1000字范文 > 角色期望 role expectation英语短句 例句大全

角色期望 role expectation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 12:48:46


角色期望 role expectation英语短句 例句大全

角色期望,role expectation

1)role expectation角色期望

1.Role Expectation and Role Comprehension in Behaviors of Journalism Anomie;试析新闻失范行为中的角色期望与角色领悟

2.When it comes torole expectation of middle school teachers, it refers to the hopes and anticipation placed on middle school teachers’behavi.角色期望是指社会按照社会角色的一般模式对在社会关系系统中处于一定的角色地位的人的态度、行为提出种种合乎身份的要求并寄予期望。

3.Teacher srole expectation is a kind of assumption given by the society that teachers, who stand in the specific role station, should put up what kinds of behavior.教师角色期望就是指人们对教师这一处于特定角色地位的群体所应表现出的特定行为的一种设想。


1.Research on Role Expectation of College Students for Sports Teachers in the New Period;新时期大学生对体育教师的角色期望

2.An Investigation of Role Expectation and Role Performance Perceived by Resource Room Teachers资源教师角色期望与角色实践调查研究

parison of Role Expectation for Head Nurse Between Doctors and Nurses医生护士对护士长角色期望的比较

4.A Comparative Research between Teachers Self-Cognition of Their Roles and Expectation of the Community Concerned to Teachers;教师角色的自我认知与相关群体对教师角色期望的比较研究

5.The Comparison on Middle School Teacher s Role Expectation of Four Groups among Three Areas in Jiangsu Province;江苏省三地四群体教师角色期望的比较研究

6.The Comparison on Role-Expectation of Middle School Teachers between Educational Relative Groups;教育相关群体对中学教师的角色期望之比较

7.University Students Expectation for the Role of P.E.Teachers under New Curriculum Criteria;新课标下大学生对体育教师的角色期望

8.Applications of Factorial Analysis Model in Analyzing Male Role Expectations Among Middle School Students;中学生男性性别角色期望的因子模型与应用

9.Role expcetation to PE teachers in primary and middle schools of Guangdong;广东省中小学学生对体育教师的角色期望

10.On Part Expectation of Mathematics Teachers to the Dynamic Features of Mathematics Course;论数学课程活动性对数学教师的角色期望

11.A survey of expectations of related groups toward role of head nurse in hospitals医院相关群体对护士长角色期望的调查

12.Applications of Factorial Analysis in Analyzing Sexual Role Expectations Among Middle Schoolgirls;因子分析在中学生女性性别角色期望分析中的应用

13.Survey on Role Expectation of the Tutors from Students in Baiyun University广东白云学院学生对辅导员角色期望的调查研究

14.An Investigation into Gender Role Expectation of Middle School Teachers, Parents and Students性别角色期望:对中学教师、家长和学生的调查研究

15.Study on the expected roles of PE teachers of students in higher vocational college under the basic curriculum reform基础课程改革下职专生对体育教师的角色期望研究

16.Status,Characteristics and Causes of Teachers" Role Expectation of Colonies Concerned with Education--Based on a Survey in Changsha,Hunan教育相关群体教师角色期望状况及其特点和成因分析——以来自湖南长沙的调查为基础

17.Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Female Roles Expectations of College Students Between the Han Nationality and Other Ethnic Groups汉族与少数民族大学生女性性别角色期望的多元统计分析与比较研究

18.Role awareness and expectation communication角色认知/定位及期望值沟通


role expectancy角色期望

1.The researcher designed a questionnaire on the undergraduate srole expectancy and used UPI to test 650 undergraduates who were freshmen, sophomores and the third grades.采用自编的大学生角色期望调查问卷和大学生人格健康调查表(UPI),对650名1-3年级大学生进行测试。

3)expected roles期望角色

4)role expectations期望的角色

5)social role expectancy社会角色期望

1.This paper discusses the campus psychological conditions within colleges and universities and the influence on the teachers from these four factors:social role expectancy,the developing goal of the school collective, the attitude and orientation of value within the majority of the school teachers and atmosphere of human relations within the school.从社会角色期望、学校集体发展目标、多数教师的态度和价值取向、学校人际关系等四个方面论述了校园心理环境对高校教师造成的影响。

6)sexual role expectation性别角色期望

1.Some application of multivariate statistical analysis tosexual role expectation;多元统计分析在性别角色期望分析中的应用


角色期望角色期望role expectation角色期望(role expeetation)角色理论中的一个非常令人关注的核心问题。我国学者在所出版的社会心理学专著中也有论述。外国学者,如T.R.萨尔宾在其《角色理论》、格罗斯(Gross,N.)和梅森(Mason,W)、麦凯克伦(MeEaehern,A.W.)在其所写的《角色分析中的探索》(Ex川or,。tio。,i。尺。z。注。。lysi:)中都对这个问题有过专门的论述,且中外学者的看法是一致的。角色期望指社会或是他人(或是自我)对某一社会角色所应具有的一组心理与行为特征的期望。角色期望在多数情况下都是明确的,例如,家长往往期望子女将来应该成为对社会有用的人才。角色期望不是一些行为的清单,而是包括了认知、情感和态度的总和,是一个复杂的系列。角色期望往往是在个人社会化之前,或是扮演某种角色之前就已经规定好了。当然,有时候也会出现对某一种角色期望不一致的情况,这样就必然会出现两个结果,一是不同人们在扮演同一角色时,其行为表现不一样,即个别差异:二是使某些个体在扮演角色时出现无所适从的困难。(林乘赞撰沈德灿市)
