研究

17.Analysis on the Confilicts of Countryside Teachcr s Role in Social Transformation;社会转型时期农村教师角色冲突分析

18.A Review of Domestic Study of Teacher"s Role in ELTin the Past 11 Years国内外语教师的角色研究:回顾和展望



1.The effect ofteacher-expectancy is the influence of teachers expectancy to the students study.教师期望是指教师在对学生的知觉感受基础上产生的对学生的行为结果的某种预测性认知,由教师的期望引起的对学生学习效果的影响就是教师期望效应。

2.By analysis of covariance of single factor to investigate the effect of theteacher-expectancy on the self-worth sense and the motivational belief.以84名初中二年级学生为被试,采用单因子协变量分析对教师期望的改变对初中生自我价值感及动机信念的影响进行研究。

3.The present study investigated the relationship betweenteacher-expectancy, self-worth and goal orientation.以274名初中二年级学生为被试,采用验证性因素分析和多元回归方法对教师期望、自我价值感及目标取向的关系进行研究。

3)teacher expectation教师期望

1.This research is intended to explore the influence ofteacher expectations on students achievement,peer acceptance and school life satisfaction using interview,nomination and questionnaire.本研究以31名初中教师及其所教的1438名初中生为被试,运用多层线性模型(HLM)从个体和班级两个层面探讨了教师期望对初中生的学业、同伴接纳和学校满意度等心理发展指标的影响。

2.,teacher expectation,achievement differences,risk behavior),and the implications it provides for quality edu.从20世纪70年代开始,社会能力的概念为国外研究者广为接受,有关社会能力的理论和实践探索不断深化扩展,西方学者对社会能力的定义和测量、对教师期望、成绩差异、危险行为以及对社会能力的结构、作用和培养方案进行的探讨,极大地增进了教育、心理学工作者对于儿童社会适应和认知发展的理解。

3.The effect ofteacher expectation is the influence or result on the basis of it.教师期望是教师在对学生了解的基础上对学生所形成的一种期待与关注,是一种巨大的教育力量。

4)teachers expectation教师期望

1.This paper analysises the feasibility of theteachers expectation in adult education from the different point of view and exposes the misleading viewpoint in the adult education ,thus to cause the attention of the educators.本文从暗示学的角度、归因的角度、强化的角度对教师期望效应在成人教育中的可行性作了分析 ,并揭示了在现实成人教育教学中 ,教师对学生形成的期望普遍存在的一些误区 ,借以引起大家的关

5)teacher expectancy教师期望

1.Recently,lots of researches have been done in the realm ofteacher expectancy abroad,and many results accumulated.近些年,国外的心理学与教育学研究者对教师期望现象进行了大量的研究,并取得了一定的成果。

2.Rrecent research on this topic has returned to the links in the chain ofteacher expectancy effect.教育学和心理学者都对教师期望做了大量的研究。

3.Recently,a lot of experimental research has been done in the realm ofteacher expectancy theory at home and abroad.教师期望是指教师在对学生的知觉感受基础上产生的对学生行为结果的某种预测性认知。

6)Teacher expectations教师期望

1.Teacher Expectations Effect on Their Students Action in Classroom;教师期望对学生课堂行为的影响研究

2.teaching practice,diversified measures should be taken to promote the students\" fulfilment of the teacher expectations so as to help promote the sports teaching quality.教师期望是一种无形的、巨大的教育力量。


教师角色教师角色teacher role教师角色(teaeher role)指教师在社会关系中的一种位置,因社会分工而具有对年轻一代传授科学文化知识、培养思想情操和行为习惯者的身份。它体现着社会期望年轻一代成为继承、发扬年长一代的事业的人才。“育人”是它的行为的基本准则。履行这一准则者,才具有这一身份,居有这一位置。凡具有这一身份者,无论他对其身份的理解如何,都在一定的程度上,照此准则行事。随着他对社会的上述期望的认同程度的加深,他“以身作则,为人师表,诲人不倦,期望学生成才”的基本心理特征就更为明显。这认同程度与其“育人”实践的广度、深度成正相关。具有此身份者,在其他的社会关系的位置上,又有另外的身份,如父(母)、兄(姐)、朋友,等等。但他作为教师,对于学生,始终是个“育人”角色。他对学生做的一切,都是期望学生成才,体现社会的要求。(周作云撰张粹然审)
