1000字范文 > 公益讲座来啦!卡城想做进出口贸易的朋友们千万别错过!


时间:2023-07-10 14:52:59



关于出口中国(食品)知识讲座 第一讲

Seminar of (Food) Exporting to China – Section 1

由中国检验认证集团在阿尔伯塔省举办的首次关于出口中国(食品)专 题讲座即将登场,欢迎大家报名参加。

The first special seminar on food exporting to China organized by the CCIC in Alberta is about to appear. You are welcome to sign up for participation.

主办单位:中国检验认证集团加拿大公司(CCIC Canada)

Host: China Certification and Inspection Corporation Canada Inc. (CCIC Canada)


Co-Host: Henan Fellowship of Alberta Canada Association Chinese Professionals & Entrepreneurs Association of Calgary

时间: 年 9 月 12 日 14:00pm

Date and Time: Sep. 12 th, 14:00pm

地点:Mount Royal University, West Gate, Y224 Classroom

Location: Mount Royal University, West Gate, Y224 Classroom



Ⅰ The Introduction of Food Import Process with Chinese laws & regulations System

1. 中国市场机遇

China Market Opportunities

2. 出口中国的渠道

Channels for Exporting Products to China

3. 中国法律法规体系

Chinse Laws and Regulations System

4. 中国常用商品规范

Popular Products Regulation of China

5. 中国检验认证集团加拿大公司简介

Introduction of CCIC Canada Ltd.


Ⅱ “One-Stop Service” Export Accelerating Platform

1. 贸易前服务

Pre-trade service

• 海关注册、农业部登记、食品药品卫生许可

GACC permit, MoA Registration and CFDA permit

• 中国有机认证、3C 认证、

China Organic and CCC Certification

• GB 检测、中文标签、中检溯源

GB Test, Chinse Label and Origin Traceability

2. 增值服务:中检优选+自贸快销

Value-added:CCIC Top Quality + China FTZ Gateway

• 中检优选

CCIC Top Quality

• 自贸快销

China FTZ Gateway


Ⅲ Cross-Border E-Commerce

1. 背景

The Background

2. 什么是跨境电子商务

What is Cross-Border E-Commerce

3. 跨境电子商务主要业务模式

Main Business Models of Cross-Border E-Commerce

4. 试点城市

Pilot Cities

5. 与一般贸易的区别

Differences with General Trade

6. 跨境电子商务的检验检疫 I

nspection and Quarantine of Cross-Border E-Commerce

讲座面向专业及企业人士,需提前登记且名额有限。登记请联系阿尔伯塔代表庞忠瑞 。

Note: The Seminar is for professionals and entrepreneurs and needs to be registered in advance, and the number of seats is limited. For registration, please contact Alberta representative Mr. Pang, Zhongrui

阿尔伯塔联系人:庞忠瑞 Alberta

Contact: Mr. Zhongrui Pang

Phone: +1 587 439 1104

email: pangzr@

