1000字范文 > 北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology英语短句 例句大全

北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-07 03:23:57


北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology英语短句 例句大全

北京理工大学,Beijing Institute of Technology

1)Beijing Institute of Technology北京理工大学

1.Study on Cultural Characteristics ofBeijing Institute of Technology论北京理工大学文化特色


1.Inoue A et al. Evaluation of Infinitely Variable Displacement Compressors with Thermal Expansion Valves in A Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning system. SAE Congress Paper 880052.黄天泽.汽车空调系统设计与使用维修.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1997.

2.Brief Introduction of Lighting Design Scheme for the Olympic Venue in Beijing Institute of Technology北京理工大学奥运场馆照明设计方案简介

3.Electric boilers energy saving retrofit cases of Beijing Institute of Technology北京理工大学电锅炉节能改造实例分析

4.Research and Practice of Social Work Practice System--Based on the Example of Beijing Institute of Technology社会工作专业实习体系的研究与实践——以北京理工大学为例

5.Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch(eds.), Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Sage Publications, 1995.中译本:盛晓明译,《科学技术论手册》,北京理工大学出版,。

6.An Analysis on BOCOG"s Venue-oriented Organizing Model--Taking the Venue Operation Team in BIT as an Example北京奥组委“场馆化”模式的组织分析——以北京理工大学体育馆运行团队为例

7.The Returning of Sports to Education--Exploring the Pattern of Beijing University of Technology Football Team;体育回归教育——北京理工大学足球队“体教结合”模式探悉

8.More Neatness, More Humanness, More Solidity--a Response to the Success of BIT Football Team s Entrance into the A-Level;更干净、更人性、更团结——由北京理工大学足球队冲甲成功引发的思考

9.On the Actuality and Developmentof the Specialized Technical Team of Beijing Institute of Technology;对北京理工大学专业技术队伍现状及发展的一些看法

10.Guanghua Management College,Beijing University北京大学光华管理学院

11.I received my MBA degree from Beijing University in 1994.我于1994年在北京大学获得的工商管理硕士学位。

12.An Employment Survey of Graduates of Science and Engineering Universities in Beijing;北京市理工科大学生就业市场调查研究

13.Management of Open-shelf Reading in University Library;完善北京林业大学图书馆开架借阅的管理工作

14.A comparison between mathematics course designs of MIT and BUPT;麻省理工学院与北京邮电大学数学专业课程设置比较

15.The Integration and Optimization of Teaching Resources in Beijing University of Chemical Technology;北京化工大学教学资源的整合与优化

16.The Use Research on Olympic Arena That Built in Beijing University of Technology after Beijing Olympic Games;北京工业大学奥运场馆赛后利用研究

17.Research and Application of Sport Scientific Research Statistics Management Information System of Teachers and Employees in Beijing Sport University;北京体育大学教职工科研统计管理系统的开发与运用

18.He studied physics in Beijing University for two years.他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年。


the male football team of BIT北京理工大学足球队

3)Beijing University of Technology北京工业大学

1.Beijing University of Technology:practice of water-saving campus construction北京工业大学建设节约型校园的探索与实践

2.Through searching the data of Scientific Citation Index Expanded from 1996 to ,this paper is meant to review papers,the important journals,cooperation nation and organization,subject,language and authors ofBeijing University of Technology according to SCI papers and their citations.以北京工业大学1996—被SCIE数据库收录的论文为研究对象,从论文的数量、学科分布、期刊分布、合作国家与机构、语种分布、作者分布和论文被引等方面进行了统计和分析,在此基础上对北京工业大学的科研现状进行初步探究,为科技决策者制定合理的人才培养和学科发展政策提供了量化基础和决策支持。

4)Beijing University of Chemical Technology(BUCT)北京化工大学

5)Peking University北京大学

1.Setting Tuition Levels and Financial Aid Policy of Graduate Education According to Multifactor Market Deciding Theory: The Case ofPeking University;北京大学研究生学费定价与资助政策研究报告——基于多因素市场决定论的院校个案

2.Application of POE Methodology In Open Space Framework Planning——Case Study ofPeking University Campus;基于POE研究的校园开放空间改造性规划——以北京大学为例

3.Bibliometrics Analysis of Highly Cited Papers Published byPeking University from 1996 to ;1996—北京大学发表高引用论文的统计分析

6)Beijing university北京大学

1.Application of POE methodology in open space research——case study of Jing Garden onBeijing university campus;校园开放空间POE研究——以北京大学静园为例

mentary on School-Running Funds When Cai Yuanpei Was the President of Beijing University;蔡元培时期北京大学办学经费述评

3.The Idea and Realization of World First-class University ——On the Personnel System Reform in Beijing University;世界一流大学目标的理想与现实——浅议北京大学人事制度改革


