1000字范文 > 灌溉面积 irrigated area英语短句 例句大全

灌溉面积 irrigated area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-03 16:13:41


灌溉面积 irrigated area英语短句 例句大全

灌溉面积,irrigated area

1)irrigated area灌溉面积


1.In addition, 5,608 irrigation areas were completed, with the coverage of effectively irrigated farmland totaling 22.06 million hectares.建成灌区5608处,有效灌溉面积2206万公顷。

2.A total of 1.1 million hectares of land were converted into farmland with effective irrigation system. Another 1.8 million hectares of land were guaranteed by water-saving irrigation systems.全国新增有效灌溉面积110万公顷,新增节水灌溉面积180万公顷。

3.Over 900,000 hectares of land were converted into farmland with effective irrigation system, another 1.40 million hectares of land were guaranteed by water-saving irrigation system.全年新增有效灌溉面积90多万公顷; 新增节水灌溉面积140多万公顷;

4.The Change of Effectively Irrigated Land Area in China during the Past 20 Years;近我国有效灌溉面积动态分析

5.The new project of numerous canals and wells extended the farmland irrigation area, and the water conservancy business was developed.通过修建众多渠井工程,扩大了农田灌溉面积,农田水利事业有所发展。

6.Optimization of Control Area about Irrigation System of Low-pressure Pipeline in Facility Agriculture设施农业低压管道灌溉系统控制面积优化

7.Regional climate effects of large-scale agricultural irrigation related to South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China南水北调大面积农业灌溉的区域气候效应研究

8.Its ultimate aim is to provide year round irrigation facilities and increase the irrigable area of the country to higher limits.最终目标是更大限度的提供每年的灌溉设施和增加可灌溉的乡村面积。

9.Their total cultivated area is 500 mu, of which 300 mu is irrigate field.他们的全部可耕面积是五百亩,其中三百亩是可灌溉的土地。

10.Historical records also indicate a steady expansion in rice irrigation throughout the interval when methane values were rising.历史记载也指出,甲烷值上升期间,水稻灌溉的面积是稳定扩增的。

11.Irrigated land represents only15 percent of global cropland but generates40 percent of the crops.全世界只有15%的种植面积是灌溉士地,却生产出40%的作物。

12.Border check irrigation; strip irrigation : Flood irrigation in which land is divided into Border strips and water is delivered into each strip from a head or field ditch at its upper end.畦面灌溉;条灌:把地块分成畦沟,使灌溉用水从水头或灌渠较高一端流到另一端的灌溉方法。

13.Elsewhere rainfall ranges from modest to abundant, and rivers and underground water permit extensive irrigation.其他地区的降雨量有的适中,有的充足,河流和地下水源可用作大面积的灌溉。

14.Since the Russian authority implemented an aggressive irrigation programme in 1960, the size of the Aral Sea has shrunk by half.自从一九六○年前苏联当局通过实施广泛灌溉计画以来,咸海的面积已差不多缩减了一半。

15.Surge flow irrigation is a new surface irrigation technique developed in1980" s.涌流灌溉是80年代发展起来的一项地面灌溉新技术。

16.Construction of Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Irrigation面向精确灌溉的无线传感器网络构建

17.Emitters on trickle system can be blocked by precipitate.灌溉系统中的发射器会被沉积物所堵塞。

18.Effects of leaching salt on irrigation with harvested rainwater in accumulating salt orchards in semiarid regions半干旱山区积盐果园集雨灌溉洗盐效果研究


water-saving irrigation area节水灌溉面积

3)suitable irrigation area适宜灌溉面积

1.Thesuitable irrigation area in the Hotan oasis is 14.在水热平衡基础上,同时考虑生态与环境的要求,建立了适宜绿洲规模以及适宜灌溉规模的数学模型,计算出和田绿洲的适宜面积为6080~7690km2,现状条件下和田绿洲规模已达8420 km2,略超出适宜规模;同时计算出和田绿洲的适宜灌溉面积为14。

4)effective irrigation area有效灌溉面积

5)surface irrigation地面灌溉

1.Research status and trend ofsurface irrigation;地面灌溉的研究现状与发展趋势

2.Development and performance measurement of water depth measuring device applied forsurface irrigation;地面灌溉水深测量仪的研制及性能测试

3.Diurnal changes of photosynthesis of winter wheat under sprinkler irrigation andsurface irrigation conditions;喷灌与地面灌溉条件下冬小麦光合作用的日变化研究

6)surface water irrigation地面水灌溉


