1000字范文 > 烟草病毒病 tobacco virus diseases英语短句 例句大全

烟草病毒病 tobacco virus diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 22:04:21


烟草病毒病 tobacco virus diseases英语短句 例句大全

烟草病毒病,tobacco virus diseases

1)tobacco virus diseases烟草病毒病

1.The disease status oftobacco virus diseases in main tobacco planting areas of Anshun prefecture was investigated in ~.~对安顺地区烟草主产区烟草病毒病的调查表明,和西秀区、平坝、紫云3区县的发病率分别为38。

2.The results also showed that the severity oftobacco virus diseases was .研究了贵州省烟田蚜虫的种类,结果表明:迁入到烟田的蚜虫隶属9种,其中桃蚜(Myzus persicae)、甘蓝蚜(Brevicoryne brassicae)、豆蚜(Aphis craccivora)、萝卜蚜(Lipaphis erysimi)、麦长管蚜(Macrosiphum miscanthi)占诱集蚜量的90%以上,尤以桃蚜数量最大,是烟田传播病毒病的主要蚜种,能传播多种烟草病毒病。


1.Virus Detection of Tobacco Viral Disease and Analysis of Viruses Mixed-infection in Some Tobacco Growing Areas部分烟区烟草病毒病病原检测及复合侵染分析

2.Studies on the Detection and Control of Tobacco Virus Diseases in Hunan Province;湖南省烟草病毒病的检测及防治研究

3.The Research of Incidence Characteristics and Control Technology of Tobacco Virus Diseases in Baise of Guangxi广西百色烟草病毒病发生特点及控制技术应用

4.Occurrence and Integrated Control Methods of Virus Diseases in Tobacco烟草病毒病的发生及综合防治方法研究进展

5.Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Coat Protein Induce Tobacco Against Plant Virus烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白诱导烟草抗病毒作用

6.Induced Resistance of Tobacco to Tobacco Mosaic Virus by Chito-Oligosaccharides;壳寡糖诱导烟草抗烟草花叶病毒研究

7.Preliminary Study on Seed-borne Transmission of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Tobacco;烟草种传烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的初步研究

8.Both disorders were caused by the American tobacco ringspot virus.两种病害是美国烟草环斑病毒引起的。

9.Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies烟草曲茎病毒/DNAβ病害复合体研究进展

10.Effect of antiviral agents to interaction of TMV with tobacco chloroplast.抗病毒剂对烟草花叶病毒与烟草叶绿体互作的影响

11.dsRNA Mediated Virus Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) in Tobacco Plants;dsRNA介导的烟草抗烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的研究

12.Studies on Anti-TMV Activity of Botanical-derivated VFB;植物源抗病毒剂VFB抗烟草花叶病毒(TMV)活性研究

parative Analysis of Beet Black Scorch Virus and Tobacco Necrosis Virus;甜菜黑色焦枯病毒和烟草坏死病毒的比较病毒学研究

14.Preliminary Studies on the Tobacco Virus Types and Dominant Species in Anhui province安徽烟草病毒类型及优势种初步研究

15.Molecular Identification and Detection Methods of Tobacco Viruses;烟草主要病毒的分子鉴定与检测技术

16.The Expression of Recombinant Rotavirus Multi-epitope in Tobacco;重组轮状病毒多表位在烟草中的表达

17.The Experssion of Rotavirus VP4 and VP7 in Tobacco;轮状病毒VP4、VP7抗原在烟草中的表达

18.Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Potato Virus Y Resistance in Tobacco;烟草马铃薯Y病毒病抗性遗传及分子标记


tobacco virus disease烟草病毒病

1.Incidence related factors and integrated control oftobacco virus diseases in Guangxi广西烟草病毒病发生相关因素分析及综合防治研究

2.On the basis of genetic algorithm and back propagation network, the state oftobacco virus diseases was forecasted and predicted in this paper, according to the diseases state and climate data of Changwu city, Shanxi province from 1984 to 1998.使用陕西长武1984~1998年的烟草病情资料及当地气象资料作为样本,将遗传算法与反向传播网络(BP网络)应用于烟草病毒病预测。

3.The occurrence characteristics and high occurrence reason oftobacco virus disease were introduced.介绍了烟草病毒病的发生特点、高发原因,并从预测预报、农业措施、综合防治等方面总结了病毒病的防治措施,以为有效控制病毒病的发生提供参考。

3)Tobacco virus烟草病毒

1.Based on researches reported in recent years,the developments of detection methods for tobacco virus,included indicator plant method,electron microscope method,immunology,and molecular biology techniques were introduced in this review.近年来烟草病毒病发生病普遍,且日趋严重,对烟草的产量及质量影响很大,使烟草行业蒙受巨大损失。

4)tobacco aphid-transmit virus diseases烟草蚜传病毒病


1.Studies on Selection of Anti-TMV Pesticides and Synergized Action;抗烟草花叶病毒病的药剂筛选及复配增效作用研究

2.1%ZnSO 4 increased the seedling vegetative growth,chlorophyll content,photosynthetic intensity,vitality of root system and lipoxygenase(lox) of tobacco and reduced disease incidence and incidence index ofTMV.1 %硫酸锌对烟草花叶病毒病的防治效果。

6)tobacco mosaic virus烟草花叶病毒

1.Expression and antibody preparation of Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein;烟草花叶病毒运动蛋白的表达及特异性抗体制备

2.Detection oftobacco mosaic virus in tobacco floating seedlings;烟草漂浮苗烟草花叶病毒带毒率检测

3.Inhibition of the infectivity of Tobacco mosaic virus by paeonol;丹皮酚对烟草花叶病毒的抑制作用


