1000字范文 > 计量技术机构 institution of metrological technology英语短句 例句大全

计量技术机构 institution of metrological technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-15 19:26:20


计量技术机构 institution of metrological technology英语短句 例句大全

计量技术机构,institution of metrological technology

1)institution of metrological technology计量技术机构

1.This paper analyzes on the situation of theinstitution of metrological technology in the national defense and military industry in Shanxi Province, and in the light of the existing problems, advances some ideas and presumptions of the reform.分析了山西国防军工计量技术机构情况,针对存在的问题,提出了改革的思路和设想。


1.Grow with Each Passing Hour Promote and Measure Technological Administrative Structure Reform;与时俱进 促进计量技术机构改革

2.Probe into the Reform of the Institution of Metrological Technology in Shanxi s National Defense and Military Industry Fields;山西国防军工区域计量技术机构改革探讨

3.Development restriction factor and the countermeasure initially discussion for metrology technique institute of county level县级计量技术机构发展的制约因素及对策初探

4.Simple Discussion on Better Services for Institution of Metrological Technology浅谈计量技术机构如何更好地服务客户

5.There were altogether 4,770 authorized measurement inspection institutions, which enforced compulsory inspection on 31.05 million measuring instruments in 2002.全国共有法定计量技术机构4770个,全年强制检定计量器具3105万台件。

6.There were altogether 3,875 authorized measurement inspection institutions, which enforced compulsory inspection on 22.12 million measuring instruments.全国共有法定计量技术机构3875个,全年强制检定计量器具2212万台件。

7.To Strengthen the Construction of Talent People&Improve the Whole Quality of the Technical Organsof Measurement;加强人才队伍建设 提升计量技术机构的整体素质

8.Using 6SIGMA management improve administration of the metrology organization;浅谈用六西格玛管理改善计量技术机构的经营业绩

9.Metrology Technology Institution Should Quicken Reformation to Establish in Order to Adapt the Demand of the Market Economy Develop;计量技术机构应加快改革以适应市场经济发展需要

10.Discussion on Development Direction and Management Model of Central City Metrology Technical Institutions中心城市计量技术机构发展方向和管理模式探讨

11.Consideration on Giving Full Play to Measurement Technical Institute"s Professional Function in Railway Transport Enterprise对发挥铁路运输企业计量技术机构职能作用的几点思考

12.Discussing the Development Tropism about Provincial Institutions of Measuring Technology in Accordance with the Progress of Xinjiang Research Institute of Measurement & Testing;依照新疆计量测试研究所的发展探讨省级计量技术机构的发展取向

13.Agency for measurement examination and determination refers to a relevant technical agency which undertakes measurement examination and determination.计量检定机构是指承担计量检定工作的有关技术机构。

14.The Technology of Colorful Surface-structured Light 3D Measurement Based on Computer Coding;基于计算机编码彩色结构光三维测量技术研究

15.Some Views on Facing WTO for the Legal Metrology Verification Institution;法定计量检定技术机构如何面对入世之我见

16.About How to Use and Fill in Certificated File Issued by Metrology Evaluation Technical Institution;浅谈计量检定技术机构证明文件的使用和填写

17.Design and dynamic simulation on measuring plunger mechanism of dumpling machine based on Pro/E technology基于Pro/E技术的饺子机计量活塞机构的设计与动态仿真

18.Reform of Organizations of Quality Inspection for Qualityand Technique Supervision System;质量技术监督系统质检机构改革浅议


metering technology计量技术

1.Take the metering of condensate gas in Yakla-Dalaoba Gasfield for example, a multianalysis is carried out on the physical properties of condensate gas,operating environment of metering instruments and characteristic of meters, andmetering technology for the different requireme.针对凝析气气质特性较为复杂,给气田天然气计量仪表选型、使用及维护带来较大困难的情况,以雅克拉-大涝坝凝析气田为例,从凝析气气质特性、计量仪表工作环境、仪表特性等多个角度进行了分析,讨论了适合凝析气田天然气不同计量要求的计量技术。

3)measurement technology计量技术

1.In view of the different characteristics of well measurement in low, medium and high water-bearing period in Ansai Oilfield, describes the application of digitalmeasurement technology in the single well, the well group and the well station of Ansai Oilfield; evaluates the application effect.针对安塞油田在低、中高含水期油井计量的不同特点,对数字化计量技术在安塞油田单井、井组和井站的应用状况进行了描述,对应用效果进行了评价,并提出了安塞油田计量技术向仪表化、自动化、数字信息化方向发展的规划。

2.The explanation centers around the relationship of energymeasurement technology and technological reform of energy conservation in enterprises.论述了企业能源计量技术与节能技术改造的关系,强化各种先进能源计量技术的应用力度,提高企业的能源计量管理水平。

3.The 18th and 19th centuries are a key period when Weihgts and Measures in Ancient Times stepped into themeasurement technology, and also a period when the military technology and crafts made the most rapid development.18、19世纪是计量技术由古代度量衡走向现代计量技术的关键时期,同时也是一个军事技术飞速发展和工艺发达的时期,作为军事技术核心的武器技术与计量技术存在着错综复杂的关系。

4)measuring technique计量技术

5)technical institutions技术机构

1.Discussion on the actuality and developmental direction of the standardization oftechnical institutions in Fujian Province福建省标准化技术机构现状与发展方向研讨

6)Metrological Institution计量机构


国家计量局(见中国计量行政机构)国家计量局(见中国计量行政机构)State Bureau of Metrology, China:see metrological administrative department, ChinaG州泊J iliang」u国家计t局(StaleB~of见中国计1行政机构。MetiDI卿,China)
