1000字范文 > 文人书画 scholar calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

文人书画 scholar calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-29 00:08:26


文人书画 scholar calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

文人书画,scholar calligraphy and painting

1)scholar calligraphy and painting文人书画


1.Shallow Talk Chinese Traditional Scholar Calligraphy and Painting an Education in of Appreciate Beauty Tendency;浅谈中国传统文人书画教育中的审美倾向

2.The calligraphy art and painting art of literatus derived from the same origin, but calligraphy of literatus and the painting of literatus did not develop at the same time.书画艺术同源发展,但文人之书与文人之画的发展却有先后之别。

3.He paints love letters and their recipients.他画情书和情书收信人;

4.Impaction of market economy on creation of calligraphy and painting--about Chinese modern literati painter;书画艺术创作与市场经济的碰撞——当代中国文人画家解读

5.the guqin headed the list of four subjects scholars trained themselves in along with chess, calligraphy and painting.故文人修养中的"琴、棋、书、画" 四艺,列其为首。

6.The theories about handling brush and ink are similar in calligraphy writing and traditional Chinese picture drawing.特别是在宋元文人画出现以后,绘画用笔讲究从书法中来,水墨写意与书法的行草意趣相通。

7.Paintings, calligraphy, classical poetry and Beijing Opera were four nameplates of Chinese culture.文人画、书法、古典诗词和京剧,成为精神文化的四大名牌。

8.Sha MengHai s Calligraphy Thoughts and Chinese New Learning in the Early 20th Century;试论《书画书录解题》一书的书法文献辨伪

9.To Correct the Errors of “Xu Shushi Huiyao” Recorded in “Peiwenzhai Shuhua Pu”;《佩文斋书画谱》署录《续书史会要》正误

10.On the Life of Poet Monk Fu Guang of Yuan Dynasty书显昭文——元代书、画、诗僧溥光生平考述

11.Attended the Opening Ceremony of23 rd Malaysian Chinese Culture Festival" Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition", organized by Dewan Perhimpunan Tiong Hua Terengganu.会长谢庆土出席第23届全国华人文化节"春泥书画展"开幕仪式。

12.Painting and Cauigraphy s Beauty and Life s Beauty--On professor Xiao and Professor Lu s work;书画的美和人生的美——读萧萐父、卢文筠教授著《缀玉集》

13.New Scholar s Painting: Modern Transformation of Traditional Scholar s Painting;新文人画:传统文人画的现代性转换

14.On the new Literator s painting from the connotation of it;从“新文人画”的内涵评“新文人画”

15.Key Components in the History of Chinese Painting and Literature--Interpretation of ZHENG Ban-qiao s Paintings and Poems;中国书画史和文学史上的浓墨重彩之笔——郑板桥书画诗文解读

16.Chang"an (present-day Xi"an), capital of the Tang Dynasty, was the cultural center at that time, and many famous men of letters and artists lived there.当时的都城长安(今西安)是全国文化中心,汇集了许多著名的文人和书画家。

17.In recent years all localities in China have held various performances, sports contests, and other cultural activities, such as calligraphy, painting, photography and philately, for the disabled.近几年,全国各地广泛举办残疾人参加的各种文艺演出、体育比赛和书画、摄影、集邮等文化活动。

18.painting book for children (with or without subsidiary text)儿童绘画书(不论是否有辅助课文)


painting and calligraphic literatures书画文献

3)literati painting文人画

1.Impact of "literati painting" on the artistic ideology of Chinese classical garden design;文人画对中国古典园林设计艺术思想的影响

2.The Reconstruction of the Oil Painting Language under the Influence of Literati Painting Aesthetical Characteristics;文人画审美品格影响下的油画语言重建

4)scholar painting文人画

1.The Essence and the Contemporary Meaning of Scholar Painting;文人画的本质及其当代意义

2.Thescholar painting is defined on the basis of the composing idea and aesthetic appeal,not on the form of expressin,of the painting.文人画是指创作思想和审美情趣而言 ,并不是指在表现形式上属于水墨还是工笔。

5)Literati Painting文人绘画

1.On the Zen Buddhism s Influence on the Thinking Mode of ChineseLiterati Painting;禅宗对中国文人绘画思维方式的影响

6)the scholar and painter文人画士


