1000字范文 > 故事教学技能 teaching skills of story telling英语短句 例句大全

故事教学技能 teaching skills of story telling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 21:48:05


故事教学技能 teaching skills of story telling英语短句 例句大全

故事教学技能,teaching skills of story telling

1)teaching skills of story telling故事教学技能

2)teaching accident教学事故

1.This paper analyzesteaching accidents happening in colleges and universities,introduces the process-control approach in enterprise management and the performance management approach in human resources management into university management,thus makes an attempt to perfect the management system so as to prevent and reduceteaching accidents.对高校教学事故问题作了分析,通过引入企业管理中的过程控制方法以及人力资源管理中的工作分析法和绩效管理方法,力图从完善管理制度方面来防范和减少教学事故的发生。


1.Reducing Teaching Accidents and Improving Administration Effect in Colleges and Universities;控制高校教学事故 提高高校教学管理效能

2.The Teaching of Story in the English Teaching for Primary Students;论故事教学在小学英语教学中的应用

3.The use of story telling in teaching language to hearing-impaired children;故事教学法在聋儿语言教育中的运用

4.Study on the Legal Responsibility for School Accidents--A Probe into Ministry of Education s Measures for Dealing with Accidents of Students injuries;学校事故的法律责任分析——兼谈教育部《学生伤害事故处理办法》

5.On the Prevention Against Sports Injury Accidengts in the Sports Teaching;浅论体育教学中运动伤害事故的预防

6.Analysis of Responsibility Confines for Injury Accidentsin Physical Education Teaching;试析体育教学中伤害事故的责任界定

7.The Project on the Educational Value of University Students" Injuries Relief大学生伤害事故救助的教育价值研究

8.Discusses "Zhuang-zi" the Fable Story to Inspiration the Vocal Music Teaching试论《庄子》寓言故事对声乐教学之启迪

9.Brief analysis on safety accident prevention in university physical teaching浅析高校体育教学中安全事故的防范

10.The Reasons and Countermeasures of P.E. Accidental Injury体育教学意外伤害事故的归因与对策

11.Teaching Opinion on the Course of the Analyses and Treatment on the Accident of Project Quality“工程质量事故分析与处理”教学管见

12.The classroom accident prompted a quick review of school saftey policies.这次在教室发生的事故引起对学校安全事故的反思。

13.Application of the story telling in the language education for hearing-impaired children;故事教学法在听障儿童语言教育中的运用

14.Narrative Time of a Primary School Mathematics Teacher--The Story of "Number" and "Save Time"一位小学数学教师的时间叙事——“数字”与“省事”的故事

15.The Study of Story-Based English Reading Teaching in Higher Grades of Primary School;小学高年段基于故事的英语阅读教学研究

16.Case Study on the Implementation Strategy of English Teaching on Story in the Lower Grades of Primary Schools;小学低年级英语故事教学实施策略的个案研究

17.Causes of Injury Accidents and Countermeasures in PE Teaching;体育教学中学生伤害事故的起因与对策

18.Task-based Story-adaptation and Fostering of Learning Styles;任务教学模式下的故事改编与学习风格的培养


teaching accident教学事故

1.This paper analyzesteaching accidents happening in colleges and universities,introduces the process-control approach in enterprise management and the performance management approach in human resources management into university management,thus makes an attempt to perfect the management system so as to prevent and reduceteaching accidents.对高校教学事故问题作了分析,通过引入企业管理中的过程控制方法以及人力资源管理中的工作分析法和绩效管理方法,力图从完善管理制度方面来防范和减少教学事故的发生。

3)storytelling teaching故事教学

4)skill teaching技能教学

1.Development of the learning interests of the students in fitterskill teaching;在钳工技能教学中培养学生的学习兴趣

2.So Ningbo Municipality underlined the important status of theskill teaching in vocational education and impel the practice of multimodeskill teaching,and make some reflections on the skill salient teaching feature.因此,宁波市高度重视并充分认识到技能教学在职业教育中的重要地位,积极推动职业教育技能教学多元模式的实践,并进一步对凸显技能教学特色进行了思考。

5)Teaching skill教学技能

1.A new teaching skill training model for Normal students based on information technology;基于校园网的师范生教学技能训练新模式

2.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of physical education majors′ teaching skillsin higher normal colleges;高师体育教育专业学生教学技能Fuzzy综合评估的研究

3.Training of the teaching skills to the students in normal universities with the idea of new course——Taking physics-major students as an example;论新课程理念下高师学生教学技能的培养——以物理专业为例

6)teaching ability教学技能

1.The author renews the understanding of the concept ofteaching ability,and gives it a fuller meaning.对教学技能概念的本质进行了更新性认识,并赋予更充实的含义。

2.The results of this study indicated that the application of the micro-teaching teaching method have significant effects on improving theteaching ability of.结果表明:在中学体育教学法课程中运用微格教学,对提高师范生的教学技能成效显著,是一种行之有效的教学方法。


