1000字范文 > 理工类院校 technology institute英语短句 例句大全

理工类院校 technology institute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-02 00:09:22


理工类院校 technology institute英语短句 例句大全

理工类院校,technology institute

1)technology institute理工类院校

1.On the English curricular designing in Hebeitechnology institutes河北省理工类院校英语专业课程设置调查与分析


1.Reflections on College English Vocabulary Teaching;理工类院校大学英语词汇教学之反思

2.The Building of a Harmonious Environment for Behavioural Culture in Colleges of Science and Engineering理工类院校和谐行为文化环境的构建

3.Status analysis of quality art education in the universities of science and engineering and a search for means for improvement;理工类院校艺术教育现状分析及提高途径

4.Academic Atmosphere among Liberal Arts Studentsin Regional Universities of Technology: A Survey-Based Analysis;地方理工类院校人文社科学生学风调查与分析

5.Some Proposals on Scientific and Technological Writing in Colleges of Science and Engineering;关于理工类院校开设科技写作课的几点思考

6.Development Tendency and Approach of the Comprehensive Social Sciences Journals in the Universities of Science and Technology理工类院校综合性社科学报的发展趋势及思路

7.The Study on the Functions of Technological University Library in the Information Quality Education;图书馆在我国理工类院校学生信息素质教育中的作用研究

8.How to Conduct Classified Psychological Make-up Education in Science and Technology Colleges;理工院校学生心理健康分类教育初探

9.The Research of Education Major Graduate Students Training in Science and Engineering Academies;理工科院校教育类研究生的培养研究

10.Theory and Practice of Geophysical Specialty Construction in Polytechnic Universities;工科院校地球物理类专业建设的理论与实践

11.A Study on Arranging the Course of Physics to Engineering Majors in Higher Vocational College;物理课程在高职院校工科类专业中设置的研究

12.Uniform Enrollment:A New Training Mode for Finance Undergraduate Students in the University with Science and Engineering Characteristics;大类招生:理工科院校金融本科培养的新模式

13.Research on Needed Psychological Consultation of Higher Vocational College Students;工科类高职院校大学生期望的心理辅导研究

14.Exploration on the Teaching Mode of Business Administration Major in Vocational and Technical College;对高职院校工商管理类专业教学模式的探讨

15.Study on the Innovation about the Curriculum System Setting of Business Administration Specialty in Architectural Colleges;建筑类院校工商管理专业课程体系改革探索

16.On the Meaning of Multimedia Creation in Science and Technology Specialty in Higher Vocational College;论高职院校理工类专业多媒体制作的意义

17.Analysis of engineering management major in chinese financial and economic universities;财经类院校工程管理专业开设情况分析

18.On the Choice of PE Teaching Model in Science and Engineering Higher Vocational Colleges论理工类高职院校体育教学模式的选择


science-and-technology-specific higher educational universities理工类高等院校

1.This paper aims at exploring the construction of a business English course system based on the principle of fundamentality,scientificity,uniqueness,and adaptability inscience-and-technology-specific higher educational universities,while considering resources factor,features of business English courses,and the market demand for the human resources in business scope.本文主要探讨理工类高等院校应如何依托资源特点,结合商务英语课程特征,及市场对商务英语专门人才的需求规律,构建具有基础性、科学性、独特性和适应性的商务英语课程体系,并在工作实践中具体运用,收到了较好的效果。

3)universities of science and engineering理工院校

1.There are more than 100 humanities and social sciences edition of journals by theuniversities of science and engineering in China.目前全国理工院校主办的人文社科学报已达100多家,在我国高校人文社会科学学报序列中具有举足轻重的地位。

4)University of Science and Engineering理工院校

1.Characteristics of publishing journal of social science in university of science and engineering;理工院校社科学报的办刊特色

2.Methods Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) was applied to freshmen from HumanUniversity of Science and Engineering in Hunan Province in .目的探讨和分析地方理工院校大学新生心理健康状况,以便有效地进行心理健康教育和临床心理辅导。

5)universities of science and technology理工院校

1.Development of the English education inuniversities of science and technology by strengthening academic discipline construction;理工院校英语专业应该加强学科建设

6)university of science and technology理工院校

1.The language and literature program in auniversity of science and technology has its own characteristics.理工院校的文科专业办学有其特殊性。


