1000字范文 > 税制构建 Model英语短句 例句大全

税制构建 Model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-19 06:49:22


税制构建 Model英语短句 例句大全




1.A Comparative Study of Banking Tax-Burden and Its Tax System Construction;银行业税收负担比较分析及其税制构建

2.Strategic Choice of Tax System Optimization: Establishing Double Type Tax System Structure;税制优化战略选择:构建双型税制结构

3.The Concept of Construction of Collecting Taxes for Social Securities in China;我国开征社会保障税的税制建设构想

4.A Blueprint for Establishing a "Fair" Personal Income Taxation System构建“公平型”个人所得税制的构想

parison of the Finance and Tax System among China, Russia and England in the Later Feudalism Times;制税权·财政危机·赋税结构——中、俄、英封建晚期财税体制比较

6.Theory of Ecological Taxation and the Construction of Ecological Tax System in China;生态税收论与我国生态税制体系的构建

7.On the Construction of Tax Agent System:Theories,Problems and the Suggestion for the Related Terms of the Basic Tax Law;税务代理制度建构与税收通则法条文设计

8.Foreign Ecological Taxation Policy and Thinking for Construction of Ecological Taxation System in Our Country;国外的生态税收政策与我国生态税制建设构想

9.Building Personal Income Tax System in Fair Ethical Perspective;税收公平伦理视角下的个人所得税制建构

10.Canceling agricultural tax and construction of unified taxation system between urban and rural areas;取消农业税与构建城乡统一税制的思考

11.On the Construction of China"s Legal System on Income Tax on Non-Resident Enterprises论我国非居民企业所得税税收法律制度的建构

12.Orientation of the Resources and the Environment Tax under the Condition of the Green Tax System构建绿色税制条件下资源环境税的现实取向

13.The Issues and Discussion on Establishing the System of Green Tax Revenue in China;构建我国绿色税制的问题与对策探讨

14.Construction of Creditor s Rights of Tax Revenue and Civil Law Protect Ways;论税收债权及其民法保护制度的构建

15.Property Tax System s Reform:Summary and Tax System Design;深化我国房地产税制改革:体系构建

16.On the Construction of a Service-oriented Tax System;构建“公共服务型”税制的基本思路

17.Study on Construction of Reconciliation System of Taxation Administration Lawsuit论我国税务行政诉讼和解制度的构建

18.Discussion on the Establishment of Chinese Complementary Tax Debt Legal System论我国税收补充债务法律制度的构建


construction of tax system税制建设

3)Tax system creation税制创建

4)tax system structure税制结构

1.Research on the Optimization of Tax System Structure in China;我国税制结构优化问题研究

2.Therefore, it is of great meaning to research how to construct a rationaltax system structure.税制结构是社会经济制度及其发展变化在税收领域中的反映 。

3.The reform and opening up policy has been carried out for 30 years,Our country has gradually formed the "double main body"tax system structure,which takes the transaction tax as the first main body categories of taxes,takes income tax as second main body categories of taxes.改革开放30年来,我国已逐渐形成以增值税为代表的流转税类为第一主体税种,以企业所得税为代表的所得税类为第二主体税种的"双主体"税制结构。

5)taxation structure税制结构

1.A Study on Some Problems of Optimization of Taxation Structure in China;我国税制结构优化的若干问题探析

2.According to the existingtaxation structure and pollution charge in China,the authors analyze the confinement and possibility of the DDE of EX in China,and give the advice of creating the DDE of EX in China.在阐述环境税双赢效应产生的基础上,详细描述和论证了环境税实施为有关国家带来的成果,并针对我国现行税制结构和污染收费情况,分析了我国出现双赢效应的局限与可能,进而提出了创造中国式环境税双赢效应的建议。

3.On the basis of expounding the appearance of the DDE(double dividend effect) of EX(environmental tax),the EX effect was depicted and analysed on those countries in which the EX applied,and according to the existingtaxation structure and pollution fee in China,the limitation and possibility of the DDE of EX were analysed in China,and the advice of creating the DDE of EX in China was given.环境税是近几年来社会关注的焦点问题,在阐述环境税双赢效应产生的基础上,论证了环境税实施为有关国家带来的环境和非环境效益,并针对我国现行税制结构和污染收费情况,分析了我国出现双赢效应的局限与可能,进而给出创造中国式环境税双赢效应的建议。

6)structure of tax system税制结构

1.Analysing the influence of economic factors on thestructure of tax system should consider tbe following: the influence of economic range and structure on macro-tax burden;the relationship between direct tax and indirect tax & economic development and macro-tax burden;the relationship between the individual tax category & economic devel- opment and thestructure of tax system.分析经济因素对税制结构的影响,具体分为:经济规模及结构对宏观税负在经常收入中集中程度的影响;直接税、间接税与经济发展和宏观税负的关系;个别税种与经济发展和税制结构的关系。


