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教师角色 teachers role英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 23:46:58


教师角色 teachers role英语短句 例句大全

教师角色,teachers role

1)teachers role教师角色

1.From the basic policy of the teachers information qualities,theteachers role can transform rapidly.提出提高教师的信息素质的基本策略,从而促进教师角色的迅速转化。

2.The evolution,on-carrying,change and innovation ofteachers role is of necessity of historical development as well as educational logic.教师角色的嬗承、变革与创生,既是历史发展的使然,也是教育逻辑的必然。

3.With a guidance of this idea,teachers role should be reoriented and changed,that is,a change from a traditional knowledge initiator to a participant,guide and cooperator of learning,a change from a "teaching-smith" or "gardener to" a teacher with creativity;a change from a teacher with single skill to one with integrated skills.在这种新课程理念的指导下,教师角色应该进行重新定位与转换,即由传统的知识传授者向学习的参与者、引导者、合作者转换;由"教书匠"、"园丁"向创新型教师转换;由单一型教师向综合型教师转换。


1.On the connotation of teachers role and the resistance in its transition;论教师角色的涵义与角色转变的阻力

2.Teacher s Role Expectation and Its Effect on Teachers Growing;教师角色期待及其对教师成长的影响

3.Transformation of Teachers Role and Its Influence on Teachers Education;教师角色转换及其对师范教育的影响

4.The Transformation of Normal Educaton Requires the Renewability of teachers Role;师范教育的转型呼唤教师角色的更新

5.Normal Colleges Should Strengthen the Students Professional Teacher Role Education;师范院校要强化学生的教师角色教育

6.A Reflection of the Role of Teacher in the Perspective of Man of Knowledge as a Social Role;知识人社会角色视角下的教师角色反思

7.Case Teaching and the Teacher Multiple-role;案例教学与教师角色丛——兼议教改对教师角色嬗变的期待

8.From "Teacher" to "Facilitator":Redefining the Role of University Teachers;从“教师”到“建导师”——对大学教师角色的重新定位

9.Teachers" Role Types of Normal University under New Situation新形势下师范院校教师角色类型探讨

10.An Exploration to Teachers" Roles Conversion under Multicultural Sight多元文化视角下的教师角色转换思考

11.On the Influence of Missionaries’ Teacher Roles on Foreign Affairs Education;传教士的教师角色对洋务教育的影响

12.Research on Role Transition of P.E.Teachers and Teachers Training in the Context of New Curriculum Strandard;新课程标准下的体育教师角色转变与教师教育

13.New Challenges for Teachers from the Discussion Way of Teaching and the Change of Teachers Roles;研讨式教学对教师的新挑战及教师角色转换

14.The Shift and Analysis of Teacher Roles in College English Teaching;大学英语课堂教师角色转变和现行角色分析

15.Discussion on the Difficulties and the Changing Role of College Sports Teacher s Role;高校体育教师角色困境与角色转变刍议

16.The role of "Two Courses"(Marxist theory and ideological education) teacher of the university lacks proper care and makes role orientation;高校“两课”教师的角色失调与角色定位

17.Helping Teachers Fulfill Role-turn in Teachers Training;在教师培训中帮助教师完成角色转变

18.On Realization of Right- Enhancing & New- Curriculum Role of Teachers;论教师增权与教师新课程角色的实现


teacher"s role教师角色

1.The Change of Teaching Patterns and Teacher"s Roles in College English Teaching高校英语教学模式转变及教学中教师角色的转变

3)teacher role教师角色

1.Micro-analysis of theteacher role in the autonomous class teaching of college English;大学英语自主式课堂教学模式中教师角色探微

2.Transformation of the teaching and learning model entails a fundamental change ofteacher role.大学英语教学改革意味着教师角色的转变。

4)teachers roles教师角色

1.This essay discusses theteachers roles from the perspective of constructivism teaching and the requirements of the teachers based on analyzing the meanings of the constructivism teaching.本文在分析建构主义教学观的内涵的基础上,对建构主义教学观视阈下的教师角色以及建构主义教学观对教师的要求进行了探讨。

2.This empirical study aims to find out students expectations ofteachers roles in autonomous language learning project.本文是一项基于外语自主学习活动的、探讨学生对教师角色期待的实证研究报告。

3.This paper expounds thatteachers roles should be changed in middle schools.本文论述中学教师应转变教师角色的相关问题。

5)role of teacher教师角色

1.On therole of teacher from perspective of inter-subjectivity;主体间性视界中的教师角色

2.The phenomenology-hermeneutic consider that the understandingrole of teachers is a wide-open state.教师在与学生的互动中所理解、创生的角色是最根本的教师角色。

3.This text tries to explore the function of Outward Bound to train collage students in mental state quality,good social ability and healthy physique,and to reach the goal of education,expand PE course resources,exchang the view of teacher-student androle of teacher.从价值的角度探讨心理拓展训练在培养学生坚强的心理品质、良好的社会适应能力、强健的体魄三个维度全面发展中的作用,以及对教育目标的达成、体育课程资源的拓展、新型师生观的重构和教师角色的认知方面的意义。

6)teachers" role教师角色


教师角色教师角色teacher role教师角色(teaeher role)指教师在社会关系中的一种位置,因社会分工而具有对年轻一代传授科学文化知识、培养思想情操和行为习惯者的身份。它体现着社会期望年轻一代成为继承、发扬年长一代的事业的人才。“育人”是它的行为的基本准则。履行这一准则者,才具有这一身份,居有这一位置。凡具有这一身份者,无论他对其身份的理解如何,都在一定的程度上,照此准则行事。随着他对社会的上述期望的认同程度的加深,他“以身作则,为人师表,诲人不倦,期望学生成才”的基本心理特征就更为明显。这认同程度与其“育人”实践的广度、深度成正相关。具有此身份者,在其他的社会关系的位置上,又有另外的身份,如父(母)、兄(姐)、朋友,等等。但他作为教师,对于学生,始终是个“育人”角色。他对学生做的一切,都是期望学生成才,体现社会的要求。(周作云撰张粹然审)
