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病毒病 virus disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-26 18:51:50


病毒病 virus disease英语短句 例句大全

病毒病,virus disease

1)virus disease病毒病

1.Preliminary report of controlling pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)virus disease by applying 20% Confider SL and 70% Antracol WP in field;应用康福多、安泰生联合防治辣椒病毒病大田试验初报

2.Advances of Research on Virus Disease ofPseudostellaria heterophylla;太子参病毒病及其脱病毒研究进展


1.A disease caused by a virus.病毒病一种由病毒引起的疾病

2.Studies on Identification of Viral Disease Pathogens and Establishment of Virus-free Technology in Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge.;丹参病毒病原鉴定与脱病毒技术研究

3.Detection of Citrus Virus or Viruslike Diseases in the South of Zhejiang Province浙江南部柑桔病毒病和类似病毒病鉴定

4.Occurrence of Lily Virus Disease and Detection Methods of Virus;百合病毒病发病因素与病毒检测方法的研究

5.Epidemiological Investigation of Porcine Circovirus Disease Infection in Pigs in Wulin Mountainous Area;武陵山区猪圆环病毒病流行病学调查

6.The study of viruses and viral diseases.病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究

7.adeno-associated satellite virus腺病毒伴随卫星病毒

mon cold virus感冒病毒[归于鼻病毒属]

9.bovine viral diarrhea virus牛病毒性腹泻病毒[归于黄病毒科瘟病毒属]

10.Viral diseases Diseases caused by viruses.病毒性疾病:病毒造成的疾

11.HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus.艾滋病病毒是指人体免疫缺损病毒,

12.rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus兔出血病病毒[属杯状病毒科]

13.any of a group of RNA viruses including those causing rabies.一组RNA病毒包括引起狂犬病的病毒。

14.Study on Molecular Virology and Epidemiology of Sen-Virus;SEN病毒分子病毒学和流行病学研究

15.psittacosis-lymphogranuloma viruses鹦鹉病-淋巴肉芽肿病毒

16.feline viral respiratory disease complex猫病毒性呼吸系统疾病

17.Rauscher leukemia virus劳舍尔氏白血病病毒

18.HIV infection/AIDS艾滋病毒感染/艾滋病


Virus diseases病毒病

1.Surveys of virus diseases of oilseed rape and serological diagnosis of the viruses in Hubei and Anhui Provinces;湖北和安徽省油菜病毒病调查和病毒血清鉴定

2.Advance in virus diseases and devirus of the bulbous flowers;球根花卉病毒病及脱毒的研究进展

3.The experiment for testing the efficacy of the chemical medicament Germ poison jinx on virus diseases was conducted.辣椒病毒病已成为焉耆垦区辣椒生产中的主要病害,是当前生产上急需解决的重要问题。

3)viral disease病毒病

1.Viral diseases are the most serious diseases to the aquatic animals, and they are also the most obstacles to the development of aquatic breeding.近年来,中国水生动物病毒病的研究取得了一定成就,但是还有许多方面的研究有待加强,有很多未知领域需要进行探索与研究。

2.A contract experiment in prevention and cure of aviral disease of Haliotis divericolor aquatilis had been taken in four abalones feedlot in Dongshan county in Fujian province.在福建东山4 个发病的鲍鱼养殖场进行了病毒病防治的对比试验。


1.The Occurrence of TomatoVirus and Controlling Methods;番茄病毒病的发生规律及无公害综合治理

2.Effect ofVirus on the Fruit Quality and Physiological Indexes of Chili Pepper;病毒病对线辣椒果实品质和生理指标的影响

3.Evaluation on Resistance (Tolerance) of YunnanRape Germplasm toVirus, Sclerotinioseand Downy Mildes;云南地方油菜种质资源抗(耐)病毒病、菌核病和霜霉病的鉴定研究


1.The influence of the dishcloth gourdvirosis onthe yield and quality of the dishcloth gourd;丝瓜病毒病对丝瓜产量和品质的影响

2.Effects of Sowing and Seedling Propagation Modes on Seedlings Growth of Hot Pepper and Tomato and Occurrence of Virosis in Plastic Shed;播种育苗方式对大棚辣椒、番茄幼苗生长及病毒病发生的影响

6)Borna disease virusBorna病病毒

1.Detection ofBorna disease virus P24 RNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells in psychiatric patients;重庆地区精神疾病患者Borna病病毒感染的初步报道

2.ObjectiveThe objective was to establish one-step real-time RT PCR, which is superior to traditional Fluorescent quantitative nested RT PCR, to rapidly detectBorna disease virus in diseased hosts, for nationwide molecular screening of potential infections.目的本研究旨在关注中枢神经新发感染性病毒Borna病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV),拟对BDV一步法实时RT-PCR检测方法进行一些有益的探索,并和前期开发建立的BDV荧光定量套式逆转录酶聚合酶链反应(FQ-nRT-PCR)检测方法进行比较,优选出快速、准确、敏感、特异的检测BDV的方法,为大规模流行病学监测提供一种简便、可靠的检测手段。


