1000字范文 > 制度性规范 institutional law英语短句 例句大全

制度性规范 institutional law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 22:25:34


制度性规范 institutional law英语短句 例句大全

制度性规范,institutional law

1)institutional law制度性规范



1.As an efficiency mode for restricting public power,responsible government of modern democracy consists of multi-value,runningsystem and sustaining surrounding.从制度规范角度来说,从可问责政府到责任政府的构建意味着政府从承担消极责任向积极责任的定向转变与责任意识的深度内化;责任实现机制在程序上的科学设计和在体系上的有效运行;一整套良性的积极的体制系统的支持,并与我国现实行政改革相兼容。

2.The course of enhancing accounting information quality is also a way of improving lawsystem, propertysystem, corportysystem, corporationsystem and accounting standards.完善制度规范是提高我国会计信息质量首先应考虑的问题。


1.The Law Governance and System Regulation of Deceptive Behaviors in Accountancy会计造假行为的法律治理与制度规范

2.On the Nature and Normative Qualification of the Shooting-Dead on the Spot;“当场击毙”行为的性质定位与制度规范

3.Morality:The Prerequisite of Running Educational Institutions and Standards Reasonably;道德:教育制度规范合理运作的前提

4.Lead development of corporate policies/practices领导制定公司制度/规范

5.Support implementation of corporate policies/practices协助实施公司制度/规范

6.Improving the System of Enterprise and Standardizing the Action of Strypped-down Enterprise;完善企业制度,规范改制公司经营行为

7.The defects are regulations of law system to prevent from the risk of the listed company;上市公司风险防范法律制度的缺陷与规范

8.Drafting of policies and practices for "sensitive"and "important"transactions起草“敏感”及“重要”交易制度和规范

9.The method and experience of standardizing shift-making training规范全院交接班制度的实施与体会

10.II) Systematization and standardization for the whole course of service.第二:服务全过程的制度化、规范化。

11.improve the market exit mechanism for financial institutions规范金融机构市场退出制度

12.The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents shall be standardized.规范城市居民最低生活保障制度。

13.establishing and improving the control system and normalize the daily security control;建立完善管理制度 ,规范日常安全管理 ;

14.Norms are kinds of conceptions as well as institutions.规范既是一种制度,又是一种观念。

15.Research on How to Improve the System of Fiscal Transfer Payment;规范和完善政府间转移支付制度研究

16.Research on Formalization of Rural Informal Finance;农村民间金融规范化发展的制度研究

17.Study on the Regulatory Documents Repealing System in China;我国行政规范性文件撤销制度之研究

18.A Probe into the Construction and Standardization of China s P.E. Arbitration System;我国体育仲裁制度的构建与规范刍议




1.As an efficiency mode for restricting public power,responsible government of modern democracy consists of multi-value,runningsystem and sustaining surrounding.从制度规范角度来说,从可问责政府到责任政府的构建意味着政府从承担消极责任向积极责任的定向转变与责任意识的深度内化;责任实现机制在程序上的科学设计和在体系上的有效运行;一整套良性的积极的体制系统的支持,并与我国现实行政改革相兼容。

2.The course of enhancing accounting information quality is also a way of improving lawsystem, propertysystem, corportysystem, corporationsystem and accounting standards.完善制度规范是提高我国会计信息质量首先应考虑的问题。

4)Normative documents filing system规范性文件备案制度

1.Normative documents filing system is an important part of the administrative legal supervision system.规范性文件备案制度是行政法制监督的一项重要制度,对于促进依法行政,建设法治政府和法治社会中具有重要意义。

5)standardized institutionalization规范制度化

6)compulsory norm强制性规范


