1000字范文 > 制度性因素 Institutional Factors英语短句 例句大全

制度性因素 Institutional Factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-24 00:41:05


制度性因素 Institutional Factors英语短句 例句大全

制度性因素,Institutional Factors

1)Institutional Factors制度性因素

1.Empirical Analysis on theInstitutional Factors Crucial to the Development of Stock Market——Based on the Classifications of Law Origin and Culture Family;股市发展的制度性因素实证分析——基于法律渊源体系和文化体系的划分

2.This pa- per uses the National Sample Survey data from the National Bureau of Statistics,through the Logistic model and To- bit models empirically analyzes the factors affecting the levels of coverage and levels of treatment for cities and towns basic old-age insurance,focusing on the impact institutional factors on the level of old-age insurance.养老保险水平包含覆盖水平和待遇水平两个方面,本文运用国家统计局全国抽样调查数据,通过logistic模型和Tobit模型分别对影响城镇基本养老保险覆盖水平和待遇水平的因素进行了实证分析,重点研究制度性因素对养老保险水平的影响。

3.In addition,we analyze further some important special institutional factors in China and unveil.并通过制度性因素的分析,进一步揭示了我国工业行业技术创新价值链中存在的诸多问题,得出了克服工业企业技术创新的结构性问题,通过制度改革和建设重构工业技术创新体系中企业的主体地位,改善竞争环境,提高对企业技术创新的激励来最终提高我国工业行业技术创新价值链的整体绩效的有益结论。


1.Study on the Effects of Institution Factors on the Development of Commercial Forestry;林业制度性因素对商品林发展的影响

2.On the Systematic Factors of Influencing American Educational Reform;影响美国教育改革的制度性因素探析

3.Analysis on the Institutional Factors to Restrain the Effects of Monetary Policy;货币政策效能约束的制度性因素分析

4.Other restraints on the development of private enterprises because of the current system;还有哪些制度性因素制约民营经济发展?

5.A Study on Over-speculation of China s Stock Market and Its Institutional Factors;我国股票市场高投机性的制度性因素研究

6.Dispute on Income and Distribution; Institution and Suggestion;关于收入分配的争议、制度性因素以及建议

7.On the Non-Systematic Factors of Influencing American Educational Reform;影响美国教育改革的非制度性因素探析

8.On the Institutional Factors Causing Peasantry Poverty in China;论导致我国农民贫困问题的制度性因素

9.Economics Analysis of the Corruption Resulted by the Elements of System in Transformation Period in Our Country;我国转型期腐败的制度性因素的经济学分析

10.An Analysis of the Insititutional Factors on the Widening Divergence of Individual Income Distribution of China;中国居民收入分配差距扩大的制度性因素分析

11.Studying on the institutional factors on the regulatory in efficiency in Chinese stock market;论中国证券市场监管低效的制度性因素

12.Systematic Factors of Smooth Management of the Pre-Mid Period of Shanxi Draft Bank;山西票号中前期顺利经营的制度性因素

13.Analysis of the Institutional Factors for the Urban-rural Imbalanced Supply of Public Goods in China中国城乡公共产品供给失衡的制度性因素剖析

14.Economic Factors and Lawyer System--The Macro-investigation about the Determination Factors Effecting Lawyer System;经济因素与律师制度——对影响律师制度决定性因素的宏观考察

15.The Influence on The Ownership System by Evil Side of Human Being s Nature;人性中恶的因素对所有权制度的影响

16.The Non-reasonable Factor to the Effect and Sublation of the System Innovation;非理性因素对制度创新的作用及扬弃

17.Institutional Absence:the Internal Factor of Affecting the Effectiveness of Quality Education--According to the View of the New Institutional Economics;制度缺位:影响素质教育有效性的内在因素——基于新制度经济学视角

18.braking efficiency factro制动效能因素(制动强度)


institutional factor制度性因素

1.Because of manyinstitutional factors such as the incomplete property right system,the differentiated treatment between native and foreign capital,the unsound private property protection system and the financial deficit policy,China experiences large-scale capital flight.由于转轨期产权制度不完善、对内外资的差别待遇、私人财产保护制度不健全和财政赤字政策等制度性因素,我国出现了大规模的资本外逃现象。

2.This thesis embarks on the system demand to analyze theinstitutional factors that affect the technological innovation of Liaoning s traditional superior industries.从制度需求出发,对影响辽宁传统优势产业技术创新的制度性因素加以剖析。

3)non-systematic factors非制度性因素

1.It can t be ignored that somenon-systematic factors,such as ideological ideas,customs and habits,behavior ways,which relate to ideology and cultural tradition in the process of mankind life,influence educational reform.人类生活进程中逐渐积累下来的,与意识形态和文化渊源有关的思想观念、风俗习惯、行为方式等非制度性因素对教育改革的影响不容忽视。

4)Institutional Influencing Factors制度性影响因素

5)system factor制度因素

1.Analysis onsystem factor of peasants income increase easing up;农民收入增长趋缓的制度因素分析

2.The effecting factors include two aspects,the first one is the technology factor,which is the factor in the technology operation plane,the second one is thesystem factor,which is the factor in the system formulation plane.交易费用包含了从发现对象、进行谈判、合约签订、合约履行到交易后果环节的成本开支,其影响因素主要包括两个方面:一是技术因素,即在技术操作层面影响交易费用的因素;二是制度因素,即在制度形成层面影响交易费用的因素。

6)system factors制度因素

1.A comparative analysis of thesystem factors of economic growth in China s Eastern and Western areas;东西部经济增长中制度因素的比较分析

2.With the system analysis framework and from the view of system structure and incomplete contract, this paper points out thesystem factors, which obstruct the tradable permit policy in China, mainly result from the defect of system structure of tradable permit.本文利用制度分析框架从制度结构与不完全合约的角度分析表明,妨碍我国排污权交易政策实施的制度因素主要是排污权交易制度结构的缺陷所致。

3.System factors play an important role in affecting the productivity of agricultural key factors during the process of agricultural development.在我国农业发展过程中,制度因素是影响农业要素生产率的重要因素。


