1000字范文 > 黄河河套灌区 He-tao irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

黄河河套灌区 He-tao irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-15 11:56:59


黄河河套灌区 He-tao irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

黄河河套灌区,He-tao irrigation area

1)He-tao irrigation area黄河河套灌区

1.Water rights transformation and a WUA"s sustainable development problem inHe-tao irrigation area黄河河套灌区水权转换创新与WUA现实难题的破解思路


1.Water rights transformation and a WUA"s sustainable development problem in He-tao irrigation area黄河河套灌区水权转换创新与WUA现实难题的破解思路

2.Countermeasure on improving sugar beet production in Hetao irrigation area by the Yellow River;黄河河套灌溉区发展甜菜生产的对策

3.Research on Slight Saline Water Irrigation Modes in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区区域微咸水灌溉模式的研究

4.Study on the Mechanism of Consumption in Yichang Irrigation Sub-district of Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia along the Yellow River;内蒙河套灌区义长灌域耗水机制研究

5.Analysis and Optimum Adjustment on the Agricultural Production Structure of Yellow-river Irrigated Region of Hetao Plain in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古河套平原黄灌区农业生产结构分析及优化调整

6.Study on the Development of the Modern Agriculture in Wuyuan Oasis,Hetao Irrigated Areas,Inner Mongolia;河套灌区五原绿洲现代农业发展研究

7.The Water Administration of Suiyuan Hetao Irrigation Area in the Republic of China"s Period民国时期绥远河套灌区的水政(1912-1946)

8.Ancient Stone Tablet Inscriptions Concerning Water in Qinhe Irrigation Area in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River黄河下游沁河灌区古水利碑刻的认识作用

9.Suitable Planting Regionalization of Spring Wheat Based on GIS in Hetao Irrigation Area基于GIS的河套灌区春小麦适生种植区划

10.Climatic Regionalization of Sunflower Suitable Planting Based on GIS in Hetao基于GIS的河套灌区向日葵气候适宜性区划

11.Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of water-saving reconstruction of typical irrigation districts in lower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游典型引黄灌区节水改造综合效益评价

12.The Harm and Harness of Aggradation of Canal in the Irrigation Districts of Yellow River Estuary;黄河口引黄灌区渠道淤积危害与治理对策

13.Analysis of the Final Price of Farmer Consumer of Water in the Irrigation Districts of Lower Reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游引黄灌区农民用水户终端水价分析

14.Efficient Management Model in Yellow River Irrigation Area;黄河下游引黄灌区高效运行管理模式研究

15.The Study on Developing Eco-tourism in Yellow River Irrigation Area--A Case of Xiaokaihe Yellow River Irrigation Area;引黄灌区生态旅游开发研究——以小开河引黄灌区为例

16.Study on Agrometeorological Service for Sunflower Production in Hetao Irrigation Area;河套灌区向日葵生产的农业气象服务研究

17.The Establishment and Evaluation of Soil Fractal Characteristics and Pedo-transfer Functions in Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区土壤分形特征及转换函数推求与评价

18.Study on Ecological Benefits of Populus Popular s Farm-shelter Forest in Hetao-irrigated Region;河套灌区小美旱杨农田防护林生态效益研究


Hetao irrigation district河套灌区

1.N pollution of groundwater in Hetao Irrigation District.;河套灌区地下水氮污染状况

2.Determination and Evaluation on Soil Water Retention Curve Model in Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区区域土壤水分特征曲线模型的确定与评价

3.NO_3~--N Dynamics in a Spring Wheat and Radish Multiple-Crop System in the Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区春小麦-萝卜复种模式下土壤NO_3~--N动态

3)Hetao irrigation area河套灌区

1.Study on Agrometeorological Service for Sunflower Production in Hetao Irrigation Area;河套灌区向日葵生产的农业气象服务研究

2.Study on Water Saving and Salt Reduction Effect and Comprehensive Benefit of the Farmland Shelterbelt in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区节水、减盐型农田防护林效益研究

3.A system comprised of surface runoff model,soil water model and groundwater model was built up,according to the characteristics of hydrology inHetao irrigation area,in Inner Mongolia.根据灌区水循环的一般特征及河套灌区独特特征,建立了包括地表水、土壤水和地下水模型的河套灌区水循环数学模型,并在模型求解过程中实现三者的简单耦合。

4)Hetao irrigation region河套灌区

1.Base on the results of soil salt content and survival rate of trees at two thousands sample points in ten plots inHetao irrigation region,the relations among saline-alkali land type,soil salt content,forestation tree species and their survival rate have been anlyzed.以内蒙古河套灌区磴口县哈腾套海苏木至乌拉特前旗苏独仑农场10个样地2 000多个样点土壤含盐量的测定和林木成活率的调查结果为依据,分析了盐碱地类型、土壤含盐量与造林树种及其成活率的关系,结果表明:河套灌区12个造林树种中,不同树种在不同盐碱地类型和土壤含盐量条件下表现不同,胡杨、枸杞、沙枣、柽柳、白刺等可在多种盐碱土类型上生长,且在较高的土壤含盐量条件下能正常生长;同一树种在不同类型的盐碱地及土壤含盐量条件下表现也不一致,成活率在各种盐碱土上一般表现为硫酸盐盐土>氯化物盐土>苏打型盐土;根据耐受土壤含盐量上限将12个树种划分为弱度耐盐、中度耐盐和强度耐盐3类,耐受盐量上限分别为<1。

5)Yellow River irrigated areas黄河灌区

6)Irrigation areas along the Yellow River沿黄河灌区


