1000字范文 > 美术技能 skill of art英语短句 例句大全

美术技能 skill of art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-03 18:12:48


美术技能 skill of art英语短句 例句大全

美术技能,skill of art

1)skill of art美术技能


1.Harmonious Development Research on Pre-school Children"s Fine Art Skills and Creativity学前儿童美术技能与创造力协同发展的研究

2.On the Perfect Combination of Traditional Artistic Skills with Computer Application;传统美术技能与计算机应用的完美结合——Painter ix软件与数位板简介

3.Demonstration Skills--Art Teachers Necessary Skills of Education;演示技能——美术教师必备的教学技能

4.Design aesthetics involves in the function beauty, scientific beauty and technological beauty.设计美学涉及功能之美、学之美与技术之美。

5.Aesthetic characteristics of difficult and beautiful sports items;论难美技能类项群的美学特征与技术创新

6.On the Beauty of Form and Art of Acrobatic Gymnastics;论难美技能体育项目的运动形式美与艺术美

7.U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board美国核能废料技术评估局

8.ageing characteristics of mucilages胶浆的老化性能(美国印花技术用语)

9.Strengthening Teaching Skill Trainingand Improving Art Education Guality;强化教学技能训练 提高美术教育质量

10.U.S.Technical Regulations For The Flammability Of Upholstered Furniture And Material美国家具以及材料燃烧性能技术法规

11.Research on Theory of Technical Innovation and Aesthetics Characteristics of Events with Difficult and Beautiful Skills;难美技能类体育项目技术创新理论研究

12.Application of compressed air energy storage and other energy storage technologies in America压缩空气蓄能及其他蓄能技术在美国的应用

13.No other concentration technology can compete with evaporation in this sense.从这个意义上说,没有其它的浓缩技术能与蒸发技术相媲美。

14."Skills" and "Design" --Teaching Reform on Computer Art Course in Multimedia Technology Specialty“技能”加“设计”——多媒体技术专业计算机美术课程教学改革初探

15.The characteristics of the technical performance of schnabel cars in the American Railway are expounded.阐述了美国铁路钳夹车的技术性能特点。

16.Can Export Regulation Policy Win the Competition Edge of American High Technology Sector?出口管制政策能保持美国的技术领先优势吗?

17.The Relationship among Technology Progress,Structure Change and Energy Efficiency of US;技术进步、结构变化与美国能源效率的关系

18.Reflections on the Recent Phenomenon of Placing Skill above Theory in the Speciality of Art Education of Normal Colleges;对当前高师美术教育专业重技能轻理论的思考


Cosmetic techniques美容技术

3)technology aesthetics技术美学

1.Secondly,it analyzes the idea of form aesthetics,technology aesthetics and society aesthetics,which are parts of the system of design aesthetics.从美学概念、产品设计理论及设计与美学结合的必然性展开论述,综合分析了产品设计美学系统的形式美学、技术美学、社会美学三种元素,并提出了通过三元素的辩证统一构建产品设计美学并表现其本质的思想。

2.Modern design,especially, the subject theory of annotation art design plays a more and more important role in people s life,In the study of modern design,the concepts oftechnology aesthetics picked out to discuss have profound significance in comprehending modern design or industrial design.在研究现代设计的时候 ,把技术美学的概念抽出来阐述 ,对理解现代设计 (或工业设计 )有着更深层次的意义。

4)technical beauty技术美

1.Formal beauty andtechnical beauty are demonstrated in the process of product design and manufacturing.使产品在设计与制造过程中,体现出形式美与技术美,获得高品质的产品,对加快设计与制造业发展,提高产品的市场竞争力具有重要的现实意义。

2.The technical products constitute our living condition and thetechnical beauty, which is one of the main aesthetic forms of the technical products, is not only endowed with the general aesthetic value but with a special one in terms of promoting the harmony between the physical and the mental lives.作为技术产品之主要审美形态的技术美,在促进人类物质生活与精神生活和谐方面,除了具有一般美学意义上的审美价值,还具有特殊价值。

3.Nowadaystechnical beauty has become the main content to evaluate the furniture.在现代,技术美则成为评定家具的主要内容。

5)Technical aesthetics技术美学

1.Thoughts on methodology in technical aesthetics;关于技术美学研究的方法论思考

2.The source of technical aesthetics was introduced and its meaning was explained.阐述了技术美学的来源及拓展,探讨了技术美学与当代景观设计的关系。

6)art skill美术技法

1.Be away from misunderstanding of the Art skill course;走出美术技法课教学的误区


THC技能THC技能THC ability等,是各级管理干部都必须具备的管理技能之一。判断技能也叫综合判断能力,如社会知觉能力、环境诊断能力、决策能力、随机处理能力等。它对中上层管理干部更为重要。(孙俊山撰张燮审)THe技能(THe ability)技术技能(teehnieal)、人事技能(human skill)和判断技能(eoneeptual skill)的简称。由美国人柯兹(Katz,R.L.)提出。他认为这三种技能对管理者来说是最主要的。技术技能是指熟知与自己工作有关的事项,包括工作的方法、程序、手续等,如校长要了解教育对象、教育方法、学制、课程等事项。技术技能主要是对第一线管理干部的要求。人事技能是指能够最大限度地发挥部下力量的能力。它包括编制配备、人员分工、量才用人和调动人的积极性
