1000字范文 > 分类所得税制 classify income tax system model英语短句 例句大全

分类所得税制 classify income tax system model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-02 17:00:48


分类所得税制 classify income tax system model英语短句 例句大全

分类所得税制,classify income tax system model

1)classify income tax system model分类所得税制


1.The Predicament of Classified Income Tax and the Reform;分类所得税制模式的现实困境及其改革

2.A Design Plan of A Cross-classify-integrate Individual Income Taxation交叉型分类综合个人所得税税制设计

3.basic exemption for the classified income tax分类所得税的基本免税额

4.Theoretical Analysis on Income Tax Accounting Standards;所得税会计准则制定的理论背景分析

5.Implementing ABC Classification Method in income Tax Management;所得税管理中实施ABC分类管理方法分析

6.Rebuilding the Legal System of Personal Income Tax in Our Country--be Based on the Analysis of Personal Income Tax s Function;我国个人所得税法律制度的重构——基于个人所得税的功能分析

7.He broke down those income tax totals by age group.按年龄分类,他给出了那些所得税总数的细目表。

8.Study on Plans of Enterprise Income Tax under Tax System in Force;论现行税制下的企业所得税纳税筹划

9.The budget is designed to indicate major categories of revenue sources such as personal income tax, ad valorem sales tax and business tax.预算的制定要显示出各类主要税收,如个人所得税,从价税和营业税等。

10.A Study of Taxation Scope and Income Subject to Taxation in The Law of the People s Republic of China on Individual Income Tax;《个人所得税法》征税范围和应税所得制度研究

11.Form Fairness and Essence Fairness of Classification on Taxable Income to Determine Tax Rate论应税所得分类确定税率的形式公平与实质公平

12.On the basis of the tax-sharing reform, new reforms for sharing income tax revenue were implemented in our fiscal system.财政体制在分税制改革的基础上,实行了所得税分享改革。

13.American Tax System and the Reform of Individual Income Tax in China;美国税制与我国个人所得税制的改革

14.deferred concept of income tax allocation所得税递延分摊概念

15.traveller allocation行商所得税期间分摊法

16.Distributional and Financial Effects of Personal Income Tax Reform;个人所得税制度改革的分配效应和财政效应

17.Analysis on Individual Income Tax and Income Disparity;我国个人所得税制问题分析与改革措施

18.Perfecting the System of Individual Income Taxation and Realizing Income Distribution Function;完善我国个人所得税制,实现其收入分配职能


schedule income tax分类所得税

3)classify synthesize income tax system分类综合所得税制

1.In this paper,author expounds strongpoint and disadvantages of synthesize income tax system and classify income tax system model andclassify synthesize income tax system,as well as their applicable conditions,besides author analyses abuse of China actual classify income tax model and necessity of reform that model,that is,put in practice the classify synthesize income tax sy.通过对综合所得税、分类所得税、分类综合所得税三种税制模式优缺点及适用条件的阐述说明,分析我国分类所得税存在的弊端及改革之必然,即最早在采用分类综合所得税制模式;此种模式是我国借鉴国内外实践之经验、从理论上比较三种模式之优劣、分析考虑我国之具体国情的理性选择。

4)Classified income tax分类所得税制模式

5)income tax system所得税制

1.Following the step of PRC s development,income tax system of new China has already passed the course of winds and rains over half a century from scratch,from irregular to relative regular,forming income tax with industrial incoming tax,interest tax,and agricultural tax as its content.伴随着共和国发展的脚步,新中国的所得税制已走过半个多世纪的风雨历程,其间经历了从无到有、从不规范到相对规范的发展过程,形成了以工商所得税、存款利息所得税、农业税为主要内容的所得税制。

6)negative income tax system负所得税制

1.Thus, Pass to promote thenegative income tax system, make"low protect"change into" negative tax ".本文认为,通过推行负所得税制,把低保制度、贫困救助制度、个人所得税制度三者联结起来,使"享受低保"变为"负纳税",将全体公民纳入到税法的约束当中,这样既可以较好地维护社会公正分配、控制收入差距,又可以让农民等社会困难群体都成为纳税人,维护税收公平,强化全民纳税意识。


累进所得税制(progressive income tax)累进所得税制(progressive income tax):税率随着个人应纳税款的增加而上升(直至达到某一点为止)的所得税制度。
