1000字范文 > 非文人笔墨 writing skill of non-scholars英语短句 例句大全

非文人笔墨 writing skill of non-scholars英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 17:26:21


非文人笔墨 writing skill of non-scholars英语短句 例句大全

非文人笔墨,writing skill of non-scholars

1)writing skill of non-scholars非文人笔墨

2)the Scholar"s Pen and Ink Style文人笔墨


1.The Combination of the Academy Model and the Scholar′s Pen and Ink Style--The Requirements of the Times to Traditional Chinese Painting院体造型与文人笔墨的融合——时代对中国画创作的呼唤

2.The Cultural Context of concept of “Brush and Ink”and Its Semantic Concept;“笔墨”的文化语境与“笔墨”概念的语义

3.A brief study on Zhou zuo ren s "Wei-Jin essays";“半生事笔墨,辛苦为法施”——周作人的“魏晋文章”浅论

4.The touring exhibition shows you the four treasures of the study, i.e. the writing brush, the ink, the inkstone and the paper.巡回展览展出的是文房四宝:笔、墨、砚、纸。

5.Sue began to draw a picture with a pen and ink for a magazine story.苏开始用笔墨为某杂志的文章作画。

6.One has to be careful when writing critical articles, otherwise you can easily get involved in paper arguments.写评论文章要三思, 免得惹上笔墨官司。

7.Traditionally the "four treasures of the study"are a brush pen, an ink-stick, paper and an inkstone.传统的"文房四宝"指的是笔、墨、纸、砚。

8."Even worse are those writers of the breeze-and-moonlight school, who corrupt the young with pornography and filth. ""更有一种风月笔墨,其淫秽污臭,屠毒笔墨,坏人子弟,又不可胜数."

9.Spirits in the Moving of Writing Brush──On Mr. Hua Qimin s Stroke Language of the Figure Painting;笔歌墨舞见精神——论华其敏先生人物画的笔墨语言

10.Most people now use ballpoints rather than ink.现在多数人舍墨水而使用圆珠笔了。

11.The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, with a sprinkling of Aramaic.旧约是用希伯来文写的,也有星点亚兰文的笔墨。

12.The theories about handling brush and ink are similar in calligraphy writing and traditional Chinese picture drawing.特别是在宋元文人画出现以后,绘画用笔讲究从书法中来,水墨写意与书法的行草意趣相通。

13.And, down through the ages, its simple beauty has inspired artists and witers alike.古今往来,不管岁月的流逝他都保持着清秀脱俗,而激励文人骚客对它大挥笔墨。

14.And in a small stationer"s shop not far away he had bought his penholder and his bottle of ink.在不远的一家文具铺里,他曾经买过笔杆和墨水。

15.On Zhang Zhiming s Poems Written for Himself during the Cultural Revolution;十年绝墨笔生雷——论张志民“文革”中的“自赏诗”

16.On the Innovation of Jin Characters from Utility to Pure Art西周金文从实用到纯艺术书写的笔墨创新

17.Shop The four treasures refer to burshes, inksticks, paper and inkstones. Here are some painting brushes made of goat hair, weasel hair and rabbit hair.售货员: 文房四宝指笔墨纸砚,毛笔有羊毫、狼毫和紫毫。

18.the pen is mightier than the sword(saying)(谚)笔墨胜刀剑.


the Scholar"s Pen and Ink Style文人笔墨

3)To Beggar description非笔墨所能喻

4)no words can adequately describe; beggar description非笔墨所能形容

5)An intellectual文墨人儿

6)litterateurs and scholars文人墨客


文人1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。
