1000字范文 > 书画市场 calligraphy and painting market英语短句 例句大全

书画市场 calligraphy and painting market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-28 07:28:07


书画市场 calligraphy and painting market英语短句 例句大全

书画市场,calligraphy and painting market

1)calligraphy and painting market书画市场

1.The conditions and characteristics that caused the prosperouscalligraphy and painting market in Song Dynasty are introduced.介绍了促成宋代书画市场兴盛的条件以及特征。

2.Calligraphy and painting market is a place where to sale calligraphy and painting works and of.这就要求我们进行调查研究,借鉴国外先进的管理理念和模式,提出能促进我国书画市场健康发展的对策。


1.Analysis of the Phenomena of Price Falling Back of the Market of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting in and ;浅析、书画市场价格回落现象

2.Impaction of market economy on creation of calligraphy and painting--about Chinese modern literati painter;书画艺术创作与市场经济的碰撞——当代中国文人画家解读

3.Seek the Tension between Painting and Calligraphy Value and Market Value--Inspiration on Seeing Zhen Banqiao s Painting Ad.;寻找书画作品艺术价值与市场价值的张力——郑板桥书画润格“广告”的启示

4.Emotion Breaking Chinese Cartoon Market;浓情动画片—打开中国动画市场的利刃

5.A book is like a picture of life or of a city.一本书有如一幅人生的图画或都市的图画。

6.In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.在该国, 色情书画曾一度在黑市出售。

7.The Influence of Hong Kong Drawing Art Market Toward China Drawing Art Market Factor Research香港绘画艺术市场对大陆绘画艺术市场的影响因素研究

8.On China"s Oil-paintings Market under the Background of Modern Market Economy浅谈当代市场经济背景下的中国油画市场

9.It is currently the strongest sector of the picture market.眼下,这是绘画市场最坚挺的部分。

10.Current Situation and Prospect of the Chinese Contemporary Prints Market中国当代版画艺术市场现状及其前景

11.Administrative Secretariat of MERCOSUR南锥体共同市场行政秘书处(秘书处)

12.Value Orientation of Modern Art of Painting--The Influence of Mar Economy on Modern Painting Art;论当代绘画艺术的价值取向——市场经济对现代绘画艺术的影响

13.I like drawing, reading and riding a horse.我喜欢画画、读书、骑马。

14.I like drawing and reading.我喜欢画画和读书。

15.children"s picture, drawing or coloring books儿童图画书、绘画书或涂色书

16.Marketers are still figuring out what makes them tick.市场商人仍然正在理解什么使他们画勾号。

17.Marketing Strategy Research of the Ruiming Licensing Carbon Fiber HAVC Made by Jinhui Company;金辉公司瑞明电暖画市场营销策略研究

18.The Changing Concept of Chinese Contemporary Oil Paintings under the Context of Art Market;艺术市场语境下中国当代油画的观念转变


The Painting and Calligraphy market北京书画市场

1.The Painting and Calligraphy market(PACM) in the Republic of China was in a transfer period from traditional stage to modern stage.本文以民国前期(1912-1937年)北京书画市场作为研究对象,针对当时书画市场的具体构成要素—供给者、中介机构、购求者三方进行细致的梳理与论证。

3)animation market动画市场

4)Oil painting market油画市场

1.China\"s oil painting market has always been the most weak, most desolate and least dynamic plate.油画与市场结合,在中国内地最早可追溯到20世纪80年代,晚于已形成规模的港台地区的油画市场。

5)lithograph market版画市场

1.To prosper thelithograph market,lithograph education should be developed,markets of lithographic works promoted and qualities of the lithographers improved.中国版画自1996年走向市场后,发展并不理想,应通过大力发展版画教育,努力培育版画艺术品市场,不断提高版画家素质等措施来繁荣和发展版画市场。

6)book market图书市场

1.Problems inbook market and suggestions for regularization;图书市场存在的问题及整治建议

2.Book Marketing Strategy in the Digital Age;数字时代图书市场营销策略研究

3.Calling the book industry,book marketing competition书业竞争呼唤图书市场营销


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
