1000字范文 > 星火灌区 Xinghuo irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

星火灌区 Xinghuo irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 02:54:02


星火灌区 Xinghuo irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

星火灌区,Xinghuo irrigation area

1)Xinghuo irrigation area星火灌区

1.Brief analysis on water-saving irrigation ofXinghuo irrigation area in Huachuan County;浅析桦川县星火灌区节水灌溉

2)Weixing irrigation area卫星灌区

1.Protecting the environment ofWeixing irrigation area and green food production plan;卫星灌区环境保护与绿色食品生产规划

2.Character of flood control and project planin Weixing Irrigation Area;卫星灌区的防洪特点与防洪工程规划


1.Brief discussion on plan and design of slope water intersecting projectin Weixing irrigation area;卫星灌区坡水交叉工程规划设计浅议

2.Pacific satellite太平洋地区卫星太平洋区域通信卫星

3.Regional African satellite communication system非洲区域卫星通信系统

4.Sub-Regional Andean Satellite System安第斯分区域卫星系统

5.a city and its satellite communities.一个城市及其卫星社区。

6.Optimization of Regional Coverage Reconnaissance Satellite Constellations by NSGA-Ⅱ Algorithm基于NSGA-Ⅱ算法的区域覆盖卫星星座优化

7.Research on Dynamic Division Region and Static Management Strategy in Satellites Constellations Communication System卫星星座通信系统动态分区静态管理策略研究

8.Regional Evaluation Seminar on Satellite Crop Monitoring卫星作物监测区域评价讨论会

9.Can Satellite Towns Control Urban Scale?卫星城能起控制市区规模的作用吗?

10.The Mapping Accuracy of Satellite Imagery Block Adjustment卫星遥感影像的区域网平差成图精度

11.In the satellite working area of the test building alone, there were four video cameras pointing at the satellites from different angles.仅在卫星测试厂房的卫星工作区,就配有4台摄像机,从不同角度对准卫星。

12.satellite - to - satellite tracking卫星-卫星跟踪技术

13.low altitude satellite低高度卫星低空卫星

14.The footprint of a microcomputer;the footprint of a communications satellite.微型电子计算机的覆盖区;通信卫星的覆盖区

15.Satellite(s) for Health and Rural Education卫生与农村教育卫星(卫农卫星)

16.A natural satellite revolving around a planet.(行星的)卫星围绕行星运转的天然卫星

17.The highlighted circle is the region where the satellite is at least10° above your horizon. The size of the circle depends on the height of the satellite.高亮显示的圆形区域,卫星的高度至少在地平以上10度。圆形区域的大小取决了卫星的高度。

18.Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for the Regional African Satellite Communication System非洲区域卫星通信系统机构间协调委员会


Weixing irrigation area卫星灌区

1.Protecting the environment ofWeixing irrigation area and green food production plan;卫星灌区环境保护与绿色食品生产规划

2.Character of flood control and project planin Weixing Irrigation Area;卫星灌区的防洪特点与防洪工程规划

3)spark project intensive zone星火项目密集区


1.Evolvement ofMars Atmospheric Circulation Model;火星大气环流模型研究进展

2.Fragmentation of meteorite pits onMars surface;火星表面陨石坑的碎形特征


1.Present Situation and Developing Trend of IT Application in Rural Sci-tech (SP) in Jilin Province;吉林省(星火)农村科技信息化现状及发展思路

6)irrigation area灌区

1.Several experiences in supervision of water-saving improvement engineering in Fenheirrigation area;山西省汾河灌区节水改造工程监理的几点体会

2.Research on quantitative model of water resources carrying capacity inirrigation area;灌区农业水资源承载力模型研究


星火燎原1.谓小火花可以引起燎原大火。语本《书.盘庚上》:"若火之燎于原,不可向迩"。 2.喻微小的事物有广阔的发展前途。
